Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 All- One of the more often seen requests involves an interest in basic dances to help manage pain. Whether acute or chronic, pain is something that many people face, prompting us to seek out ways to address this challenge. The stone spirits offer us a full spectrum of possibilities from fairly simple to quite complex, but their medicine has proven itself time and time in a variety of dances. I think that in order to fully address the situation it is important to first examine our perceptions of pain. For those of us raised in a society that embraces allopathic medicine at the expense of nearly all else there are certain ideas about pain that we inherit, including one that says pain is the enemy that must be eliminated at all costs. There is a certain mentality around pain that seeks to immediately eradicate its presence, even if only superficially. In truth we can learn a great deal from pain. In societies and paradigms that embrace a more wholistic approach to healing pain is viewed as a teacher and a messenger, a carrier of information about where we've been and where are now. I don't believe that working to manage or alleviate pain is a bad thing at all, but to do so without first attempting to listen closely to what is being said is often an exercise in futility that only locks us into even more chronic patterns of repeating behavior that evokes painful experiences. I've learned a lot about pain during my own dances with chronic dis- ease over the course of 15 years. The majority of that time was spent tackling the pain in an effort to silence it, without giving much thought to the underlying roots from which the pain emerged. I'm a firm believer that the efficacy of any given practice is how well it works in our lives and this approach clearly wasn't working. Instead I experienced more intense pain more often and found relief harder and harder to come by. A change was needed. Despite the fact that I understood the idea of " pain as teacher " as a concept I didn't have a clear relationship to it in practice. I knew that if I was to find any lasting relief and, more importantly, any meaningful healing that I had to change my perspective and my approach. I embraced indigenous wisdom in this area and as always it took me to deeper and more profound places than I ever imagined. Instead of treating pain as the enemy and confusing the absence of pain with healing I took a few steps further and began to embrace pain. Instead of seeking to immediately eliminate it from the equation I would breathe into it – sometimes with clinched teeth and pinched shut eyes, but I'd keep breathing nonetheless. Suddenly from that space voices began emerging and after further listening I realized that it was my body speaking to me. My body revealed its complex and precise wisdom to me in many ways, including through the voice of pain. Now rather than being the enemy that had come to destroy me pain became a messenger that carried something important, medicine with which I could find healing. As bitter as it often was that medicine was critical to me in that moment, a biological response that reflected the state of my wholeness in that moment. Listening became the first step to healing and in order to do so healing had to become more important than being comfortable. Over time I've learned to read pain in an oracular way, understanding what is being communicated by the presence of pain. Sometimes the messages are subtle and complex, but our body is eager to share its wisdom with us if we open ourselves to that possibility. That said I began asking the stone spirits for some assistance, some ways to help manage the pain so that I could continue listening while also supporting my physical body and its desire to move toward balance and wellness. As always our brothers and sisters of the mineral kingdom responded, beautifully and with the degree of Love characteristic to these miraculous jewels. One of the simplest ways to manage pain is one that has been effective time and again over the years and through many dances where the sources of pain have been as unique as the people experience it. This simple dance invokes the assistance of two Clear Quartz crystals. In my dances with myself and others I have found the spirits of Diamantina Quartz to be the most effective companions for this dance by far. You may listen and experiment and see if this holds true for you, but I offer Diamantina Quartz as a possible starting point. For primarily practical purposes you may find this dance easier if you dance with two crystals of fairly similar size. The numerology of two crystals joining this dance is significant because two is a number of polarity, a way of defining the scope of something – in this case the pain – through this polarization. In the case of physical pain our body is polarized with and within the experience of pain. Another way of looking at it is that the body, when balanced, well and whole exists as a single unified presence, which can be represented by the number one. When we experience pain there is a shift of energy that distinguishes pain from wellness, expressed by the number two. On other levels we can view wellness through the lens of binary wisdom – yin and yang, night and day, 1 and 0, well and not well. When viewed from a higher perspective pain is actually the absence of flow within our body, which is translated to us as the pain we experience. When we're in pain we are either experiencing an unbalanced increase or decrease in energy to a particular part of our wholeness. Because that particular facet of our being in not in balance our body may respond with pain. This is particularly true the further out of balance we become. Two Clear Quartz spirits dancing together realizes and embraces all of the above, enabling them to balance that which is out of balance