Guest guest Posted December 1, 2003 Report Share Posted December 1, 2003 Hello to everyone! Thanks to Barbara and others for the kind notes that followed my post. No, I have never lived in Colorado, so there must be another Skye out there. Currently I live in Southern Oregon. I love it here cradled in the mountains. It's a wonderful place for anyone interested in any kind of spiritual or energy work but other places are calling. A month ago Hawaii was only a thought. I do caregiving/hospice work. I love what I do, but can easily get " burnt out " by not taking time for myself. I try to let Spirit/Heart guide me and let the abundance/bliss come on it's own. Somehow it never seems to fail. When I was told by Grandma Chandra that I needed to be in Hawaii to do my work as a lightworker I thought of a friend I have not seen in many years. Upon realizing that caregiving is as needed there as here and that I am at a place in my life where moving is possible I decided to contact her. She has welcomed me with open arms and offered a place to stay while I get resettled. A position is open there that may be perfect for my needs. I am still in amazement that it could happen so easily. I went to two local rock shops today as I know my time here is limited. As synchronicity would have it, I met a wonderful man named Amir Hason Ahamenata who creates wonderful jewelry in alignment with sacred geometry. He happens to be from Hawaii and was a very special connection that was unexpected and another validation that I am indeed going to the Islands. He can be reached at universalman. if anyone is interested in his work. I also was drawn to a piece of Phrenite which one of the shopkeepers has selected knowing I might find it of interest. I have very little experience with it but was drawn to it because of its pale green color and the way it fit into my hand. I should not have been surprised when I discovered that it is used in holding the energy when doing gridwork. I would like to know more about others experiences with phrenite and/or gridwork. The websites I mentioned earlier for light and gridworkers that I found interesting are,,,, and If anyone has information on more please let me know. If any of you have been to the Hawaiian islands and have stories to share or advice to give I would be grateful for your sharing. A number of times I've seen posts asking about crystals helpful in grounding and for protection. The one that comes to mind first is Hematite. It's easy to find polished and to carry around in the pocket when needed. It's also available as beads that can easily be incorporated in jewelry designs. I've never seen anyone mention the use of a pendulum and am wondering if anyone else uses one in helping to identify stones when nothing else seems to work? I find it very effective for uses in many situation, I.a. selecting vitamins, finding lost objects, anything answered requiring a yes or no. Love and Healing is continuing to be sent to Peggy and daughter. If anyone knows how they're doing please post. In Love and Light, Toksha---Skye. > ______________________ > ______________________ > > Message: 1 > Fri, 28 Nov 2003 03:10:52 -0800 (PST) > Barbara Matsuura <barbarawinddancer > To Skye > > Hi Skye, > > Isn't it you that used to post quite often? don't you > live near the big mts of Colorado. If that is you, I > must say, I've missed your posts. It's nice to hear > from you again. You've always been an inspiration. > if I am not writing to the person I think I'm writing > to, forgive me, but whoever it was that was writing > quite often with lots of info and from a very excited > standpoint about stone people, I miss you too. > thanks for sharing all the info about stone people in > the previous post! > > love light and peace, > BarbaraWinddancer, tokyo > > > ===== > Barbara Ferretti Matsuura > Reiki Master/Teacher, Shiatsu Practitioner > QiGong & Tai Chi Chuan Instructor > > > > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now > http://companion./ > > > > ______________________ > ______________________ > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2003 Report Share Posted December 2, 2003 Syncrinicity is so interesting. <smile>. Hello Skye. I live in the Chicago area, but have been connected with Hawaiian Lightworkers for over a year now. I might be able to offer you some help, or offer some insights into life there in the spiritual. I am still pretty new to this level of Lightwork involvement, but learning new ways I am being called upon, or need to be open to all the time. It seems that this " gathering group " (people's paths meant to meet) in Hawaii, have been fefallen with grave and passing illnesses, it's hard to explain. I just know I have valued the time I had to spend with these spectaculary gifted and giving Lightworkers and human being/angels. I have now lost 4 very close spiritually enlightened friends, another sick with brain cancer, myself sick with cancer, as well as my partner sick and seperated from me, at the moment, in Hawaii, fighting for her life. It has been a hard road, but I have felt Great Spirit's finger of touch in this path, whether I understand what it all means or not. I will be more than happy to offer you what I can, and maybe help you in a tiny bit of your transition to the Islands. Most of my contacts are through the Big Island, or Oahu. I'd love to become writing friends, Skye. You can contact me at " KindredKnd " . I wish you a Light blessed path!! Let me know how I can help. P.S. To the List: Prayers for myself, my partner and friends would be appreciated Hau Kola , " Skye Coe " <skyecoe@j...