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temporary absence

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I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or even

present on any of the groups I run for a while . My youngest child

Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going to have surgery on a

broken vertebra So I will be with her and away from the computer much

of the time .


Peggy Jentoft

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I know we haven't spoken but I just wanted to offer you positive thoughts and

energies. Take care of your child, you and your family are in my thoughts and





At 12:41 PM 11/23/2003, you wrote:

>I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or even

>present on any of the groups I run for a while . My youngest child

>Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going to have surgery on a

>broken vertebra So I will be with her and away from the computer much

>of the time .


>Peggy Jentoft





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Love and healing to you and Nicole, Peggy. You will be missed but of course you

must be with your child. Hope all goes well for you both.


Take care




rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:

I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or even

present on any of the groups I run for a while . My youngest child

Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going to have surgery on a

broken vertebra So I will be with her and away from the computer much

of the time .


Peggy Jentoft





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may rainbows of crystal and reiki blessings shine above your daughter, that she

has a speedy and effective healing.


may the rainbows also shine upon you & your family; giving you the strength to

support her through this healing.


in frith









Sunday, November 23, 2003 5:41 PM

[CrystalHW] temporary absence



I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or even

present on any of the groups I run for a while





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Dearest Peggy and family

sending Nicole healing prayers ....may the surgeon's hand be

guided ... and also reiki blessings for a speedy recovery


love and light dorann



, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or


> present on any of the groups I run for a while . My youngest


> Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going to have

surgery on a

> broken vertebra So I will be with her and away from the computer


> of the time .


> Peggy Jentoft

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Dear Peggy,


Yesterday was the closing ceremonies for the Tibetan Buddhist Monks

week near where I live. The Sand Mandala of Compassion was dismantled

in a very moving ceremony. I brough a slip of paper with names of

people needing healing to this event. At the end of the ceremony most

of the sand was disbursed in the nearby river but a small amount was

set aside and given to attendees. I now have a little bag of this

magical sand and have placed the list of names under it. I hope it



Here is something that I didn't know until yesterday about the sand

that the monks used in creating the Mandala. It is made from ground

white flint stone and colored with pure vegetable dyes. Therefore it

would never pollute the body of water in which it is disbursed. In

olden times the monks would use ground gems such as Ruby but that

would get very expensive today.


Sending thoughts and prayers of healing to Nicoled and you and the

others involved in the accident. I am a mother myself and I think I

know what you must be going through.


Blessings and love,



, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> I just wanted everyone to know that probably I won't be active or


> present on any of the groups I run for a while . My youngest


> Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going to have surgery

on a

> broken vertebra So I will be with her and away from the computer


> of the time .


> Peggy Jentoft

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My youngest child Nicole 15, has been in a car accident and is going

to have surgery on a broken vertebra



I'm so sorry to hear this. Prayers, energy and good thoughts are

being sent to you all.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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