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Crystal with antracite

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Hi all,


Does anyone know what the healing properties or any properties of

Anthracite are? I just bought a lovely crystal that has anthracite

in it.


Any help will be appreciated.




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> Does anyone know what the healing properties or any properties of

> Anthracite are?


It is fairly unusual to find Anthracite as an inclusion in stones. It

can sometimes be confused with Anthraxolite, which is more commonly

found as inclusions in crystals, including Herkimer Diamonds.

However, assuming that the inclusions are Anthracite I can offer a

few words based on my experience with these stone spirits.


Anthracite is a type of coal with an extremely high concentration of

carbon. The stone spirits of Anthracite speak to us of the sacrifice

involved in living life, of the times when we need to sacrifice

something in order to gain something. These spirits offer us a

medicine that enables us to both understand and meet this need with

greater Grace and ease, catalyzing within us the ability to discern

what must be released and then releasing it more fully and freely,

with less resistance.


Anthracite speaks to us about the sacrifices that we make in our day

to day lives, asking us if the " price of living " has becomes

dangerously high, risking our well being in the process. There is an

encouragement to examine the way we're moving through life, finding

ways where we may not be caring properly or fully for ourselves and

then reclaiming healthier and more supportive ways of to go through

our days.


For people that tend to a workaholics these spirits can encourage us

to slow down, to balance our input and output and to remember the

need for sacred play in order to maintain or regain wellness.


Anthracite can enhance our abilities as a medium, particular when it

comes to communicating with our Ancestors and the Ancestors of

others. There is a close resonance between Anthracite and the human

energy, enabling us to touch that energy even as it passes through

the veil of transformation into new forms. There is also an aspect of

Anthracite's medicine that can be intensely helpful during the

process of grieving a Loved one that has crossed over.


If we have lost touch with something vital in us, these stone spirits

whisper to our hearts that the way to rediscover rests in resting.

Step back. Breathe deep. Allow yourself some rest.


I hope this is useful in some way.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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