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beedjay wrote:


> i would like to ask about who and how these crystal attunements

> take place. i read a bit of the info in the files and i understand

> that there are over 15 levels? and the " group " is working on one

> of these now?


> how could i participate, not having been attuned even to level 1?

> do you start over at some point, or individuals are done

> separately?


> confused

> beedjay


No there is only one level and a couple of additions at a second level

the Crystal empowerment system includes a number of different functions

and several shakti energies of different kinds and purposes

about once a month |I do the attunements for those people who sign up to get


I use an attunement form which allows people to call them in at their


in a window of about two or three days they take usualy less than a half

hour to come in though that varies from person to person . I do these about

once a month



There are a number of other systems that I also attune for but I have not

been doing these for the list at this time. I am focussing on trying to

finish up the first | " round of the crystal healing workshop material




http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki


art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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ok, so how do i " sign up " ? sorry if i've missed the obvious,

here.LOL (i'm often on-line after 14 hrs with a very busy 4 year

old - can you say, TIRED?)





, Peggy Jentoft

<skygreen@m...> wrote:

> beedjay wrote:


> > i would like to ask about who and how these crystal


> > take place. i read a bit of the info in the files and i understand

> > that there are over 15 levels? and the " group " is working on


> > of these now?

> >

> > how could i participate, not having been attuned even to level


> > do you start over at some point, or individuals are done

> > separately?

> >

> > confused

> > beedjay


> No there is only one level and a couple of additions at a

second level

> the Crystal empowerment system includes a number of

different functions

> and several shakti energies of different kinds and purposes

> about once a month |I do the attunements for those people

who sign up to get

> them

> I use an attunement form which allows people to call them in

at their

> convenience

> in a window of about two or three days they take usualy less

than a half

> hour to come in though that varies from person to person . I do

these about

> once a month



> There are a number of other systems that I also attune for but I

have not

> been doing these for the list at this time. I am focussing on

trying to

> finish up the first | " round of the crystal healing workshop


> Peggy

> --


> http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura,


> manuals,

> art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

> Spirited emotion}


> Heretic Sanctuary


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


I also tried to write to Peggy at the attbi.com addy and the mail kept coming

back as undeliverable.

Gee, I am so glad your love life is great...my kids all love me..........


Pat H.

The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt



Saturday, April 06, 2002 11:27 AM

[CrystalHW] attunements



Peggy I have tried to write you at tyour personal mail but I have

been unable to. All my kids are home for " spring hiliday " also so we

are very busy.


I would just like to tell you my love life is great.



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Guest guest

lilithe333 wrote:


> Peggy I have tried to write you at tyour personal mail but I have

> been unable to. All my kids are home for " spring hiliday " also so we

> are very busy.


> I


I have no idea what the mail problem might, be the address

skygreen is the correct one and I've been getting a fairly normal

amount of mail here the server may be having intermittant troubles . My

kids are at home too and I have not had time to think or get significant work

of any kind done




energy work class info http://home.attbi.com/~skygreen/index.html

http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki


art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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lion1 wrote:


> Hi...

> I also tried to write to Peggy at the attbi.com addy and the mail kept coming

back as undeliverable.

> Gee, I am so glad your love life is great...my kids all love me..........


Could you tell me what the exact error message was the skygreen

address should be good and I

am always pleased to hear that folks are loved






energy work class info http://home.attbi.com/~skygreen/index.html

http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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Guest guest

Hi Peggy,

Don't quite remember what it said..just that the mail could not be delivered and

they would continue to try...got this twice.

The e-mail was in response to your planning on doing treatment attunements that

were keyed to work on some specific condition or issue as requested. If you are

still looking for " subjects " I am still interested.


Pat H.

The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Peggy Jentoft

Saturday, April 06, 2002 12:27 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] attunements



lion1 wrote:


> Hi...

> I also tried to write to Peggy at the attbi.com addy and the mail kept

coming back as undeliverable.

> Gee, I am so glad your love life is great...my kids all love me..........


Could you tell me what the exact error message was the skygreen

address should be good and I

am always pleased to hear that folks are loved





energy work class info http://home.attbi.com/~skygreen/index.html

http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki


art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html




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  • 5 months later...

I think that you already could do the fuctions from the attunement in

your own way .You only get the attunement if and when it offers benefit

to you

You have already establishe very strong connections with the crystal

Deva and energies


I'll probably offfer the Angel attunements to the group in a few weeks


Aisha S wrote:


>Dear Peggy,

>I would love an angel empowerment, it would be awesome to feel closer to

angels. I did call in the crystal attunement when you offered it a few months

ago, but i didn't feel anything, I don't think i was mean't too :(

>Thanks peggy, what ever you do, I appreciate your work and efforts at making a

great group here.


>AishaGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :





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Good, I was hoping you would.


Love and Light,



, rosequartz <rosequartz@a...> wrote:

> I think that you already could do the fuctions from the attunement in

> your own way .You only get the attunement if and when it offers benefit

> to you

> You have already establishe very strong connections with the crystal

> Deva and energies


> I'll probably offfer the Angel attunements to the group in a few


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WHAT is an attunement


Attunements, sometimes also called energy initiations or

empowerments are

transmissions of energy to a person that makes a transformation to

parts of their aura (energy body ) Which opens, clears and connects

the recipient to the ability to use the specific functions which are

being attuned for /to. These energy transmissions can help a person

connect specific energy functions or meditations or even aspects of

themselves. Attunements can be done for almost anything because

everything is energy. There are a infinite possibilities. Some

attunements have more effect and value than others.

Attunements are used in many energy work systems including Reiki , Malaka

Huna , Love stream etc. . They can give people the ability to open to

use energies and other functions which would take years even decades

to develop the ability to use without attunement .


Attunements are transmitted by people who know how to do them for the

specific system or function . This ability to do attunements is also

often received by attunement . Though until recently most

attunements were done in a spiritual context and the attuner was likely

to be senior in some religion or

spiritual or shamanic practice , being able to do attunements is not an

indicator of any particular virtue or spiritual depth or wisdom.

Some attunements involve a surround of ceremony or ritual. The ones I

do are direct transmissions where usually I connect into the source of

the attuning energies connect with the recipient

and ground the connection while the attunement occurs . It is possible

to do many attunements remotely .

The crystal Empowerment attunements are some which assist in working

with crystals and allow you to do hands on and remote energy work with

crystal related Shakti.


Shakti is often used as a term for any spiritual energy frequency that

can be called in and " run " or used /received for some spiritual

purpose. . They are found in spiritual traditions world wide and

functions usually presented in other forms can also be transmitted as

shakti .



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Heidi,


>Hi! Several members have mentioned in their posts that they >have done or gone

through attunements...

>What are they?





Peggy has two other lists that are for receiving attunements to her energy



One is Companion Angel Workshop and that group is -



The other is the Crystal Deva Empowerment workshop and you can find it at -





- - - - -


Walk softly, Live gently

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thoughts are Things, and They Create!




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