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awakening call- Negative Attachments.

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this is an awakening call for all energy healers. the subject of negative

entities, energies, forces,devils has found much less attention and who are

responsible for most of the pitfalls in healing. problems / diseases come again

& again.


liz is moderator of energyclear group and is a professional energy clearer. she

speaks from the strength of her years of experience. i have also first hand

experience of them . they can negate the healing. these can harm reiki / other

healing senders until they are protected well. there are 12 grades of devils on

which i may share notes shortly. in this at least 5 grades are more stronger

than 2nd degree reiki channel. when you give reiki they can know from where that

is coming. since some of their junior colleagues are destroyed, they take

revenge. because of the gaps, they easily go out when any energy healing is

given and when there is no risk they come back. this is the biggest reason why

healing fail and diseases / problem re-occur. even you yourself sometimes may

not heal after years of giving reiki to yourself as also by others.


biggest alert needed is for reiki practioners. i feel god never intended that

every tom, dick, harry should become its channel of love which most of them lack

themselves. it appears to have been commercialised and have been treated so

easily. it is not. i have not met much reiki healers who can say with strength

that they have been healed at all levels. i am not against people giving reiki

to needy persons. but until one is protected appropriately it will be dangerous

to take it so easy. you may be inviting trouble for yourself which many of them

are expressing in the groups forums but may not be aware of the real danger.

check your statistics of really healed people & you yourself which will give you







Saturday, February 07, 2004 7:04 PM

Re: [Energyclear] Negative Attachments.





you have beautifully written on the subject. i have gone though your articles in

the files section. i am having first hand knowledge about them. i have seen for

the first time such clear indication about them. thanks a lot. i hope people use



i would like to add - as per my personal experience - that they mainly control

para thalmus as also action co-ordinating centre so that your thinking and

actions are controlled by them.


you are very correct that when you give reiki , you may be attacked also. i give

a slight expansion. when you give reiki, lower vibrational entities are

sometimes destroyed while normal reiki does not touch higher ones. they come to

know where from reiki is coming and then attack that person. i have been

attacked and you come to know of this source very late. today reiki appears to

be commercialised. everybody thinks he can give reiki without knowing tht he may

be attacked. problems come in his/her life but which he attributes to karma

which is not the case.


it may be interesting for you to know that i had been under attack from beings

of light sent by a holy man. while the holy man forgave, these entities find

comfort here and refuse to go. all my mantras etc have had no effect. however,

they also seem fed up now as with increasing power of mantrs, so many of them

have been destroyed and now want to leave.


you are doing at lot of good energy work. i feel you will be doing all the reiki

healers very good if you further echo your view points on this danger so that

people send reiki with knowledge. it has just become fashionable to send reiki

to anyone.


i had sent you 2 writeups on reiki problems. would yu like to put it in files

section so that others cn read.




Liz Prince


Saturday, February 07, 2004 5:14 PM

[Energyclear] Negative Attachments.



Hi All,


It's interesting to read about people's problems with clearing negative


In mine and Tammie's experience demons that are attacking but not attached

are easy to remove, by sending them away. All negative entities are bound by

universal law and so must do what you order them to do, but you must be

strong and forceful and have no fear. Entities thrive on fear it gives them


The entities which seem to 'hide' or leave temporarily cannot be removed by

ordering them away. As these entities attach into your chakras, the crown

first, they must be 'corded' that is have the actual attachments broken.

Once attached these entities break down your aura, slowly bit by bit, and

this is how they end up gaining total control. Once removed, the aura needs

to be repaired, which can be done by visuallising gold ribbons and 'weaving'

them into the aura. When this is done regularly, especially during healings

and or meditiation, the aura will heal. Whilst there are holes in the aura a

person is suspectable to entity attachment, and the same entity will

reattach if it has not been returned to the underworld. If an entity is

'hiding' from the clearer it can be returned to the person by grabbing and

pulling on the attachment. This makes the entity panic and return to try and

scare the person clearing, if your not scared of them whilst doing this,

when they return and find this out, they often stop doing anything leaving

you free to clear them. They are very much like a naughty child, and need to

be treated appropriately.

