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question on crystals

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Good Chilly Morning to all!

I've been asked this question and wasn't sure if there were specifics....so

thought I should ask the *experts* :) Some folks are moving to a new house

soon and want to bury some crystals in the Earth mainly for

protection. Any specific traits that would work better than others, or

will just the fact that it is crystal be enough?


Chris Kelly

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Some folks are moving to a new house

soon and want to bury some crystals in the Earth mainly for




For me the first step would be to listen - to listen about what

energies the new house and land would like evoked, what blessings the

stone spirits would like to offer and then what stone spirits would

like to volunteer for the task at hand. The more we are able to

listen to what is being offered - from the spirit of the house and

the land, from the stone spirits, from our own spirit - the more in

alignment with miracles we become.


They needn't be terribly familiar with stone spirits to dance

beautifully with them. They could enter a local rock shop and hold

the intention of finding spirits to support this dance and remain

open to whatever attracts them. They will always be attracted to the

spirits that they most need, even if they don't understand why and

even if what steps forward doesn't match what the " authorities " have

written in books. Their heart holds the resonance and the path.

They'll never fail to realize perfection if they follow that road.


There is an endless number of possibilities, but high on my list

would be listening to be sure that the stone spirits selected are in

agreement with the idea, that they *want* to be buried in support of

the property and people there. If they hold that in their hearts as

they look they can be more sure that this is so.


If you're asking about specific possibilities, the few that stepped

forward immediately would be:


* Clear Quartz - The magic of white light crystallized into Quartz.

These spirits can surround the property with light as well as lending

support to the possibility of manifesting/crystallizing greater light

through their conscious and co-creative cohabitation of that space.

These spirits can be placed in whatever way inspires them - in sacred

geometries, sacred numerogical configurations or in perfectly

spontaneous ways that reflect the greater wisdom of their own hearts.


* Snowflake Obsidian - A protective stone, but also one of balance.

Bestows the blessing of " May you walk in balance " upon all of who

live and enter and dream and Love there. These spirits also help us

balance what we do in the busyness of day to day life with taking

time to nurture ourselves and our spirits, to step out of the

busyness long enough to reconnect, recharge and be well.


* Pyrite - Earth Guardians. These solar spirits evoke protection

around the property and also act as totem spirits of the land,

cartakers on a spiritual and psychic level. Like loving sentinels

they watch the land and those who respectfully share that space,

keeping them protected and supported in all they do. Lends an element

of added energy to the Earth Mother, increasingly the level of light

on the land itself.


* Rose Quartz - The simplest and most profound blessing is always

Love. Rose Quartz Loves generously and invites us to do the same.


* Sodalite - Supports our emotions and deeper selves as we dance

through life. The stone spirits of Sodalite evoke our ability to

trust, to have faith in our dreams and in ourselves to manifest dream

into reality. Opens our spirit slowly, organically and in tune with

the seasons of Nature. In fact, Sodalite sensitizes us to the seasons

so that we remain connected at deeper levels of the mysteries of time

and timelessness, change and the constant nature of change itself.


* Green Aventurine - The stone spirits of Green Aventurine offer us

vital presence - the vitality of our soul essence in all we do. They

gift us with energy that comes from an open, healthy and holy heart

that is open in all of our dances. These spirits also foster a sense

of gratitude for what we have and what blesses us, which only further

expands our blessings. The spirits of Green Aventurine help us to

keep our hearts open and spirit enlivened with that magic. Further,

these spirits support good health and strong presence for everyone,

including the Earth Mother and the spirits of the land.


I could go on and on, but really their knowing is what matters most.

I offer the above only for possible consideration and perhaps further



I hope that this is useful in some small way.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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