> wrote: > Hello to everyone! Thanks to Barbara and others for the kind notes that > followed my post. No, I have never lived in Colorado, so there must be > another Skye out there. Currently I live in Southern Oregon. I love it > here cradled in the mountains. It's a wonderful place for anyone interested > in any kind of spiritual or energy work but other places are calling. A > month ago Hawaii was only a thought. I do caregiving/hospice work. I love > what I do, but can easily get " burnt out " by not taking time for myself. I > try to let Spirit/Heart guide me and let the abundance/bliss come on it's > own. Somehow it never seems to fail. When I was told by Grandma Chandra > that I needed to be in Hawaii to do my work as a lightworker I thought of a > friend I have not seen in many years. Upon realizing that caregiving is as > needed there as here and that I am at a place in my life where moving is > possible I decided to contact her. She has welcomed me with open arms and > offered a place to stay while I get resettled. A position is open there > that may be perfect for my needs. I am still in amazement that it could > happen so easily. I went to two local rock shops today as I know my time > here is limited. As synchronicity would have it, I met a wonderful man > named Amir Hason Ahamenata who creates wonderful jewelry in alignment with > sacred geometry. He happens to be from Hawaii and was a very special > connection that was unexpected and another validation that I am indeed going > to the Islands. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2003 Report Share Posted December 2, 2003 - Hau Kola~WoodenWill Tuesday, December 02, 2003 12:55 PM Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 786 P.S. To the List: Prayers for myself, my partner and friends would be appreciated Hau Kola Hi, Hau Kola - I have added yourself, your partner and your friends to my crystal healing mandala and absent healing list. I wish you all blessings, light, peace of mind and loving kindness on your paths. Love and hugs, Mo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 I agree with you on the hemp oil. It does taste a lot better than flax oil. You can't cook with it though. I love hemp milk, too. I make it myself by using 3 T. of hemp seeds or 2 T. hemp butter blended with 1 c. of pure or distilled water. I don't sweeten it so it is better than the hemp milk in the containers. Suz - oleander soup oleander soup Friday, May 30, 2008 8:06 PM Digest Number 786 Oleander Soup Messages In This Digest (25 Messages) 1a. Re: No canola? melly banagale 1b. Re: No canola? Michael Goebel 2a. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname jcarvingblock 2b. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname Tony 2c. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname Nonie Masterson 3a. Farmers' Market milagros almanzor 3b. Re: Farmers' Market May 4a. Regarding marijuana sales or promotions on this site Tony 5a. Re: Pancreatic cancer study - here is a link Tony 5b. Re: Pancreatic cancer study - here is a link Maria Stathopoulos 6a. Re: utopia silver security certificate Tony 7a. finding oleander plants Rhoda Mead 7b. Re: finding oleander plants toreadpeoplehealthinfo 7c. Re: finding oleander plants bbanever 8a. Re: Fw: Concentrated Flax Hull lignans ARAI Added Info Bill 9. Saunas Rhoda Mead 10a. topical oleander Rhoda Mead 10b. Sun Damage, or skin burns Michael Goebel 11. enzymes Rhoda Mead 12a. oleander vs hemp oil Rhoda Mead 12b. Re: oleander vs hemp oil Tony 12c. Re: oleander vs hemp oil Tammatha 13a. Re: Colloidal vs Ionized silver and Flax Tammatha 14. Anvirzel and OPC courtney 15a. Re: sources of raw oleander melly banagale View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1a. Re: No canola? Posted by: "melly banagale" tita_mel tita_mel Fri May 30, 2008 8:24 am (PDT) We first go to farmers' market, where local USDA certified organic and some sustainable (some say better than organic, using old fashioned organic farming) produce are sold. Mostly vegetables, some but not a lot of fruits are sold on different tents. Some homemade foods are also present as well as organic meat. Then we go to WholeFoods or HEB Central Market to purchase what we could not find at the farmers' market. Pretty soon HEB Central Market will give WholeFoods a run for its money. The Central Market sells very good looking fresh organic produce, specially its organic herbs. I suggest go to your local farmers' market. Do a search on "farmers' organic markets" follow the prompts.We are in Austin, Texas, and there are still farms around here that do sustainable farming. I am sure every area has