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experimental energy transmission

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I have offered this to a few people and have gotten positive feedback on it so

thought I would offer it to the crystal Healing workshop members who might want



" plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath

This is a transmission of an energy shower that works to remove fear based

emotions and thoughts/ thought forms throughout the physical and subtle bodies

runs from the heart and goes where ever needed can be run for others by

intention either hands on or remotely by intending to beam/ send the energy

outward from your heart chakra can be run for your self and others

Call in the transmission and/ or the attunement by intending to


receive it. I want feed back on this one The Original Fear removal bath

attunement I got was said to be of Egyptian origin but this one which came in

to me seems to include Huna and Japanese type energies .


Peggy Jentoft


> http://solarraven.com


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I would be very interested in this attunement.




--- rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:



I have offered this to a few people and have gotten

positive feedback on it so thought I would offer it to

the crystal Healing workshop members who might want it



" plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath

This is a transmission of an energy shower that

works to remove fear based emotions and thoughts/

thought forms throughout the physical and subtle

bodies runs from the heart and goes where ever needed

can be run for others by intention either hands on or

remotely by intending to beam/ send the energy outward

from your heart chakra can be run for your self and


Call in the transmission and/ or the attunement by

intending to


receive it. I want feed back on this one The

Original Fear removal bath attunement I got was said

to be of Egyptian origin but this one which came in

to me seems to include Huna and Japanese type energies



Peggy Jentoft


> http://solarraven.com






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Just called it in. I could feel my crown chakra energize and then my

heart chakra began to feel like a cool stream of energy was running

out of it. Also could feel a bit of energy at my throat before it

was done, and my palm chakras got warm.


I will let you know if I feel any other affects and how it makes a

difference for me in any situations that previously made me feel



Thank you for this, Peggy. It's very much appreciated!





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[CrystalHW] experimental energy transmission



Hi, Peggy, Synchronicity again, had a sudden burst of fear about something

coming up last night, open up e-mail this morning and there's your message re

energy transmission. I'll be taking this up this evening as I'm just to duck

out shortly.

Thanks very much, love and hugs, Mo.




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Dear Peggy,


Thank you so much for this! I jumped when I read your post late last night - I

am not normally on the pc at that time of night - but this is so relevant for me

right now.


I decided to call in the attunement before I went to bed last night, and I

seemed to go very quickly into a deep meditative state. I was VERY relaxed. I

was aware of the energy being received through my crown chakra but that

awareness was more through my subtle senses than through my physical ones. I

wasn't aware of any particular feeling in my heart chakra but I was so relaxed I

was almost in a trance! so maybe that counts. After a period of time (I

couldn't say how long) I almost physically had to force my eyes open so that I

could wake up enough to go to bed. I slept very well last night, no nightmares,

and I feel much more positive and alive this morning than I have done for a long

time. I haven't yet run the energy but I will post more when I do so when it is



Thank you for a much needed experience!


Best wishes,




rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:

I have offered this to a few people and have gotten positive feedback on it so

thought I would offer it to the crystal Healing workshop members who might want



" plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath

This is a transmission of an energy shower that works to remove fear based

emotions and thoughts/ thought forms throughout the physical and subtle bodies

runs from the heart and goes where ever needed can be run for others by

intention either hands on or remotely by intending to beam/ send the energy

outward from your heart chakra can be run for your self and others

Call in the transmission and/ or the attunement by intending to


receive it. I want feed back on this one The Original Fear removal bath

attunement I got was said to be of Egyptian origin but this one which came in

to me seems to include Huna and Japanese type energies .


Peggy Jentoft


> http://solarraven.com






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Do we have to read something on the site, or simply read the information

below with the intent? I'm a little confused about the PROCESS (as ususal!).



Vicki Satta





> I have offered this to a few people and have gotten

>positive feedback on it so thought I would offer it to

>the crystal Healing workshop members who might want it



> " plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath

>This is a transmission of an energy shower that

>works to remove fear based emotions and thoughts/

>thought forms throughout the physical and subtle

>bodies runs from the heart and goes where ever needed

>can be run for others by intention either hands on or

>remotely by intending to beam/ send the energy outward

>from your heart chakra can be run for your self and


> Call in the transmission and/ or the attunement by

>intending to


>receive it. I want feed back on this one The

>Original Fear removal bath attunement I got was said

>to be of Egyptian origin but this one which came in

>to me seems to include Huna and Japanese type energies



>Peggy Jentoft


> > <http://solarraven.com>http://solarraven.com

> >





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Dear Peggy,


Thanks for this transmission. I felt something immediately and wonder

if it is because I really needed it. To me it feels like gently

swirling energy surrounding and caressing me. I will let you know the

results if and when I am able to integrate it.


As the mother of 2 teens, one of whom has a disability, I tend to

have many fears and worries. One of my biggest fears is that

something will happen to me before my daughters have a chance to

become independent and self-sufficient.


Thanks and love,




, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> I have offered this to a few people and have gotten positive

feedback on it so thought I would offer it to the crystal Healing

workshop members who might want it


> " plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath

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Victoria Satta wrote:


>Do we have to read something on the site, or simply read the information

>below with the intent? I'm a little confused about the PROCESS (as usual!).



>Vicki Satta




The process does not change I set transmissions and attunements up so

that they can be called in by intention at the convenience of the

recipient . Usually these are set up with about a one week window of

availability .

One relaxes or meditates and asks that if it is in accord with their

highest good they receive the attunement or transmission. then one

intends to get it and allows it to come in and after it does one can try

out any activatable functions .

I do virtually all remote attunements and sample transmissions this way

and will have a written notice if there is any variation in the form .

Unless it is one of the systems for which there is a manual normally

their is not any text or invocation or chanting or anything other than

intention to receive required .



Peggy Jentoft

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A big thank you too if this transmission is part of the peace I feel this

morning. I worked with a psychic healer and master of many things, and some of

the extreme pain and total fear of what was going on has gone.


When you suffer from chronic pain, one thing you can't lose is hope.


Love Always,







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, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> >

> " plum blossom " Fear dispelling energy bath



Hi Peggy and thank-you....I will call it in when I have some quiet

time in the next day or so...thank-you for offering this to us.I will

let you know if I can feel it as I'm pretty new to all

this...blessings, jeanie

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