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Fw: Divine Mother Gateway Activation, 12/12

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Hello Dear Friends, Sorry about sending this so late. Hopefully it will

still be meaningful and useful.

In Love and Light - - Skye

>> >

> >This article was written by and is copyrighted to ©Qala Serenia Phoenix,

> >November 2003. Please network it to all you feel will benefit but as

> >you do this we ask that you leave this credit line and contact and ask

> >you not to alter the content. Qala's website is HYPERLINK

> > " http://www.g-a-i-a.com/ " \nhttp://www.g-a-i-a.com.

> >If you wish to receive messages of this kind.... to ASCEND

> >email list through sending message " " to

> >ascend The ASCEND Foundations website is

> >HYPERLINK " http://www.light-elixirs.com/ " \nhttp://www.light-elixirs.com

> >



> >12th December, 2003

> >

> >at 12:12 p.m. local time

> >


> >


> >

> >Blessings all love and lightworkers,

> >

> > >From the ascension councils of the Pleiades, Shambhala and Andromeda,

> > > we offer you this information to support your planetary light work and

> > > the opening of your hearts at this time. Presently, Mother Earth is

> > > opening to receive divine blessings from Source and these blessings

> > > create new pathways to open within Gaia's body and within your own

> > > bodies. We ask you to understand that on the 12th December, a wave of

> > > ascension is to bless the Earth through all the divine feminine

> > > portals on the planet. Know that all who are aligned to this process

> > > will also receive this through their own bodies, offering the gift of

> > > clearing the portals of receptivity within one's energy body. We ask

> > > each one of you to ask within, receiving your own guidance on how this

> > > can assist you at this time to develop greater receptivity and

> > > connection to Source. Know this gift is a blessing from the Divine

> > > Mother who blesses the Earth with the ascension wave of Divine

> > > Mother's love at this time. At this time,

> >each one you have the sacred opportunity of invoking the presence of

> >your divine feminine nature, and asking for the most powerful healing

> >that is appropriate for you in relationship to a powerful opening of

> >your receptivity and divine feminine energy on the Earth.

> >

> >To assist you with this, we offer you a short meditational process that

> >you may attune to and network with others for the assistance of Gaia and

> >all beings at this time, and in honour of your own opening in femininity

> >and receptivity. We ask you to realise that this is not only held by

> >females but by all males, as no matter what gender you are, each soul

> >holds a divine feminine and a divine masculine half. Ascension is the

> >process of the mergence of these two, and this process, in conjunction

> >with the gateway opening on the 21st December (solstice), offers a

> >divine union journey in this way. The ASCEND Foundation offers both

> >these worldwide link-ups to support each one of you to create a greater

> >inner and outer connection to your divinity and flow of your

> >consciousness as an Emissary of Love.

> >

> >Blessings upon each one of you, Lord Maitreya

> >

> >

> >Divine Mother Gateway Activation 12:12

> >

> >Create a beautiful circle with your friends, family or with your light

> >family in a sacred space that you love. Light a candle and as you do

> >this, visualise the light within every being's heart on the Earth

> >igniting and expanding. Say a small prayer to connect with every other

> >being in link-up and honour the divine in all beings as you sit to

> >receive in meditation link-up. Call to the Divine Mother and your own

> >divine feminine presence, and as you do this, many other feminine

> >presences of light and love also join you. These ones are known as the

> >Sisterhood of the Rays and Rose. Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin and their

> >celestial sisters are a part of this comp any of emissaries of love who

> >are focussing their energies upon you at this time to assist you to open

> >with Mother Earth and release any old energies that have been blocking

> >your receptivity in your life.

