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Block pop-ups

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Check your browser I believe many of them now allow you to block (stop)

those pop up windows from being loaded/opened onto your computer when

you go to websites, as many have unfortunately found out like Sam, they

can change your dial-up to some overseas 1900 number and you wind up

with a huge phone bill.





On Wednesday, February 4, 2004, at 08:50 PM,



> Message: 1

> Mon, 2 Feb 2004 23:38:37 +0000 (GMT)

> samantha mccarthy <celticcrystals2003

> spam mail


> i had to giggle at Bev...hehehe at 4gotten what one looks

> like...1thought was omg...me too...lol

> but i have had a problem on my computer with spam mail....had

> something dial out on me...wasn't my usual number...to a premium rate

> line....i know was my comp...cos hav a premium numbers block on my

> phone....is the 2 nd time this has pahhened...and...when no-one was on

> my comp...was left on for downloading....check your phone bills very

> carefully....this horrid mail and the pop up ads...have left me

> somewhat out of pocket..i once clicked the close X on the corner of an

> ad...and i won't tell you what opened...but let's just say...it wasn't

> to my taste....i think we have to be really carefull...i contested the

> number to BT..but was nothing i could do....not to mention waiting for

> the right moment to tell my partner what had happened...thinking he

> would ask me top switch off...have confessed all now...hehe...but boy

> oh boy....did i feel the fool...after warning the kids about it...i

> ended up doing it myself...

> wish there was more we could do....am tired of it...and scrutinise

> every call on my phonebill....so should you....

> warm regards and many blessings....Sam..x

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