some kind of farmers' market.Melly Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (12) 1b. Re: No canola? Posted by: "Michael Goebel" goebelchx goebelchx Fri May 30, 2008 8:27 am (PDT) HI,I also recommend hemp seed oil. It has all the THCs removed by the way. It has a better balance of fatty acids than flax seed, and it tastes better.Dr. Goebel May <luellamay129 > wrote:Hi Cyndi,It is amazing how they promote Canola Oil as the healthy oil to choose. Actually, it is one of the worst things for your system and promotes disease.The only two oils that I use are olive oil and flaxseed oil. Nothing else.Hugs,oleander soup , cyndiann9 <cyndiann9 wrote:>> Tony wrote:> > > Soy and canola are two of the greatest evils, along with MSG, in our> > food supply. Like MSG, they are in virtually everything (try finding> > a salad dressing, mayonnaise or butter type spread that does not> > contain one or both). Also like MSG and mainstream medical drugs,> > they have billions of dollars backing them - and we know what happens> > in this country when it comes to profits versus health.> > > > Tony> > I'm so glad I've joined this group. I keep learning things all the time. > Here I was choosing canola oil because it's supposed to be better for > you than veggie and corn oils. I just read about canola oil at>> > so now I need to know which oils we should be using. What about olive oil?> > Cyndi> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (12) 2a. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname Posted by: "jcarvingblock" leviphilos jcarvingblock Fri May 30, 2008 8:24 am (PDT) oleander soup , "thelasname" <thelasname wrote:>> I am the marijuana Man."thelasname" joined this group May 27 this year. (gave age 42, male,Kentucky for info) May 28, he placed the transcript of the complete video in the filesarea of this group. http://health.oleander soupIn my opinion a real person, not a DEA trap. But then, I could be wrong.But also, if you have taken steps to re-establish your politicalstatus as a sovereign with full rights (not a "US CITIZEN"), then itdoesn't matter. This gets into the 13th and 14th amendments and other areas ofjurisdiction.Levi Philos Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (18) 2b. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname Posted by: "Tony" Fri May 30, 2008 9:35 am (PDT) Thanks for your input and info. I am not going to make a stand forthe legalities of marijuana here at the OLEANDER group - much as Isympathize and much as I understand someone having the fervor formarijuana oil and medicinal pot just like I do for oleander.As it is, I rather expect to have some issues of my own at some pointwhen oleander becomes well known enough to begin representing a threatto the powerful world pharma industry.When and if that day comes, I and the powers that be (or powers whothink they are powers but really aren't) can get into all the lovelynuances of God given unalienable rights as set forth in theDeclaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of theorganic Federal Republic known as The United States of America (asopposed to the unconstitutional corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA).We can have a really lovely chat about such things as the lack ofconstitutional and legislative authority of the FDA and otheragencies, lack of jurisdiction of administrative and corporate colorof law courts operating under the Admiralty flag, human being versus"man and other animals", Vioxx and other scandals, the principle ofunclean hands, the history of FDA actions, inactions, and illegalstorm trooper raids and the whole nine yards.Trust me, if it comes I am ready. Why, I might even decide to do along series of articles about all those issues and more.Tonyoleander soup , "jcarvingblock" <leviphiloswrote:>> oleander soup , "thelasname" <thelasname@> wrote:> >> > I am the marijuana Man.> > "thelasname" joined this group May 27 this year. (gave age 42, male,> Kentucky for info) > > May 28, he placed the transcript of the complete video in the files> area of this group. > > http://health.oleander soup> > In my opinion a real person, not a DEA trap. But then, I could be wrong.> > But also, if you have taken steps to re-establish your political> status as a sovereign with full rights (not a "US CITIZEN"), then it> doesn't matter. > > This gets into the 13th and 14th amendments and other areas of> jurisdiction.> > Levi Philos> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (18) 2c. Re: phoenixtearsmovie & thelasname Posted by: "Nonie Masterson" nmsammy hachiosmom Fri May 30, 2008 2:06 pm (PDT) God bless you, Tony!!Nonie.Trust me, if it comes I am ready. Why, I might even decide to do along series of articles about all those issues and more. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (18) 3a. Farmers' Market Posted by: "milagros almanzor" tita_mel tita_mel Fri May 30, 2008 8:49 am (PDT) Here is a link you can visit. You have a choice on the search box, (i.e., all, farms, farmers' market. etc.) Just punch in your zip code. Hope you get healthy.Melly Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 3b. Re: Farmers' Market Posted by: " May" luellamay129 luellamay129 Fri May 30, 2008 8:51 am (PDT) Hi Melly,The link?Hugs,oleander soup , "milagros almanzor" <tita_mel wrote:>> Here is a link you can visit. You have a choice on the search box, > (i.e., all, farms, farmers' market. etc.) Just punch in your zip code. > > Hope you get healthy.