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Autumnal Equinox

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Today for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere it is the

first day of fall for those in the Southern Hemisphere The start of

Spring . I hope we can all take a moment or two to appreciate the

Seasons passing and reflect on the changes and benefits in our lives

and on how The changing seasons effect us .

What changes depends on where you live every area has differences .

Here near Los Angeles Its still going to be in the mid nineties this

week . so I'm still making cold drinks and salads and taking care to

stay cool while I still check that we do have our " winter " supplies

in hand , cleaning the heater making sure we have the herbs and

medicines and clothing on hand that we will need in the months ahead .

I have Neighbors who stubbornly pack away their grill bring out their

coats and sweaters and winterize their pools each Labor Day even

though the weather here is often good for tube tops , barbecues and

swimming through Christmas. They refuse to adapt to the real

conditions around them but cling to old routines regardless of their

current value . Wherever we are our happiness is most likely to be

gained when we are in harmony with the Seasons and rhythms of the area

where we live .

Both spring and Fall are good times to clean and cleanse in order to

prepare for the changes as Spring is a time of preparation for

planting for active growth and vitality , Fall is time of reflection

, study and consolidation of the harvest , this is also time to

reflect on the seasons past and what you have learned and gained from them .

Have We cleared out those habits and patterns that no longer serve us ?

Are we ready for what lies ahead ?

Rather than offer the usual lists of what stones are appropriate to the

season I'm just going to suggest that we inventory our own stones to see

what calls us now . Right now for me the Sunstone and Amber and some

green agate is calling me more than the Sapphire and Lapis and

Fluorite and other stones one might see on some Autumn stone lists .

I find that Apophylite and Pink Stilbite help me with adapting to change

Charoite seems to help me let go of the past ,and transform old

routines to new but the stones that call me to work with them may not be

the ones for you.

Anyway I wish you all a Happy Equinox and a pleasant and peaceful

season ahead

wherever you are .


Peggy Jentoft

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Dear Peggy,


I think this is actually the first time I have posted

since I have joined this list. Mainly, it is because

I am just learning about gems, stones and crystals so

I don't have a lot to say as of yet.


However, your post did make me reflect and when I

looked out of the window it took me back to when I was

a child and how big and beautiful the world seemed to

be. I think I could feel the spiritual world so much

more as a child and the reflection actually brought

that back for a few moments.


Thank you for the post. By the way I don't live far

from LA myself and I do picnic at Christmas Time. In

fact I love it because the parks are a lot less



Love, Light, and Peace,


--- rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:



Today for those of us who live in the Northern

Hemisphere it is the

first day of fall for those in the Southern

Hemisphere The start of

Spring . I hope we can all take a moment or two to

appreciate the

Seasons passing and reflect on the changes and

benefits in our lives

and on how The changing seasons effect us .

What changes depends on where you live every area has

differences .

Here near Los Angeles Its still going to be in the mid

nineties this

week . so I'm still making cold drinks and salads and

taking care to

stay cool while I still check that we do have our

" winter " supplies

in hand , cleaning the heater making sure we have the

herbs and

medicines and clothing on hand that we will need in

the months ahead .

I have Neighbors who stubbornly pack away their grill

bring out their

coats and sweaters and winterize their pools each

Labor Day even

though the weather here is often good for tube tops ,

barbecues and

swimming through Christmas. They refuse to adapt to

the real

conditions around them but cling to old routines

regardless of their

current value . Wherever we are our happiness is

most likely to be

gained when we are in harmony with the Seasons and

rhythms of the area

where we live .

Both spring and Fall are good times to clean and

cleanse in order to

prepare for the changes as Spring is a time of

preparation for

planting for active growth and vitality , Fall is

time of reflection

, study and consolidation of the harvest , this is

also time to

reflect on the seasons past and what you have learned

and gained from them .

Have We cleared out those habits and patterns that no

longer serve us ?

Are we ready for what lies ahead ?

Rather than offer the usual lists of what stones are

appropriate to the

season I'm just going to suggest that we inventory our

own stones to see

what calls us now . Right now for me the Sunstone and

Amber and some

green agate is calling me more than the Sapphire and

Lapis and

Fluorite and other stones one might see on some

Autumn stone lists .

I find that Apophylite and Pink Stilbite help me with

adapting to change

Charoite seems to help me let go of the past ,and

transform old

routines to new but the stones that call me to work

with them may not be

the ones for you.

Anyway I wish you all a Happy Equinox and a pleasant

and peaceful

season ahead

wherever you are .


Peggy Jentoft





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[CrystalHW] Autumnal Equinox.


Hi, Peggy, Thanks for your message, like to send some sun to us here in

England where it is grey and pouring with rain? I in turn have been promising

my friends in Oz where there is a massive drought to set up a big fan here and

blow some rain their way. What comes around, goes around.


Just to say thanks for yesterday's post, it brought me back to myself. And

synchronicity again, I have been desperately homesick this week, lots of grief

to let go and move on, and as I read your comments about apophyllite and

stillbite, I looked at the lovely piece of apophyllitte with some stillbite in

it which has just arrived courtese of e-Bay, and gave thanks for the lovely help

that enters our lives when we need it!


Thanks again, you have reminded me to go with the flow.

Love and hugs, Mo.





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