and supporting us in moving toward a state of full wellness, which can be defined as not just the reduction or elimination of pain but also addressing the underlying causes of the pain as well. To begin this simple dance begin by first thanking the Diamantina spirits for their presence and their assistance. Ask them to help you in whatever way you most need at the moment, being as specific as you feel necessary. Hold both Quartz crystals first to your head and heart and then gently breathe on then seven times, allowing your breath to come into direct contact with the crystals. Then holding both crystals in your receiving hand (generally the hand that you do not write with) position one crystal with its termination facing upward and the other with its termination facing downward. Both crystals should be gently held against one another, side by side with their terminations pointing in opposite directions. The significance of this position is that it evokes a clear and unified circuit and circle of light that will connect with your body on many levels to help address the pain and its causes. Once the two Diamantina Quartz spirits are positive as above they may be placed over the area of your body that is in pain, allowing the crystals to come into direct contact with your body. If you are able to allow the stones to come into direct contact with you skin that would be best, though if this isn't possible it isn't absolutely necessary. Begin breathing slow deep breaths, breathing into the pain as necessary. Try to keep your body as relaxed as possible, working to release any tension held in your muscles as a result of pain and fear. Continue breathing slowly and deeply while holding this pair of spirits over the painful area(s), holding them in that position for as long as you find necessary. As the crystals are in this position they are expressing their medicine in many ways, including locating any areas of unbalanced energy, dissonance or other stimuli that cause pain. Through this circle of light mentioned above these stone sprits move with their own music and divine intelligence through the wholeness of your being, knowing precisely where to go and how to dance even if we are unsure. Know that their dances are perfect and you need only breathe into the experience in order to enjoy their presence and gifts. You may feel an immediate relief of the pain or the relief may take some time. You may even have to dance this dance multiple times as directed by your own body wisdom, heart and knowing in order to experience pain. Everyone is different and everyone has their own unique road to healing. After your dance is finished, hold these spirits close and thank them for their kindness, their presence and their selfless assistance that they give so freely and generously. Generally these stone spirits are able to cleanse themselves perfectly well without our assistance, but if you feel they need a little extra support after this dance simply listen and see what they require. Perhaps a dip in some fresh rose water? A moment or two on Mother Gaia? A short rest at the base of a tree? Some sunlight or moonlight or both? If more is needed you will know. What do you do if the pain persists? In the event that after repeated tries the pain is still present then it is a sign from your body that there is more for you to hear, that the pain has something to share with you that may not be fully heard or understood. Your body is as willing to release the pain as you are, but not at the risk of you missing something essential to your next phases of growth, healing and balance. In those moments, rather than curse the continued presence of pain, welcome it. Literally welcome it and invite it to share with you whatever it has to share with you. Sit with the pain and keep your heart open. Ask your body to reveal its wisdom to you and to do so in a way that you can interpret and understand. Ask for a greater capacity to hear and to know and to dance, an increased ability to be with the pain without resistance and to remain open in the face of a painful dance. In those moments when it feels easier to shut down and fight the stone spirits of Emerald Green Calcite and Manganocalcite step forward beautifully, to assist us in remaining open and present and listening. Breathe deep. Deeper still. Stay with the flow and you'll know precisely what is yours to know, always. Remember to be patient with yourself and your body. Above all be gentle with yourself in the process. Sometimes being human can be a real challenge. Dis-ease isn't the sign of our failure, but rather an opportunity for learning and growth and expansion. Beating ourselves up for being human only evokes more pain. Every moment is perfect, even painful ones. Who you are and what you know in this moment is perfect, always. Yes. While I realize it is obvious, my sense of responsibility requires that I reiterate that nothing above should be misinterpreted as being offered as a suitable substitute for proper medical care by duly trained medical practitioners of your choosing. If you're in severe pain you should not hesitate to seek the assistance of these medical practitioners. As always, discernment and personal responsibility are recommended at all times. In Love, Fabeku Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list crystal_spirit_2/ *** NEW URL!!! *** Above information is copyright © 2004 dancing dragonfly/Fabeku. This above may be distributed freely so long as the above URL and copyright notice remain intact. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2004 Report Share Posted January 9, 2004 Hi Fabeku, Wow, someone else who dances to the tunes of the crystals. We all hold a different song, sometimes we just forget how that twiddly bit in the middle goes, and so we get sick. The crystals wave the baton and can conduct you back to health , but only if you want to. Sorry, you put it far more eloquently than I could ever do. Dance lightly Banana sponge x - Fabeku Thursday, January 08, 2004 8:13 PM [CrystalHW] Basic Pain Management & Stone Spirits All- One of the more often seen requests involves an interest in basic dances to help manage pain. Whether acute or chronic, pain is something that many people face, prompting us to seek out ways to address this challenge. The stone spirits offer us a full spectrum of possibilities from fairly simple to quite complex, but their medicine has proven itself time and time in a variety of dances. I think that in order to fully address the situation it is important to first examine our perceptions of pain. For those of us raised in a society that embraces allopathic medicine at the expense of nearly all else there are certain ideas about pain that we inherit, including one that says pain is the enemy that must be eliminated at all costs. There is a certain mentality around pain that seeks to immediately eradicate its presence, even if only superficially. In truth we can learn a great deal from pain. In societies and paradigms that embrace a more wholistic approach to healing pain is viewed as a teacher and a messenger, a carrier of information about where we've been and where are now. I don't believe that working to manage or alleviate pain is a bad thing at all, but to do so without first attempting to listen closely to what is being said is often an exercise in futility that only locks us into even more chronic patterns of repeating behavior that evokes painful experiences. I've learned a lot about pain during my own dances with chronic dis- ease over the course of 15 years. The majority of that time was spent tackling the pain in an effort to silence it, without giving much thought to the underlying roots from which the pain emerged. I'm a firm believer that the efficacy of any given practice is how well it works in our lives and this approach clearly wasn't working. Instead I experienced more intense pain more often and found relief harder and harder to come by. A change was needed. Despite the fact that I understood the idea of " pain as teacher " as a concept I didn't have a clear relationship to it in practice. I knew that if I was to find any lasting relief and, more importantly, any meaningful healing that I had to change my perspective and my approach. I embraced indigenous wisdom in this area and as always it took me to deeper and more profound places than I ever imagined. Instead of treating pain as the enemy and confusing the absence of pain with healing I took a few steps further and began to embrace pain. Instead of seeking to immediately eliminate it from the equation I would breathe into it - sometimes with clinched teeth and pinched shut eyes, but I'd keep breathing nonetheless. Suddenly from that space voices began emerging and after further listening I realized that it was my body speaking to me. My body revealed its complex and precise wisdom to me in many ways, including through the voice of pain. Now rather than being the enemy that had come to destroy me pain became a messenger that carried something important, medicine with which I could find healing. As bitter as it often was that medicine was critical to me in that moment, a biological response that reflected the state of my wholeness in that moment. Listening became the first step to healing and in order to do so healing had to become more important than being comfortable. Over time I've learned to read pain in an oracular way, understanding what is being communicated by the presence of pain. Sometimes the messages are subtle and complex, but our body is eager to share its wisdom with us if we open ourselves to that possibility. That said I began asking the stone spirits for some assistance, some ways to help manage the pain so that I could continue listening while also supporting my physical body and its desire to move toward balance and wellness. As always our brothers and sisters of the mineral kingdom responded, beautifully and with the degree of Love characteristic to these miraculous jewels. One of the simplest ways to manage pain is one that has been effective time and again over the years and through many dances where the sources of pain have been as unique as the people experience it. This simple dance invokes the assistance of two Clear Quartz crystals. In my dances with myself and others I have found the spirits of Diamantina Quartz to be the most effective companions for this dance by far. You may listen and experiment and see if this holds true for you, but I offer Diamantina Quartz as a possible starting point. For primarily practical purposes you may find this dance easier if you dance with two crystals of fairly similar size. The numerology of two crystals joining this dance is significant because two is a number of polarity, a way of defining the scope of something - in this case the pain - through this polarization. In the case of physical pain our body is polarized with and within the experience of pain. Another way of looking at it is that the body, when balanced, well and whole exists as a single unified presence, which can be represented by the number one. When we experience pain there is a shift of energy that distinguishes pain from wellness, expressed by the number two. On other levels we can view wellness through the lens of binary wisdom - yin and yang, night and day, 1 and 0, well and not well. When viewed from a higher perspective pain is actually the absence of flow within our body, which is translated to us as the pain we experience. When we're in pain we are either experiencing an unbalanced increase or decrease in energy to a particular part of our wholeness. Because that particular facet of our being in not in balance our body may respond with pain. This is particularly true the further out of balance we become. Two