> > Melly> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 4a. Regarding marijuana sales or promotions on this site Posted by: "Tony" Fri May 30, 2008 9:11 am (PDT) While I sympathize completely about medical marijuana beingsuppressed, the fact is that it is illegal to sell it in any from inmost places and certainly I cannot condone it being sold or promotedfor sale on this forum group. When it comes down to it, HealthGroups are non-commercial groups to begin with, and then you throw inthe bit about questionable legality . . . .Bottom line is that we may be a non-mainstream group, but we are notan underground or outlaw group and I will not risk the existence ofthe group itself for this issue.Thanks for everyone's understanding.Tonyoleander soup , "thelasname" <thelasname wrote:>> I am the marijuana Man.> I am a stand-up comic. I have lost my parents and a brother and > sister to cancer. My oldest brother has it now. I cannot convince him > to try the cure.> I have seen this oil personally cure warts and moles and a nasty skin > cancer sore that was "gross" but it was gone in 4 days with 1 drop of > oil. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (18) 5a. Re: Pancreatic cancer study - here is a link Posted by: "Tony" Fri May 30, 2008 9:18 am (PDT) Thanks for the heads up. I think Pub Med changed their indexing. Atany rate, I have updated my page with a link to the study (which Iuploaded to my site).This should work:/Autophagic_Cell_Death.pdfTony--- In oleander soup , "anjuvick" <andre wrote:>> Thanks . I am able to open this website. What I can't open > is the link on the website which would give me the study itself. Is > there another link? I remember that Tony had sent it out when it > first came out, and I thought that I had saved it, but apparently > did not.> > Thanks again,> > Andre> > > > oleander soup , " May" <luellamay129@> > wrote:> >> > > > > > Hi Andre,> > > > Here it is.> > > > Oleander Induces Autophagy - Exclusive Story> > </autophagy.htm>> > > > Hugs,> > > > > > > > > > > > oleander soup , "anjuvick" <andre@> wrote:> > >> > > Tony,> > >> > > I am not able to open the link which you give for the study on> > > /autophagy.htm. Is there another link that I > can> > > use to access the study?> > >> > > Thanks,> > >> > > Andre> > >> >> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (9) 5b. Re: Pancreatic cancer study - here is a link Posted by: "Maria Stathopoulos" mary1kon Fri May 30, 2008 4:53 pm (PDT) OK Group whats wrong with me? i ask all of you if you know enything about ( temporal artiritis ) and if natural suplements, or herbs like oleander will help and all of you ignore me, have i done something to pissed you off or what?hugs Mary- Tony oleander soup Saturday, May 31, 2008 2:18 AM Re: Pancreatic cancer study - here is a linkThanks for the heads up. I think Pub Med changed their indexing. Atany rate, I have updated my page with a link to the study (which Iuploaded to my site).This should work:/Autophagic_Cell_Death.pdfTony--- In oleander soup , "anjuvick" <andre wrote:>> Thanks . I am able to open this website. What I can't open > is the link on the website which would give me the study itself. Is > there another link? I remember that Tony had sent it out when it > first came out, and I thought that I had saved it, but apparently > did not.> > Thanks again,> > Andre> > > > oleander soup , " May" <luellamay129@> > wrote:> >> > > > > > Hi Andre,> > > > Here it is.> > > > Oleander Induces Autophagy - Exclusive Story> > </autophagy.htm>> > > > Hugs,> > > > > > > > > > > > oleander soup , "anjuvick" <andre@> wrote:> > >> > > Tony,> > >> > > I am not able to open the link which you give for the study on> > > /autophagy.htm. Is there another link that I > can> > > use to access the study?> > >> > > Thanks,> > >> > > Andre> > >> >> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (9) 6a. Re: utopia silver security certificate Posted by: "Tony" Fri May 30, 2008 9:42 am (PDT) Thanks for letting us know about this. I am not sure why thathappened, but I have forwarded your information on to my friends atUtopia Silver. They may be getting in touch with you to find out moreabout what happened and make sure it does not keep happening.Tonyoleander soup , "E-Beth Beckham" <beckham wrote:>> Hi, everyone,> > I experienced a tiny snafu while attempting to order from utopia> silver.invalid security certificate - my virus scanner didn't likeit and> suggested I 'drop it and leave it', as I frequently say to my beagle.I'm> supposing it really is safe to bypass the 'drop it' command and order> anyway? I haven't heard any of you guys say you've had a problem, but> thought I'd better ask before the virus thingie reaches out andsteals my> mouse or what's left of my identity or something..