As entities attach into the crown, they also attach into your pineal and

pituitary glands, and then control your hormones. Your hormones release

energy into your system, and by controlling your hormones, the entities gain

control over your energy. They take your energy and use it for themselves.

The same happens when you give a reiki treatment to a person who has an

entity attached. The light of reiki pushes the entity away from your auric

field, but will then steal the energy from your body, negating the positive

effect of reiki. So when healing on a person reiki should be used to protect

the healer, the entity should be removed and then reiki can be given


Entities or demons are lower vibrational beings, that means they exist in a

realm that is not of light, they provide the balance, they bring us our

lessons, and they do the negative things in the world to provide lessons.

They are not good or bad they have a role to play and that is what they try

and do. Unattached entities have little or no power, it's only when they

attach into a person and are given physical energy can they really do any

harm, and then that harm is done through the person they are attached to.

Usually by this stage they have total control and so the soul in that body

isn't actually responsible for what happens. As we have physical power we

already have more power than an entity, remember this and use it.


Take Care





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d.k.kothari wrote:




>this is an awakening call for all energy healers.


> when you give reiki , you may be attacked also. i give a slight expansion.

when you give reiki,


Scary stuff but not in accord with my experience of Reiki or the

Experiences of many thousands of Reiki Practitioners and other energy

workers .

If one does come under some form of Psychic attack it is not because of

Reiki . People have to have some kind of opening /invitation/

expectation for such a thing to happen . Protection and removal if

needed is very easy though one has to reach the point where one

recognizes that it is easy . Any one who feels that they are under

attack etc. is advised to work on their own issues do grounding,

shielding, releasing of personal negativity's fear hate etc., forgive

yourself and others , practice compassion ,mindfulness and loving

kindness, connect with Spiritual energy and guidance . Harmful entities

cannot and will not stay in the presence of positive Spiritual


Please remember the law of attraction. what you pay attention to and

focus on is what you get and call into your life .

There are many stones for protection, releasing fear and others for

mental and spiritual clarity

but also Pink Kunzite and Chrysocolla and that black stone that

looks like it is printed with circuitry seem to want to be mentioned in

this specific context


Peggy Jentoft

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At 02:28 PM 2/11/2004, you wrote:

> > d.k.kothari wrote:

> > when you give reiki , you may be attacked also. i give a slight

> expansion. when you give reiki,

> >


>Scary stuff but not in accord with my experience of Reiki or the

>Experiences of many thousands of Reiki Practitioners and other energy

>workers .


Thank you Peggy for your words concerning that post. I was a bit disturbed

by the 'assuredness' with which the author spoke, as his words do not

reflect, in general, that which I have been taught, experienced, and read

about in numerous books.


Also the statement; " lower vibrational entities are sometimes destroyed

while normal reiki does not touch higher ones. " ; was interesting, as it

has always been my understanding that energy is never created or destroyed,

only transmuted.


>Please remember the law of attraction. what you pay attention to and focus

>on is what you get and call into your life .


This statement is one reason that I personally try to refrain from even

using words such as 'negative' energy and such, as I care not to have them

in my mind, since, to paraphrase: 'that which we think, we manifest'.


I also appreciated your reminders of the various stone friends we have to

help us through our days and on our paths. Just today, I gave a piece of

hematite to a person needing to work with Grounding issues.


Peace and Love,


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Hi there


I agree totaly with what Peggy has said here and I would like to add my own

point of view.......


I read the e-mail (or rather some of it) that d.k.kothari wrote and I gave

up half way through.. there was so much fear emanating from it that I

couldn't read any further.


From experience, personal and watching people around me, I would have to say

that one thing that attracts these little nasties better than anything is

FEAR.. if you are frightened of them it is like putting a beacon on top of

your head saying " you hoo I'm here!!! "


When we start working with the light, in whatever way, I feel we do make

ourselves targets to these things but if we then fear them we attract them

even more.


