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Just in case you haven't seen this before, forwarding it on for your prayers:


Love Jo


My Friends


I received this this morning and have thougfh all day about sharing it with you.


What can we do???


I do not know but we can send unconditional love to all involved.

If you are led to share this wider please do so.


Blessings, Love and light






At 11:16 AM 18/11/2003 -0800, Olsi wrote:


Dear Dr. Hata,

Assalamu aleikum


You are right for the below conclusion. Our life in Albania

and Kosova is very difficult indeed when compared with your

life in Malaysia. Nevertheless you have your own challenges

as well. But things are not going so well in Albania and

Kosova, as we might have expected after the liberation of

Kosova. The region at present is under massive poverty,

Western hegemony and insecurity. I go in Kosova often for

conferences and other activities. The situation is very

desperate there. There is massive unemployment (60% of the

able people), growing poverty and prices are extremely

high. Many kosovar students who studied in Malaysia before

remain unemployed when they go back in Kosova. The same

goes on in Albania where unemployment rates are too high as

well. 48% of the working force is unemployed. The rest of

our workforce works mostly overseas, in Greece and Italy.


But in contrast with Kosova where the Albanian population

is more islamically oriented and people preserve Islam in

their tradition and family relations, in Albania we are

suffering under a grave Christian hegemony and propaganda

Dr. Hatta. Vatican and Athens are sponsoring from their

institutions to our political parties for their new

reconquista in Albania. They are very aggressively building

their future empire upon impoverished Albanians. Even that

we as Albanians in Albania proper are 75% Muslims we have

not been able to recover much of our past Islamic identity

yet. After 9 / 11 many of the Arab organizations operating

in the country were closed down and at present our

institutional Islam is in a state of disarray and

bankruptcy. We Albanians, even that are greater in number

than the Bosnians have never managed to built intellectuals

and scholars and institutions as they have done. I keep on

wondering why we as the biggest Muslim nation of Europe are

continuously failing to do that.


Last week I was in London and was amazed with the high

level of islamization and the number of Muslims living in

UK. They had fine Islamic Cultural Centers, Mosques,

publications, organizations, freedom of _expression etc even

that they are numerically inferior. But we in Balkans,

especially Albanians continue to be inferior for building

our Islamic Institutions for reislamizing our own folk. The

politics of our state apparatus which interferes

continuously in Islam’s affairs in Albania and

discriminates Muslim activists has made many of our

brothers frightened. Many of our graduates from Islamic

countries abandon Albania after coming back. They find no

institutions where they can work. Many of them go back in

countries like Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Malaysia and even UK

and USA. This is making the revival of Islam in Albania at

present very difficult. Some other reasons for the

difficulty of our revival can be:


- One the massive poverty of Albanians

- Second the poor Islamic understanding and feeling of

Jammah between Albanians

- Third the many pressures which Albanian Muslims get from

the Christian Europe when they try to recover and reinstate

their Islamic identity. In comparison to UK, the situation

of Muslims in Albania and Kosova is unimaginable. In UK

Muslims had so many rights, in education, work etc. But in

our countries (Kosova and Albania) our Muslim sisters

cannot get jobs when they are covered. They get fired from

the schools and no western Human Rights organization ever

makes a cry for our pain. Muslim activists are

discriminated in state jobs and our media, which is

controlled by the Orthodox mafia who rules Albanian at

present and western interests. It is always vigilant in

demonizing Islam and Muslims. I have been personally victim

of many hate articles in our press because of my islamic



Since coming in Albania, 1 year and 5 months ago I have not

been able to work in sectors where I can contribute for the

Islamization of history and social sciences, except writing

in the local press and academic journals. The reason for

this is that our present state run institutions are ruined

and every institution we have in Albania is foreign

controlled. Christian missionaries are coming from as far

as from Texas and building Baptist and Protestant

Institutions in Albania, but the Muslim World seems

determined to forget us, as it did with Andalusian Muslims

600 years ago.


Unfortunately we Muslims in Albania have not managed as yet

to build our Institutes of Islamic learning and persuasion.

For this reason during my last week’s visit in UK I tried

to approach some British Muslim brothers, asking for their

help for setting up an Islamic Cultural Center in Tirana.


I do not know Dr, Hata if JIM or any other Malaysian

organization could help us on setting up an Islamic

Cultural Center in Tirana? But I do believe that with the

conditions in which Islam is in Albania at present setting

up an Islamic Cultural Center is a must. And as always with

our inherited poverty, we will have to rely on foreign help

for maintaining a ghetto of Islamic Culture surviving in

our cultural - Christian invaded Albania.


May Allah accepts our prayers during this Ramadan and

Lailat-ul Qadr brother. Please convey my salams to all our

M’sian brothers.




Yours in Islam




--- mohamed hatta shaharom <hatta wrote:

Wassalamualaikum wr,


It's been about a year and 5 months since I saw you (and

your wife) off at KLIA. May Allah s.w.t. bless your family and the Muslims

in Albania during this sacred month and the approaching festive Eid. As

compared to what you're going through in Tirana and the other cities and

villages of Albania, many non-Malaysian Muslims may say that our life

here in Malaysia is a breeze. But, as a student who has lived here for

about 5 years, you know the fact that we're doing our jihad in slightly

different ways all over the world. May Allah strengthen our efforts in

striving to become His best slaves. My memory of Albania and Kosova remains

fresh - for the experiences of the 2 trips to each state in 1999 and 2000

have been permanently etched on the memory screen of my mind. A

part of these experiences have been written in a book published some

months ago. A coffee table hard cover 200-page book (with about 80-90 colored

photoes) containing my experiences in Kosova, Albania and Turkey,

Iraq and Jordan (1991), and Afghanistan and Pakistan (2001) will be

published insha Allah at the end of next month. Its a little unfortunate that

you can't read it since it will also be in Malay.


May our prayers for the supremacy and tranquility of the

ummah be blessed and answered during Lailat-ul Qadr. Our salam to your







At 07:55 PM 12/11/2003 -0800, Olsi wrote:

Dear Dr. Hata,

Assalamu aleikum


I would like to wish you and all your brothers of JIM a

Ramadan Mubarak. I am sorry for writing to you this late

but I have not been in Albania for the past weeks. I

hope things are going well for you brothers in Malaysia. Hope

to see you in Albania and Kosova someday.



Yours in Islam

Olsi Jazexhi








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