> > > > Thanks,> > E-Beth> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (26) 7a. finding oleander plants Posted by: "Rhoda Mead" firefly541 rhodamead Fri May 30, 2008 11:37 am (PDT) *By mid-June, I can get to Yuba City. Wasn't watching very closely, but I dorecall huge plants used as hedges between homes. I'll ask the owners aboutspraying, and pick some. If you want me to pick some for you, let me know.Rhoda * Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (5) 7b. Re: finding oleander plants Posted by: "toreadpeoplehealthinfo" toreadpeoplehealthinfo angelznest Fri May 30, 2008 3:53 pm (PDT) Rhoda, Pat,I'm in Fremont and have two huge oleanders in my yard. Grows like crazy. Bought it about 20" tall and a year later it was already 8' tall. ALL the nurseries carry them. Home Depot, OSH, Navlet's, Lowe's, etc...However, I think it has to be a "specific" type of oleander to be used for the oleander soup. Is that not so, / Tony?AngelRe: finding oleander plants Posted by: "Pat Lane" planeproductions planeproductions Thu May 29, 2008 7:17 pm (PDT) Rhoda,Well. I live in Oakland too. Since we have the world's most perfect weather, almost everything grows here. I took a walk in my neighborhood and saw many flowering shrubs - but no oleander. I have seen it in highway medians but that is out - too polluted. When I lived in Harbor Bay in Alameda (almost 20 years ago) it was used in public areas but I don't know what their policy is now about spraying.I like Renee's idea of requesting some on We have four groups nearby.PatRhoda Mead <firefly541 > wrote: Hi Pat, I live in Oakland.I have not seen it growing wild here. I was planning to head to Yuba City, north of Sacramento. I used to live in Yuba City where it's used extensively for hedges. If you could point me to a closer source, I'd be grateful. And be happy to ship raw oleander to anyone who wants some, if I find a closer, clean source.Rhoda Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (5) 7c. Re: finding oleander plants Posted by: "bbanever" bbanever californiabichonblue Fri May 30, 2008 4:13 pm (PDT) Toreadpeoplehealthinfo,It should be nerium oleander and it should be unsprayed, preferably organic (grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or herbacides). Bob- toreadpeoplehealthinfo oleander soup Friday, May 30, 2008 3:52 PM Re: finding oleander plantsRhoda, Pat,I'm in Fremont and have two huge oleanders in my yard. Grows like crazy. Bought it about 20" tall and a year later it was already 8' tall. ALL the nurseries carry them. Home Depot, OSH, Navlet's, Lowe's, etc...However, I think it has to be a "specific" type of oleander to be used for the oleander soup. Is that not so, / Tony?AngelRe: finding oleander plants Posted by: "Pat Lane" planeproductions planeproductions Thu May 29, 2008 7:17 pm (PDT) Rhoda,Well. I live in Oakland too. Since we have the world's most perfect weather, almost everything grows here. I took a walk in my neighborhood and saw many flowering shrubs - but no oleander. I have seen it in highway medians but that is out - too polluted. When I lived in Harbor Bay in Alameda (almost 20 years ago) it was used in public areas but I don't know what their policy is now about spraying.I like Renee's idea of requesting some on We have four groups nearby.PatRhoda Mead <firefly541 > wrote: Hi Pat, I live in Oakland.I have not seen it growing wild here. I was planning to head to Yuba City, north of Sacramento. I used to live in Yuba City where it's used extensively for hedges. If you could point me to a closer source, I'd be grateful. And be happy to ship raw oleander to anyone who wants some, if I find a closer, clean source.Rhoda Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (5) 8a. Re: Fw: Concentrated Flax Hull lignans ARAI Added Info Posted by: "Bill" w.wilkins cancersearcher Fri May 30, 2008 12:09 pm (PDT) Tony,Thanks. I agree that I know of sensational junk they send and I also Know you are totally hionest. However I ordered 3 bottles yesterday and will try. 1 person I know that is in Cancer stage 3 that would not try oleander and would rather die told me yesterday that he ordered 3 bottles also. I hope it works for his sake, but will let you know how it works on both of us. I should know more of what it is and dosing after I get the bottles. Anway, I feel I am living on borred time so I am willing to try it. ( be the guinna Pig)ThanksBill- Tony oleander soup 2008-05-29 11:19 Re: Fw: Concentrated Flax Hull lignans ARAI Added InfoAs I said Bill, I like HSI quite a bit. I get constant emails fromJenny Thompson and other HSI members, and I am impressed with a numberof people on their board, most notably Jon Barron.However, the send out lots of messages that can only be described assensationalized on a wide variety of illnesses - and they market booksthat fit the same description. I have purchased four of the books. One I liked a lot, another one I thought was pretty good and two ofthem were over-hyped junk.I am making no premature judgement on the lignans - just saying thatoleander has a track record of doing as well or better in many areas -and when it comes to HIV/AIDS I don't see how anything else