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I have acquired one of those chakra wands with a point on one end and

an egg shape on the other with little chakra color stones on it.


I've been putting the egg side on my chakras and intending

inharmonious energies to depart and be transmuted through the copper

into the point and out... Also stirring up the chakras a bit with it.


I also hold it point out between my hands and focus reiki through the

wand on distant sends--and during prayer.


Does anyone else have any other suggestions on how to use chakra



And does anyone ever use the pointed end toward themselves or



When I do internet searches I tend to find lots of wands for sale but

not so much information.





Love & light,


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in my opinion store bought wands should remain in the store. if you really want

to have something that really works you will have to find a teacher. know the

tree you are looking for, ask it for a sacrifice, thank it, and leave food for

the tree behind. the reason that there are no " magic " instructions with it is

because they dont know them. a wand is something that takes a great deal of

studying and that means years before you can manifest. but you are on the right

path by starting to ask questions. i would start with a piece of orange calcite

moving it up and down your body. it will vibrate when you come across an area

that needs work, than start with individual stones.

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suetanida wrote:


>I have acquired one of those chakra wands with a point on one end and

>an egg shape on the other with little chakra color stones on it.



cool! there are of course many different kinds of wands for different

purposes of course

I presume that you cleared charged amplified and personalized the wand

when you got it .

Chakra Healing wand are often layed on the body along the the center

pint down for grounding point up for spiritual connection


>I've been putting the egg side on my chakras and intending

>inharmonious energies to depart and be transmuted through the copper

>into the point and out... Also stirring up the chakras a bit with it.


>I also hold it point out between my hands and focus reiki through the

>wand on distant sends--and during prayer.


>Does anyone else have any other suggestions on how to use chakra



>And does anyone ever use the pointed end toward themselves or




I have used the pointy end toward myself and others and the round end

is often used in the finish for smoothing , or sealing and balancing

rather than for putting energy in or pulling energy out . Many of

these wands can be used in the standard ways quartz crystal healing

wands are used . When using copper wands I do usually ask /set them

to run at lower than maximum power as guided . This kind of wand is

also sometime used round end up pointed end touching the chakra being

worked on and just allowed to work to bring in remove and balance

energies in a quiet way . You may also find that holding the wand up

in your non dominant hand for five or ten minutes while resting your

dominant hand on your knee will bring in a profound though gentle full


hope this give you a staring place I know that you always start with a

clear intention .


Peggy Jentoft

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