> >

> >These ones surround you in a circle and ask you to gently breathe as

> >they place many golden roses in your chakras and in your auric field and

> >ask you to receive their blessings. As they do this, they support you

> >to call forth to any of your soul aspects that may feel unloved or

> >unsupported in their femininity and receptivity. Say this prayer and

> >ask these parts of your soul to join you, and as you do this, hold your

> >heart open as if a small child is walking towards you. A child of pure

> >innocence and love, and embrace these parts that are like a child who

> >has lost their innocence and their connection to love. With your

> >consciousness, recognise the divine in all parts of your feminine

> >nature, including your sensuality and body and mind and feelings and

> >sexuality, creativity, communication and creation. As you gently love

> >and support all parts of your soul that may have lost their innocence

> >and connection to love, ask them to forgive all that may have occurred

> >through all space,

> >time and dimension that may have created them to shut down their

> >receptivity and the full _expression of their divine feminine nature.

> >

> >The Divine Mother blesses you and all parts of your soul at this time

> >with a wave of ascension that purifies all old memories of this form of

> >separation. Breathe and receive and allow and let go by opening your

> >body and your heart and your energy to release these energies gently.

> >Sound " ah " slowly and gently as you let go and ask that all that is

> >released return to the source of all love.

> >

> >At this time, your divine feminine nature is asked by the Divine Mother

> >to open the heart to the divine masculine again . and to all parts of

> >your soul that are masculine in nature. Divine Mother offers elixirs of

> >love and compassion and forgiveness to you at this time and begins to

> >flood you with these through your chakras and meridians and bodies.

> >Breathe and receive as these begin to fill you and a new purification

> >flows through you. It is at this time that you are asked to release any

> >old relationships that you have with males on the planet that do not

> >serve you and to replace these relationships with unconditional love.

> >You are supported now to ask and receive karmic absolution in

> >relationship to your connection to any male on the planet that may

> >create a block to occur in your femininity and receptivity in life. If

> >there is any other being that creates you to lose connection to your

> >softness and receptivity, bless this one now and ask for karmic

> >absolution for all that has

> >occurred between you and them in any lifetime, space or dimension.

> >

> >Send love to this one and release this one from any negative bindings

> >that may have been between you. As you do this, Archangel Michael steps

> >forth to you and offers to clear any negativity between you. He just

> >asks that you take responsibility for this as a level of co-creation,

> >and he suggests for you to make new choices that will allow you to

> >co-create love as a new form of relationship. He blesses each one of

> >you with his sword of Excalibur and fills you with the blue ray of light

> >and love which further purifies you. He asks you to consider your

> >ascension and to raise your consciousness with him now by accepting your

> >divinity and the divinity in others from your heart now.

> >

> >As you complete this, Lady Mother Mary blesses you with her sword of

> >divine compassion and grace. She supports you now to merge with your

> >divine feminine presence with a new choice to stay open-hearted to all

> >energies with a masculine presence so as to create a new path of meeting

> >the divine energies of the masculine. She asks you to meditate on these

> >energies as strength, giving and clarity, truth and wisdom. She asks

> >you t o focus your consciousness on these qualities for a few moments

> >and

> >to invoke the presence of these throughout you. As you do this, many

> >elixirs of these qualities blend as a wave to move through your chakras

> >in an activation of your being. At this time, the divine twelfth wave

> >of ascension (12:12) activates through you and the energies of the

> >Andromedan gateway begin to travel through your chakra column into the

> >Earth core as a divine blessing for all beings on the Earth. This wave

> >flows through the Earth into each of the portals of the Earth, opening

> >them

> >to receive more clearly than before the love and light of Source. Sit

> >for some minutes to receive this blessing and to be a channel for this

> >healing and for all beings and Mother Earth.

> >

> >To complete this, sound the mantra of this activation that creates the

> >sealing of all portals of receptivity and feminine presence to open to

> >Source.

> >




> >




> >




> >

> >OM




> >OM

> >

> >Sound 13 times in sacred celebration of the divine feminine embrace of

> >all that is masculine within and without, and the opening of these

> >portals in your body and on the Earth, to Source. Ask that this be

> >sealed with the love of your God Presence when you feel complete.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

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> >

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> >

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> >


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