cancompare to absolute 100% success - and that is exactly what theSutherlandia OPC oleander based supplement has achieved.That is not SOME people recovering, not even MOST people recovering -it is EVERY SINGLE PERSON recovering without exception.And yes, soy itself causes me a bit of pause. While I take soylecithin and like the fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh andnatto - non fermented soy products have been strongly linked tostomach, prostate and other cancers.Soy and canola are two of the greatest evils, along with MSG, in ourfood supply. Like MSG, they are in virtually everything (try findinga salad dressing, mayonnaise or butter type spread that does notcontain one or both). Also like MSG and mainstream medical drugs,they have billions of dollars backing them - and we know what happensin this country when it comes to profits versus health.Tonyoleander soup , "Bill" <w.wilkins wrote:>> Tony,> I haven't posted anything prior to this from HSI. But after readingthe 5 pages and all the things it has results on ,Including aids islisted in the article. The aids website gives some of the experienceson aids recovery. I am most interested in the section that says aandgives experiences on enlarged prostates as I'm tired of trying manydifferent things that didn't work. > I respect you and the forum. I will give you my experience if itworks on the prostate as fast as they say it does. I am extremelycareful before posting messages of this magnitude.Please read theentire article and the 5 five pages before knocking it down. It was onthe HIV site and I called the 800 number for A.R.A.I. the other sourceand the message I got at was they were overloaded with CFHL requestsand gave me a fax number (I have no Fax ) and an email, but as I havequestions on what form and suggested daily tea/teaspoon/etc??? to takeonce I get it. I trust the aids information site as that is thehardest to cure!!> Thanks for your concern. I'll send you more info as I get it . I'mgetting my order in tomorrow no matter what form it comes in.> Thanks> Bill> - > Tony > oleander soup > 2008-05-28 19:48> Re: Fw: Concentrated Flax Hull lignansARAI Added Info> > > Isn't it a bit early for a June 2008 issue?> > I get weekly emails from HSI and they have a lot of good information.> If I have a complaint it would be that they have far too many> "breakthroughs" that turn out to be less than as spectacular as> advertised and a bit too much marketing of products and books.> > It surely sounds like information that should be followed up on - but> at first glance the quoted statistics are not as impressive to me as> either oleander or inositol/IP6. Now, the stage 4 cancer patients> being cancer free within two months does sound impressive - but one> wonders what percentage they are talking about. The other statistics> are merely numbers made to look impressive, imho.> > Tumors spreading to other parts of the body decreased by 82% - I would> surely hope so!> > 31% of cancer cells killed within 30 days? Again, I would hope so. > Chemo often does better than that in 30 days.> > Diabetes and prostate reports essentially the same as oleander.> > Given the success of Budwig with flax seeds and flax seed oil, I would> not discount the benefits. Given HSI's tendency to sensationalize I> would also urge caution.> > I guess my thinking and concern here is that seldom a week goes by> without another "breakthrough" or miracle treatment being announced> and I fear there are too many cancer sufferers who run from one new> breakthrough to the other instead of staying the course with something> like oleander and the oleander protocol that works almost every time.> > Tony> > oleander soup , "Bill" <w.wilkins@> wrote:> >> > The Website as listed cannot be accessed> > > > The way to the info is> > > >> > > > then afterc accessing the website > > click on lignans> > > > Also because this is a natural product it carries the required FDA> disclaimer.> > > > I am going to call HSI and see if they will give me an email copy of> the June 2008 Vol12 12> > Bill> > - > > Bill > > oleander soup > > 2008-05-28 11:25> > Concentrated Flax Hull lignans ARAI > > > > > > To rhoda and all of the Cancer cure group,> > I recieved something in the mail from Health Sciences Institute.> They claim an astrinomical breakthrough as flax seed is just the tip> of the iceberg. > > Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans that was normally thrown away(Not> Seeds) , stage 4 cancer patients cancer free within 2 months> > Tumor mestastasis reduced by 82%> > A human study in which 31% of cancer cells were flat out killed. In> 30 days> > Also it says the incredible resultsweren't limited to Cancer. People> with type 2 diabetes have stopped needing shots of insulin.> > Men with enlarged prostates have started sleeping thru the night. > > HSI said this information was recieved from Wendy Selvig of the Aids> Research> > This article covers 5 pages in the HSI members Alert for June Vol 12> No 12.> > The order info listed as > >> > 1 5.3 Oz Cannister,containing 32 servings, costs US$36.00, buy 2> cannisters and get 1 free .