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I'm New!

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Hi everyone! I'm the new girl! My name is Heidi. I'm a 25 year old

pagan from Alaska. I am married to Dan and have no kids of the human

sort, but I do have two dogs, Bear and Chloe. Don't tell Chloe that

she is a dog though... hehe... she's a princess with a capital P!


My first experience with crystals and stones was when I was young. I

had a quartz crystal which had a man made depression in the center of

it for your thumb... these crystals were advertised as " Worry Stones "

I had that quartz for a very long time. Now as an adult, I have an

Obsidian that I rub between my fingers when I can't sleep. I haven't

worked a whole bunch with crystals... I've done a few healings here

and there on myself. So basically, this group hollared out to me and

I joined.


So that's that in a nutshell. Feel free to ask any questions! I do

have MSN messenger as well, my ID is heidi_cox, should

you decide to add me. :) I don't use Messenger though.


Thanks everyone!


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Hi Heidi




Nice to meet you and welcome to the group :-)




Love and Light







supergirlheidi [hcox]

04 February 2004 21:45


[CrystalHW] I'm New!




Hi everyone! I'm the new girl! My name is Heidi. I'm a 25 year old

pagan from Alaska. I am married to Dan and have no kids of the human

sort, but I do have two dogs, Bear and Chloe. Don't tell Chloe that

she is a dog though... hehe... she's a princess with a capital P!


My first experience with crystals and stones was when I was young. I

had a quartz crystal which had a man made depression in the center of

it for your thumb... these crystals were advertised as " Worry Stones "

I had that quartz for a very long time. Now as an adult, I have an

Obsidian that I rub between my fingers when I can't sleep. I haven't

worked a whole bunch with crystals... I've done a few healings here

and there on myself. So basically, this group hollared out to me and

I joined.


So that's that in a nutshell. Feel free to ask any questions! I do

have MSN messenger as well, my ID is heidi_cox, should

you decide to add me. :) I don't use Messenger though.


Thanks everyone!






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I'm new here too and looking forward to learning alot and adventuring

with my crystals and stones in a new way. I have a strange

experience to share and I'm wondering if there is anything in

particular that perhaps I should do considering the situation.


I have a somewhat large collection of rocks, crystals, shells and

odds and ends from nature and most of them are ones that I found or

they found me. They are very special to me, althought I've

never " worked " with them because I didn't think I knew how or at

least that's what I told myself. I think I just wasn't ready. I

have one medium sized quartz crystal clusture that I found and one

large gypsum rose selenite cluster that looks like a man and a woman

holding (really cool) that I purchased for my partner. I have sand

dollars and shells, as mentioned and I've always thought of all of

these things as rather delicate. Anyway - I had these things in a

beautiful glass floor case that had about 5 shelves. They had been

in the case for about 6 months with no problems - they were stable

and all, or so I thought. One day while sitting outside on my patio

which is near where the glass case is located (right inside the patio

door in the corner) I heard this CRASH that just was unbelievable

because it was so quick and the sound did not last long. I got up,

opened the patio door and lawdie all the shelves had crashed to the

very bottom of this case!! I thought for SURE that everything was

ruined and I almost got sick. Well, I was just amazed because only a

couple of things were damaged (mostly just the glass shelves were

what were destroyed. I had about 5 sand dollars in there and only

one was broken. I thought for sure the selenite would be just powder

and I bought it for a christmas/yule gift for my love and I was going

to be distraught if it was. It was not damaged at all. Everything

just sat at the bottom of this glass case in a huge pile!!