I see these things as little nasties that need a kick up the backside and

sending into the light to be dealt with appropriately... if need be invoke

the violet flame to help them on their way but DO NOT be frightened of

them..... fear comes from the ego... it is a detachment from spirit... this

is what they want. We are all strong enough to deal with these things so

there is no need to worry.


Now I admit I haven't personally had a REALLY nasty one although I have

experienced some pretty big ones... at one point I was going to leave my

partner, get my cat sedated so that I could travel 250 miles to a friends

house, leave the job that I love and totally rip my world apart... one phone

call and 2 hours later all was fine, the entity was gone and I was back to



So please, for your own sake... do not be firghtened of them, use whatever

method it takes, visualisation, affirmation... whatever to dispell your fear

of them.


Love and light









> d.k.kothari wrote:


> >dt.11.2.2004

> >

> >this is an awakening call for all energy healers.

> >

> > when you give reiki , you may be attacked also. i give a slight

expansion. when you give reiki,

> >

> Scary stuff but not in accord with my experience of Reiki or the

> Experiences of many thousands of Reiki Practitioners and other energy

> workers .

> If one does come under some form of Psychic attack it is not because of

> Reiki . People have to have some kind of opening /invitation/

> expectation for such a thing to happen . Protection and removal if

> needed is very easy though one has to reach the point where one

> recognizes that it is easy . Any one who feels that they are under

> attack etc. is advised to work on their own issues do grounding,

> shielding, releasing of personal negativity's fear hate etc., forgive

> yourself and others , practice compassion ,mindfulness and loving

> kindness, connect with Spiritual energy and guidance . Harmful entities

> cannot and will not stay in the presence of positive Spiritual

> connection.

> Please remember the law of attraction. what you pay attention to and

> focus on is what you get and call into your life .

> There are many stones for protection, releasing fear and others for

> mental and spiritual clarity

> but also Pink Kunzite and Chrysocolla and that black stone that

> looks like it is printed with circuitry seem to want to be mentioned in

> this specific context


> Peggy Jentoft



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Hi Peggy and d.k.kothari,


I am somewhere in the middle here. I am not a Reiki practioner so I

can't comment on that part of the post. I do want to give a middle-of-

the-road perspective.


I am a member of the Energyclear group and I have known Liz's partner

Tammi since we were both members of the SpiritWeb Reincarnation List

which is now a .


A couple of years ago Liz and Tammi did a scan of my photo and found

an entity attached to me. They removed it successfully as far as I

can tell.


In December my family and I went to Tucson for vacation. We flew

while the country was under code orange and we flew Southwest which

was one of the worst flying experiences of my life. The next morning

about an hour after I awoke I experienced a very severe muscle spasm

in my neck. When I returned home a visit to my cranial osteopath

reduced the problem 95%. A day and a half later the spasm returned

during a stressful phone call. The next day I realized that I had

some sort of entity attachment again. Fortunately my dear friend Pat

was in town. Pat is an internationally known psychic and energy

worker. She lectures for ASD (American Society of Dowsers) and her

manager is the president of ASD. She could see the entity and knew

that I picked it up on the original airplane ride. She said it hopped

over to me from another passenger because my vibration was higher

than the original hosts. (Who knew?....) She worked on me for a few

minutes and sent the entity lovingly to the light. My problems have

subsided to the point where only occaisionally do I feel a little

twinge in my neck.


I went back to Tucson a couple of weeks ago for the HUGE rock and

mineral shows and flew United. This time I had no problems at all and

my neck was fine. I even had to lug 2 very heavy suitcases a little



It is very hard to maintain a positive loving light all the time and

there are many stressful situations. I don't think we need to obsess

about negative attachments but I also don't think we should be in

denial either.


Love and Light,


moderator of the Reincarnation Group






, " d.k.kothari "

<dkishan@v...> wrote:

> dt.11.2.2004


> this is an awakening call for all energy healers. the subject of

negative entities, energies, forces,devils has found much less

attention and who are responsible for most of the pitfalls in

healing. problems / diseases come again & again.


> liz is moderator of energyclear group and is a professional energy


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