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Anyone have experience with green obsidian

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I found this large whole piece 3 1/2lb. Orginaly I was going to brake

it up and make jewelery and use some small stones on my massage

table. Now I have a strong feeling not to brake the stone. This stone

doesn't have any sharp edges. It's like perfectly rounded (with soft

indentations). I feel I should use it as it is but it's so big and

heavy. I don't mind something that big on me. I don't know how other

people will take it. Can anyone offer me some advice? And please tell

me all about the healing porperties of green obsidian. I mainly use

it for my own protection and " protection healing " but I know there is

sooooooo much more to it. Thank you Aubrey

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green obsidian can be used to remove energy hookups. it can also

help you from getting future hookups. if it is green sheen obsidian

it can be used to give your heart a kind of second sight. in other

words you can look deeper into the eyes of another right down to

that persons heart. this works really good if you are trying to find

your soulmate as i am. i sleep with a piece nightly along with amny

other stones. sometimes i put this on my 3rd eye (mine is 41/2lbs)

sometimes i lay it gently against the top of my crown chakra for

journeying but remember to have the rest of your grid properly

aligned such as hematite and silver sheen obsidian at your feet.

just to name a few. you are blessed to have such a piece treasure it

and respect it and please do not break it unless you are called to

share it with another.

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Thank you Aubrey


Hi Aubrey,

As always, take what you like and disregard the rest. From what I

have been able to find, green obsidian is said to be helpful to other

crystals; it heals and resonates to the heart chakra; it assists one

to break away from toxic relationships. I would also say it is

protective, like obsidian as a general rule. I'm not certain

I " feel " that it is extra helpful to other crystals (not like

I " feel " that Danburite is, for instance), but I do suggest you ask

it about that.

For healing, is it that you want to take the crystal with you? If

not, and it can stay in one place, you might experiment with having

it in your healing space. Again, I would ask the crystal where it

would best be placed. I use a pendulum when speaking with crystals

if I don't feel their response strongly enough. Beings as it was

able to let you know not to break it up into pieces, perhaps that

isn't the situation with you.

It sounds as if you are entering into a great partnership with a

wonderful crystal. Enjoy!

Love, Light and Blessings to us all, Diana

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