Clear Quartz spirits dancing together realizes and embraces all of the above, enabling them to balance that which is out of balance and supporting us in moving toward a state of full wellness, which can be defined as not just the reduction or elimination of pain but also addressing the underlying causes of the pain as well. To begin this simple dance begin by first thanking the Diamantina spirits for their presence and their assistance. Ask them to help you in whatever way you most need at the moment, being as specific as you feel necessary. Hold both Quartz crystals first to your head and heart and then gently breathe on then seven times, allowing your breath to come into direct contact with the crystals. Then holding both crystals in your receiving hand (generally the hand that you do not write with) position one crystal with its termination facing upward and the other with its termination facing downward. Both crystals should be gently held against one another, side by side with their terminations pointing in opposite directions. The significance of this position is that it evokes a clear and unified circuit and circle of light that will connect with your body on many levels to help address the pain and its causes. Once the two Diamantina Quartz spirits are positive as above they may be placed over the area of your body that is in pain, allowing the crystals to come into direct contact with your body. If you are able to allow the stones to come into direct contact with you skin that would be best, though if this isn't possible it isn't absolutely necessary. Begin breathing slow deep breaths, breathing into the pain as necessary. Try to keep your body as relaxed as possible, working to release any tension held in your muscles as a result of pain and fear. Continue breathing slowly and deeply while holding this pair of spirits over the painful area(s), holding them in that position for as long as you find necessary. As the crystals are in this position they are expressing their medicine in many ways, including locating any areas of unbalanced energy, dissonance or other stimuli that cause pain. Through this circle of light mentioned above these stone sprits move with their own music and divine intelligence through the wholeness of your being, knowing precisely where to go and how to dance even if we are unsure. Know that their dances are perfect and you need only breathe into the experience in order to enjoy their presence and gifts. You may feel an immediate relief of the pain or the relief may take some time. You may even have to dance this dance multiple times as directed by your own body wisdom, heart and knowing in order to experience pain. Everyone is different and everyone has their own unique road to healing. After your dance is finished, hold these spirits close and thank them for their kindness, their presence and their selfless assistance that they give so freely and generously. Generally these stone spirits are able to cleanse themselves perfectly well without our assistance, but if you feel they need a little extra support after this dance simply listen and see what they require. Perhaps a dip in some fresh rose water? A moment or two on Mother Gaia? A short rest at the base of a tree? Some sunlight or moonlight or both? If more is needed you will know. What do you do if the pain persists? In the event that after repeated tries the pain is still present then it is a sign from your body that there is more for you to hear, that the pain has something to share with you that may not be fully heard or understood. Your body is as willing to release the pain as you are, but not at the risk of you missing something essential to your next phases of growth, healing and balance. In those moments, rather than curse the continued presence of pain, welcome it. Literally welcome it and invite it to share with you whatever it has to share with you. Sit with the pain and keep your heart open. Ask your body to reveal its wisdom to you and to do so in a way that you can interpret and understand. Ask for a greater capacity to hear and to know and to dance, an increased ability to be with the pain without resistance and to remain open in the face of a painful dance. In those moments when it feels easier to shut down and fight the stone spirits of Emerald Green Calcite and Manganocalcite step forward beautifully, to assist us in remaining open and present and listening. Breathe deep. Deeper still. Stay with the flow and you'll know precisely what is yours to know, always. Remember to be patient with yourself and your body. Above all be gentle with yourself in the process. Sometimes being human can be a real challenge. Dis-ease isn't the sign of our failure, but rather an opportunity for learning and growth and expansion. Beating ourselves up for being human only evokes more pain. Every moment is perfect, even painful ones. Who you are and what you know in this moment is perfect, always. Yes. While I realize it is obvious, my sense of responsibility requires that I reiterate that nothing above should be misinterpreted as being offered as a suitable substitute for proper medical care by duly trained medical practitioners of your choosing. If you're in severe pain you should not hesitate to seek the assistance of these medical practitioners. As always, discernment and personal responsibility are recommended at all times. In Love, Fabeku Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list crystal_spirit_2/ *** NEW URL!!! *** Above information is copyright © 2004 dancing dragonfly/Fabeku. This above may be distributed freely so long as the above URL and copyright notice remain intact. files are online at Http:// files, photos, and message archives can be found At: , photos, and message archives can be found At: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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