> > (817) 320-8172> > > > lastly it says you can log on > > for a free HSI e-alert update > >> > For The month of june:> > User Name: june> > Password: expert> > > > INFO> > Bill Wilkins> > > > - > > Rhoda Mead > > oleander > > 2008-05-28 10:07> > phoenixtearsmovie> > > > > > I'm extremely interested in learning more. However, I'm almost> deaf from platinum chemo years ago. YouTube or Rick's movie is useless> to me. I have a Samson Juicer; the USA distributor said that he's> working on a way to make oils from seeds. (flax seed)> > If anyone finds out more about hemp oil, and possibly a source> of seeds, I'd like to know. If so, I'll find out if the oil attachment> is for sale. It sure would complement oleander, diet and detox, etc. > Thanks, Rhoda> >> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (9) 9. Saunas Posted by: "Rhoda Mead" firefly541 rhodamead Fri May 30, 2008 1:31 pm (PDT) *Dear Maritza, yes indeed this is a wonderful group. I'm in informationoverload with this small but very active group. I love it here, and admireTony and immensely.If you are serious about a sauna, I'd start with information. Saunas areVERY expensive, unless you make your own. And there are pitfalls either way,in using materials that offgas, or buying one that does.I started with Sherry Rogers, Detoxify or Die, but I'm sure there areother books about saunas around. Check Amazon. I joined a sauna elist, butit was small and almost moribund, so I won't recommend it. Rhoda* Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 10a. topical oleander Posted by: "Rhoda Mead" firefly541 rhodamead Fri May 30, 2008 1:45 pm (PDT) *Hi Bob, Can you put a small amount of OPC into skin cream for your dog?My husband had severe sun poisoning on his arms for at least 20 yearsbefore he started to wear long sleeved shirts. (Before I met him), I putsome flax oil in ordinary skin cream, and he rubbed it in several times aday.Within two weeks the skin poisoning began to go from bright purplesplotches to brown, and was completely faded in three months.I just mixed in as much oil as could be absorbed by the skin cream. Wouldstart with a drop at a time of OPC for your dog. Flax oil definitely won'thelp skin cancer.Or, make your own oleander skin cream; it's in the files.Rhoda* Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 10b. Sun Damage, or skin burns Posted by: "Michael Goebel" goebelchx goebelchx Fri May 30, 2008 2:00 pm (PDT) MSM lotion helps greatly with skin repair. It also relieves some pain. Using it for a few months on bad burns will turn the mottled purple blue white skin back to a pink color and reduce the stiffness. You can do a search for Bill Rich who found He was a mechanic that got burned over 90% of his body. He is the one that originated MSM lotion.Dr. GoebelRhoda Mead <firefly541 > wrote:Hi Bob, Can you put a small amount of OPC into skin cream for your dog?My husband had severe sun poisoning on his arms for at least 20 years before he started to wear long sleeved shirts. (Before I met him), I put some flax oil in ordinary skin cream, and he rubbed it in several times a day.Within two weeks the skin poisoning began to go from bright purple splotches to brown, and was completely faded in three months. I just mixed in as much oil as could be absorbed by the skin cream. Would start with a drop at a time of OPC for your dog. Flax oil definitely won't help skin cancer.Or, make your own oleander skin cream; it's in the files.Rhoda Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 11. enzymes Posted by: "Rhoda Mead" firefly541 rhodamead Fri May 30, 2008 1:45 pm (PDT) Hi Maracuja,What enzymes cleared up adhesions? Wow, incredible story! Rhoda Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 12a. oleander vs hemp oil Posted by: "Rhoda Mead" firefly541 rhodamead Fri May 30, 2008 1:46 pm (PDT) *Hi Tony, I am definitely choosing oleander first, plus Cell Forte plus CS,plus detoxing and diet, etc.However, two years of Budwig gave me a respite, not clear stability. Theyoyo between future-no future is exhausting. Whatever works. I doubt thathemp oil has much of a track record, but not closing the door. Rhoda* Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 12b. Re: oleander vs hemp oil Posted by: "Tony" Fri May 30, 2008 2:16 pm (PDT) Good idea - keep the door open. But we aim to give you more than arespite. Our protocol should get rid of your cancer and then,provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, do your annualcleanses and take a lesser maintenance amount of oleander, never seecancer again.Fact: people who take oleander as a preventive almost never getcancer. And the same holds true for people who have beaten cancer andcontinue to take a lesser maintenance dose of oleander.Tonyoleander soup , "Rhoda Mead" <firefly541 wrote:>> *Hi Tony, I am definitely choosing oleander first, plus Cell Forteplus CS,> plus detoxing and diet, etc.