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Feng Shui using Crystals

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Do any of you use Feng Shui in your home or office using Crystals? I

have purchased two books of Feng Shui in the home, but haven't had

time to dive into them...


What about specific crystals being used in specific areas of the



At present, the only crystal I have " placed " in a certain area is a

clear quartz on top of my stove. I have heard that by doing this the

food will taste better. Have you heard this?




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Hi Heidi.

I am not a an expert but I feel a rose quartz in your relationships corner would

'bring' love into your life. Perhaps a fluorite (with purple, green and white in

In your prosperity corner. I am just going color there. if I think of any others

I will shout it out. This sounds like an excellent way to use crystals this.




Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:44 PM

[CrystalHW] Feng Shui using Crystals



Do any of you use Feng Shui in your home or office using Crystals? I

have purchased two books of Feng Shui in the home, but haven't had

time to dive into them...


What about specific crystals being used in specific areas of the



At present, the only crystal I have " placed " in a certain area is a

clear quartz on top of my stove. I have heard that by doing this the

food will taste better. Have you heard this?







files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

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i have just started studying that i year ago. and it can boost areas in your

life. is there a particular area that you want to do. i know a few feng shui

masters. for your relationship corner shiva linghams are the best, because you

want a well balanced relationship. and im not saying that because im selling

them on ebay mine are the rare temple size provided me by my stone master, who

just passed away. (harry p) boy i miss him. i would be happy to mail you a free

pocket lingham in his name for free. he was a giver and i still give things away

in his name, carrying on his work. just let me know. o.k. bobby

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Yvonne... oh the quartz crystals are a good idea... I just had the

thought of placing rose quartz between the box spring and matress at

each corner. That would be a surprise for my husband.. lol.



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in feng shui books you will find a chart showing nine divisons each of which

denotes a particular aspect of your life . my advisor had suggested that my

office table area should be adjusted accordingly. a photo of some deity, a rose

quartz in relationship area and in luck area , white quartz pyramid. since the

aspect is defined, one has to choose crystal which helps. he also suggested

hanging of rose quartz necklace on relationship side of bed room on near the


he cautioned me that east, west etc should be considered as also entry of the

room which he feels is most important . may be your feng shui books may give

more details. i have also used 2 round balls with lot of cuts on them like

diamond hanging with common string on the window. when the sun rays fall on them

, they give rainbow light inside the room. some energising effect was seen.





Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:14 PM

[CrystalHW] Feng Shui using Crystals



Do any of you use Feng Shui in your home or office using Crystals? I

have purchased two books of Feng Shui in the home, but haven't had

time to dive into them...


What about specific crystals being used in specific areas of the



At present, the only crystal I have " placed " in a certain area is a

clear quartz on top of my stove. I have heard that by doing this the

food will taste better. Have you heard this?







files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:

, photos, and message archives can be found At:




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Good morning Bobby'

What are Linghams? and would one work in the southwest corner of my

living room where I have all my plants? Thanks Susan


i would be happy to mail you a free pocket lingham in his name for

free. he was a giver and i still give things away in his name,

carrying on his work. just let me know. o.k. bobby

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HEY!! yeah....gridding the bed. I have thought of that for my kids. My son wakes

up.. maybe amethysts for peaceful dreams. You know what I learned to do .. feng

shui style for the bed, is place a sheet of RED some thing under the mattress to

BOOST the energy, he he he....



Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:23 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] Feng Shui using Crystals



Yvonne... oh the quartz crystals are a good idea... I just had the

thought of placing rose quartz between the box spring and matress at

each corner. That would be a surprise for my husband.. lol.







files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:

, photos, and message archives can be found At:




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did you ever see the indiana jones movie temple of doom. the stone that they was

stolen from the village was a shiva lingham. it is a very holy stone scared to

the people of india. it represents the balance of male and female energies. they

are great containers of spiritual energies. the big one when held will pulsate.

they are the stone of the kundalini. they are gathered once a year by the holy

people and are getting scarce as they are building dams on the river and also

the greed of mankind. most are in the one to two inch range. some go 4 or 5

inches, i have temple size one 91/2 pounds and up. the only other source on the

internet for 25 pound ones (13 inches) is suchness gallery and they go for

$1000.00. the offer still stands for a free one to you.

love and light


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Thank you Bobby I would be honoured to receive one via your

teacher..my private email is msmuffett to further

continue our conversation.. Susan..

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In a message dated 3/8/2004 12:00:59 PM Central Standard Time,

evuur writes: > I was wondering... does this constitute taking

away someone's

> free will??



IMHO, it is interfereing with someone's free will no more than wearing

perfume, or something sexy, or lighting candles or playing soothing music. It


provides to the atmosphere.






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> Hi there


> I was wondering... does this constitute taking away someone's free will??


> was pondering this as we could do with some help in this area but I


> how ethical it was to do this without my partner's concent???


> Great idea though


> BB


> Heather




> > HEY!! yeah....gridding the bed. I have thought of that for my kids. My


> wakes up.. maybe amethysts for peaceful dreams. You know what I learned to

> do .. feng shui style for the bed, is place a sheet of RED some thing


> the mattress to BOOST the energy, he he he....



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