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Digest Number 808/chrysocolla.

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Hi Kerry,


I am a telepathic animal portrait artist, and heard the stone 'chrysocolla',

was an excellent stone for artists. I found (and bought)a pendant with a

one inch polished chrysocolla in it several years ago at a flea market from

a nice peruvean lady and wore it steadily for two years. (I also wore it to

help me with pms/cramps/arthritis/and my hypoglycemia) As you say, it also

reminded me of the 'earth from space'... and 'inspired' me while I painted.

I felt very close to that stone...I have since removed it from my neck and

replaced what I wear there with a Tachyon energized CZ for health reasons.

I then 'dedicated' my chrysocolla to my portrait painting solely and it

rests by my pallette in my studio where I find it still inspires me :-) I

was 'blown away' recently when I went to a gem/mineral show and saw a 3 inch

chrysocolla sphere, polished to brilliance and looking just incredible! My

priority was to find a polished evening moonstone for my telepathic work(I

found a gorgeous 45 carat evening moonstone that told me it was my 'working

stone', yay!) but I could not afford to purchase both it and the

chrysocolla..I hope that I may find that chrysocolla again(or one like it)

at next years show, I find myself thinking of it often *sigh*...Merry

blessings, Aileen W. Donovan.



> Message: 1

> Thu, 01 Jan 2004 10:39:02 -0000

> " kerry_oconnor78 " <kl_oconnor

> chrysocolla


> hi all,

> i am totally in love with a tumbled chrysocolla stone i have

> recently purchased. it reminds me of pictures of the earth from

> space.......

> some properties that i have come across seem pretty broad, from

> transforming negative energy to positive, assisting communication,

> and having a calming influence.

> I feel this stone has a very strong and specific energy, and am not

> totally happy with the descriptions i have found.


> can anyone share from their experiences with this beautiful stone?

> love kerry





> ______________________

> ______________________



> files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

> files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


> , photos, and message archives can be found At:




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wow aileen, thanks so much for sharing your story. i am so drawn to

the chrysocolla, i can really relate to your connection with it too.


being a telepathic animal portrait artist sounds interesting, does

that mean that you dont ask for photos to go from, or need to see

the animal physically? wow! i hope my own spiritual development

leads me somewhere exciting and special like that!


all the best with your moonstone.

love and inspiration, kerry




> Hi Kerry,


> I am a telepathic animal portrait artist, and heard the

stone 'chrysocolla',

> was an excellent stone for artists. I found (and bought)a pendant

with a

> one inch polished chrysocolla in it several years ago at a flea

market from

> a nice peruvean lady and wore it steadily for two years. (I also

wore it to

> help me with pms/cramps/arthritis/and my hypoglycemia) As you say,

it also

> reminded me of the 'earth from space'... and 'inspired' me while I


> I felt very close to that stone...I have since removed it from my

neck and

> replaced what I wear there with a Tachyon energized CZ for health


> I then 'dedicated' my chrysocolla to my portrait painting solely

and it

> rests by my pallette in my studio where I find it still inspires

me :-) I

> was 'blown away' recently when I went to a gem/mineral show and

saw a 3 inch

> chrysocolla sphere, polished to brilliance and looking just

incredible! My

> priority was to find a polished evening moonstone for my

telepathic work(I

> found a gorgeous 45 carat evening moonstone that told me it was

my 'working

> stone', yay!) but I could not afford to purchase both it and the

> chrysocolla..I hope that I may find that chrysocolla again(or

one like it)

> at next years show, I find myself thinking of it often


> blessings, Aileen W. Donovan.



> > Message: 1

> > Thu, 01 Jan 2004 10:39:02 -0000

> > " kerry_oconnor78 " <kl_oconnor@h...>

> > chrysocolla

> >

> > hi all,

> > i am totally in love with a tumbled chrysocolla stone i have

> > recently purchased. it reminds me of pictures of the earth from

> > space.......

> > some properties that i have come across seem pretty broad, from

> > transforming negative energy to positive, assisting


> > and having a calming influence.

> > I feel this stone has a very strong and specific energy, and am


> > totally happy with the descriptions i have found.

> >

> > can anyone share from their experiences with this beautiful


> > love kerry

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >



> >

> >

> > files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

> > files, photos, and message archives can be found At:

> >

> > , photos, and message archives can be found At:

> >

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> >

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