> > However, two years of Budwig gave me a respite, not clear stability. The> yoyo between future-no future is exhausting. Whatever works. I doubtthat> hemp oil has much of a track record, but not closing the door. Rhoda> *> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 12c. Re: oleander vs hemp oil Posted by: "Tammatha" tammatha tammr1ch Fri May 30, 2008 3:21 pm (PDT) Hi Tony,Just got an email from Marc my OPC is on it's way, I'm excited for me and my doggie! I'm going to give it to him too. Can you give me your thoughts on the product Juice Plus+?Thank you~ Tammatha- Tony oleander soup Friday, May 30, 2008 2:16 PM Re: oleander vs hemp oilGood idea - keep the door open. But we aim to give you more than arespite. Our protocol should get rid of your cancer and then,provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, do your annualcleanses and take a lesser maintenance amount of oleander, never seecancer again.Fact: people who take oleander as a preventive almost never getcancer. And the same holds true for people who have beaten cancer andcontinue to take a lesser maintenance dose of oleander.Tonyoleander soup , "Rhoda Mead" <firefly541 wrote:>> *Hi Tony, I am definitely choosing oleander first, plus Cell Forteplus CS,> plus detoxing and diet, etc.> > However, two years of Budwig gave me a respite, not clear stability. The> yoyo between future-no future is exhausting. Whatever works. I doubtthat> hemp oil has much of a track record, but not closing the door. Rhoda> *> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 13a. Re: Colloidal vs Ionized silver and Flax Posted by: "Tammatha" tammatha tammr1ch Fri May 30, 2008 3:21 pm (PDT) Hi Kygos,You just buy the flaxseeds in bulk, no need for refrigeration because you ingest it right away, they mix well in a smoothie by the way. They sell it in bulk at health food stores and I'm sure other places. Flaxseed regulates hormones I take it for (estrogen dominance). I was told when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that mine was estrogen positive. Prostate cancer I'm told & read is also an abundance of estrogen and out of whack hormones in males, similar but obviously different in specie. Weird, I never heard that flaxseed caused prostate cancer, maybe Tony or Loretta knows more.Tammatha (No "N s)- kygos5 oleander soup Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:10 PM Re: Colloidal vs Ionized silver and FlaxHi Tamantha,The farmer is installing refrigeration units in the warehouse to dealwith the ground product. It will keep up to a month I believe. I'm not sure how he will distribute it though.He said they don't have to lubricate their harvesting machines muchdue to the oil from the flax.I'm still confused about the reports of flax oil causing prostate cancer.Kygosoleander soup , "Tammatha" <tammatha wrote:>> Make sure you do not buy flaxseed already ground. It turns rancidlickity split. Defeat's it's wonderful purpose. Invest in a littlecoffee grinder (they are cheap) and grind it yourself.> > Tammatha> - > Chuck De Luck > oleander soup > Wednesday, May 28, 2008 7:51 PM> Colloidal vs Ionized silver> > > Well after learning that homemade units only produceionized silver, I would go with buying from Utopia or Mesosilver products.> As far as investing a wad of money, I ran into a local*farmer who started growing organic flaxseed and selling it ground andwhole.> Local bakers are using it in bread and muffins.> Another client of his is going to market a flax pancakemix, called "FlaxStax".> I am showing him about the Budwig Diet and trying to get himto make flax oil and market it.> That's something I could get into.> > * "local" in Idaho is anywhere within a three hour drive. lol> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (4) 14. Anvirzel and OPC Posted by: "courtney" cwb1212 ckhg08 Fri May 30, 2008 5:05 pm (PDT) Hi Tony - Barbara just received the OPC for Kenny. She is wondering if she should continue the Anvirzel with the OPC or just take one or the other? She feels positive with the Anvirzel and he has been on it about a month already. She would like to continue but doesn't want to over-medicate or under-medicate. Where do you think she should go from here? He is taking the IP6 as well. Thanks - Courtney Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 15a. Re: sources of raw oleander Posted by: "melly banagale" tita_mel tita_mel Fri May 30, 2008 5:06 pm (PDT) Rhoda,In Houston, Texas they have an Oleander Club. They have an Oleander Show once a year and they sell plants there too.Melly Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (4) Recent Activity 30 New Members 1 New FilesVisit Your Group Health Achy Joint? 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Guest guest Posted June 7, 2008 Report Share Posted June 7, 2008 I've wondered about buying hemp seeds for health purposes. Considering that all hemp seeds that you can buy are subjected to heat (or other methods) to stop them from sprouting, wouldn't that also destroy all the healthful qualities? The nutrition? Samala, Renee ---- I love hemp milk, too. I make it myself by using 3 T. of hemp seeds or 2 T. hemp butter blended with 1 c. of pure or distilled water. I don't sweeten it so it is better than the hemp milk in the containers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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