I sat and wondered what could have been the cause and me and my

partner made sure the case was very secure and all, but I suppose

there could have been something quirky there. However, I was dealing

with a legal situation with my son's father who is my ex for about 5

years and he was deliberately harrassing me in court (and he happens

to be a lawyer on top of it). I wondered if there was any

possibility that the stones and crystals and all were absorbing some

of this energy in such a way that contributed to this accident. I

have not done any official " work " with the rocks and crystals, but I

have felt that I know them all and I love holding them and I think

subconsciously I've been communicating with them. I also wondered if

perhaps " I " caused the crash in some way - I've read that often

menopausal women can contribute to energy disturbances that can

appear to be poltergeist type activity. I just turned 49 in Jan. and

don't really think about menopause or have anything unusual going on

regarding that. I haven't had anything else strange occur like that -

nothing moving or crashing or weird sounds or anything. I do,

however, work with the pendulum and have done clearings on many

occasions if something comes up that needs to be cleared.


I put the rocks and crystals in a box and stored them temporarily to

get this huge mess cleaned up. I want to know if you would suggest

doing any clearing on this assortment of rocks, crystals, shells and

nature items as a whole or should I work with each piece

individually? I guess this is a good time to go through each one and

utilize the information you have provided here and me and the stones

can " get to know each other " a little more intimately. Wouldn't it

be funny if this was their way of getting my attention? I hope they

are not upset because I packed them away for a while. Yikes. J/K.

I think there are a few that may have gotten chipped, but in reading

the manuals I realize that is not necessarily a problem.


I guess I'm interested in getting ideas on " what you would do " .

Thanks for reading thru this somewhat lengthy post. I look forward

to learning alot here and I'm thankful for the opportunity to do so.


My best to all,



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hiya Heidi...

giggled at your tale about chloe...i have fat cat called chloe...a real

character...naughty and funny...walks with the dog up the lane..hehe...she is

mad for milk and if you go in the fridge and don't give her any...she waits and

reeks revenge knocking things off the arm of the chair....hehe.,...sounds fun

where you are...have a friend who lives out there...but don't ask me where...

hope you enjoy the crystal healing workshop...i really have...been here about a

year now...my name's Sam..fem a young 39 ( basically immature!!..lol) from the

uk...have loved crystals ssince i was young too...always knew they were

special...called them my magic stones ...even at 5 years old...hehe...have fun

and enjoy...you will...soo really will..and will learn loads...so don't worry

about not knowing much...i think is better not to know....works better if you

listen to your instinct anyways.....

am sooo busy....with work three children and soo much going on at the mo.,..i

don't get to write back as much as i would like to...feel bad for that...but

know the group is lovely and soooo caring and welcoming..

hope you enjoy it as much as i have....very best of luck..

love light and fairy giggles....heheehe


ps...same addy in for chat...if anyone would like to add me...with just a

brief note to say they are from the workshop...would love to chat

sometime...take care all....love and light to you all...Sam


upergirlheidi <hcox wrote:

Hi everyone! I'm the new girl! My name is Heidi. I'm a 25 year old

pagan from Alaska. I am married to Dan and have no kids of the human

sort, but I do have two dogs, Bear and Chloe. Don't tell Chloe that

she is a dog though... hehe... she's a princess with a capital P!


My first experience with crystals and stones was when I was young. I

had a quartz crystal which had a man made depression in the center of

it for your thumb... these crystals were advertised as " Worry Stones "

I had that quartz for a very long time. Now as an adult, I have an

Obsidian that I rub between my fingers when I can't sleep. I haven't

worked a whole bunch with crystals... I've done a few healings here

and there on myself. So basically, this group hollared out to me and

I joined.


So that's that in a nutshell. Feel free to ask any questions! I do

have MSN messenger as well, my ID is heidi_cox, should

you decide to add me. :) I don't use Messenger though.


Thanks everyone!






files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

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Hi There


Just adding my twopenneth, I would be sure that you don't soak the ones that

dissolve in water.... I know you shouldn't wash selenite so the desert roses

may not appreciate this.


This is purely my own opinion but I do feel that it is something to bear in



Love and light





What I would do with all the rocks, crystals, shells, etc

> is place them in a huge pot of pure water and sprinkle in sea salt -

> a lot of it.

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