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Digest Number 787

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Hi Skye, and other list members,


Well, I think it must be you who I remember, and I

guess for me the mts of Colorado and the mts of

Oregon, well, it may be all the same....anyway, good

to hear from you.

I have 3 pendulums that I use, one is clear quartz

crystal, one is tiger's eye, and one is bloodstone. I

often use the clear quartz crystal pendulum, to see

just where about the client is...as in the reading of

the chakras before a Reiki or Reiki with Gemstones

treatment. It's only for my own curiosity and study, I

don't tell the client what condition their chakras are

in, I only like to do it sometimes if I can't 'read'

the person from the short chat before the treatment.

then after the treatment I use it again to see how

they are..and they are always just perfectly balanced

after the treatments. Sometimes I use the pendulum to

check the energy of stone, if they are good for me or

not, if I can't get a clear feel on it. I don't

usually use it in the shops as the shopkeepers are not

keen to have me do that it seems. Mostly I have to

rely on 'muscle testing' in the shops as it is more


then when I get home or out of the shop I double

check. usually the stone is fine if I actually have

bought it, because I spend such a long time in the

shop testing etc. the biggest use of it to test a

stone that I cannot read is if the stone has been

'given' to me. Often times people will give a stone,

that is really not right for me, or can't be used in

treatments, or sometimes they want to stay with me,

but not be used in treatments, sometimes they need

healing themselves.

That is what I do with a pendulum.


I have set up a crystal grid for Peggy's daughter

Nicole, with 8 crystal points facing into the center

and in the center 2 howlite stones. I guess I was

drawn to use the howlite because of the surgery on the

vertebre, and howlite, besides for calming is good for

'disorders of the teeth, bone structure, and soft

tissue.' as stated in Melody's (big pruple book). If I

keep the grid for her, I often wander past it and send

Reiki thru to her during my day.


all for now

love light and peace,

Barbara, in Tokyo






> Message: 1

> Sun, 30 Nov 2003 18:20:58 -0800

> " Skye Coe " <skyecoe

> Re: Digest Number 786


> Hello to everyone! Thanks to Barbara and others for

> the kind notes that

> followed my post. No, I have never lived in

> Colorado, so there must be

> another Skye out there. Currently I live in

> Southern Oregon. I love it

> here cradled in the mountains. It's a wonderful

> place for anyone interested

> in any kind of spiritual or energy work but other

> places are calling. A

> month ago Hawaii was only a thought. I do

> caregiving/hospice work. I love

> what I do, but can easily get " burnt out " by not


> I've never seen anyone mention the use of a pendulum

> and am wondering if

> anyone else uses one in helping to identify stones

> when nothing else seems

> to work? I find it very effective for uses in many

> situation, I.a.

> selecting vitamins, finding lost objects, anything

> answered requiring a yes

> or no.


> Love and Healing is continuing to be sent to Peggy

> and daughter. If anyone

> knows how they're doing please post.


> In Love and Light, Toksha---Skye.




Barbara Ferretti Matsuura

Reiki Master/Teacher, Shiatsu Practitioner

QiGong & Tai Chi Chuan Instructor




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