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Programming Crystals

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Programming Crystals


It is possible to program your crystals or other stones to hold a

message ,

work for a specific purpose, to broadcast an affirmation, , emotion

or energy frequency , enhance protective filters , promote clear

communication, deepen meditation and healing work and for an almost

infinite number of other purposes.


These techniques are always to be done with respect for and in

harmony with the nature of the stone. Before you program a crystal

for any purpose you should meditate and tune into the crystal or

stone to determine if and that the crystal agrees to and is in

accord with your intended program . Some crystals have already got

a firmly set memory and purpose. These stones are not appropriate

to use for your own programs. You are seeking to enhance a

partnership and to harmonize and improve your ability to work with

the crystal. Programming is not about controlling or imposing your

will on the stone .


Before we had computers we sometimes called this process

" enchanting " the stones .

Your programs can be either autonomous or activateable.

Autonomous programs either broadcast the program continuously or

activate automatically

when needed .

Activatable programed stones are held and mentally activated by

intention, request /

command or when a pre designated time or situation /condition occurs .


Crystals programmed in answer to healing requests usually have

autonomous programs.

Programs for correcting bad habits such as smoking and programs for

protection or

improving an ambient atmosphere and for general manifestation or

projecting affirmations

are usually autonomous .


An activatable programmed crystal might be used for connecting with

your high self ,

sending energy to someone in labor (programmed ahead to activate

when labor begins)

to deepen meditation or enhance sleep, to help your memory while

taking a test or for any

purpose that you do not need constantly .


Many people think of the word programming as meaning to impose your

will on the stone .

This idea is incorrect . The first key and requirement for any kind

of programming is that the crystal or stone be in agreement. The

stone chooses to accept a program or in fact invites you to work

with it in that way. Any program should be in accord with the

innate purpose and energy of the stone. You could call it asking

or mutual attunement or even use the older term , enchantment.

Never program a stone that does not choose to work with you in this

way and for the purpose needed. The programming part is a way to

connect the person with the particular natural energy and purpose

of the stone or to fine tune an affirmation . Use intuition,

meditation or a pendulum or other tool to help you determine if the

stone is in accord with your intended program.


I received the crystal programming shakti energy from the Crystal

Deva in 1991.

One does not have to program crystals unless you feel called to do


Its just one possible way of helping to create a mutually

beneficial relationship. You should have an intuitive sense that it

is suitable to program the stone for what you intend before you do so.


After the crystal is cleared, hold the crystal in your hand or touch

it if it is too large to hold.

Open your mind to sense any intuitive information about the stone

.You may or may not

become aware of the Deva, the spirit or life force of the crystal.

Greet that essence as you would greet any other new friend and

receive what impressions you can from the stone.


When you have gotten a sense of the stone ( Do not be disappointed

if at first these

impressions are vague, practice will improve your ability to

commune). Think about what

you want to work with the stone for. Do you want it for general

or specific healing? for

protection? to broadcast an affirmation? Examples are general

healing, communication , protection, and so forth. People also

program or consult stones for more specific purposes such as to

treat a bad back , for confidence at an interview, shield from

negative energy etc. .

When you have decided what you wish to use a crystal for Seek a

crystal that feels like it is in accord with your intention. Ask the

crystal if this is in accord with its current purpose and if it is

willing to carry this program for you .You probably get some sense

of the crystals agreement or lack of it. If you do not you will

probably learn to sense the answer to these questions in time.

A pendulum can be used to help discern the answer. if you don't have

your intuition active yet. If you sense that the answer is no you

might deepen your meditative communication and ask the crystal what

it wants to do or what work it will do .Be open to receive an answer

Your intuitive communion with the stone may have already given you a

sense of what

purpose it is for.


If you do not get an answer set the stone aside and come back to it

some other time.

Most stones are probably best programmed for a general range of

function such as healing

rather than a very narrow range.

Often if you have a lot of crystals you can just announce what you

need a crystal for and

you may sense an intuitive response from a crystal or will be

attracted to a specific crystal

or crystals. which are in accord with your desired purpose.

This process of choosing and meeting the stone and agreeing on the

purpose is in some

cases all that needs to be done a verbal affirmation of the agreed

upon purpose is normally

made aloud in your own words .

Once you become familiar with this process it can be done very swiftly.


For the following technique you may want to write your program out

before hand

The rules for affirmations apply, keep it present tense and use

positive words only

the universe ignores negative terms, programmed crystals are not to

be used for dishonest

purposes ,you cannot use a crystal to make someone love you . action

and results follow

attention and thoughts , focus on the result you want ..


The following is the technique I have found to be very effective

and far simpler than many programming methods.



The Technique


Once you have selected the right stone and sensed agreement.

ground and center yourself. Clarify your intention, hold the stone in

your dominant hand or in both hands. Large stones can be touched rather

than held.


Focus your intention on the stone. Clearly state in your mind or out loud

what it is you are programming the stone for. Visualize the desired

result as

clearly as you can if appropriate. To program a stone to broadcast an


, prayer ,desire or affirmation or healing energy you just intend that

it do so .

One to five minutes is the standard time to hold the focus. though it

can be much shorter

continue until you feel that the crystal holds the program.

Using a shakti can also shorten the time (you would run it as you hold

the focus) .


The program vibration is now set in the crystal.

You may add an ending intention that the program is locked in and will

stay until cleared

some people breathe deeply and exhale strongly over the crystal while

they focus on the

program .

Some people renew or refresh the programs from time to time.

You can intend that it activate only when you hold it or when you call

on it or

have it be constantly active, depending on the purpose you are

programing or

dedicating it for.

When you activate an activatable program you just intend to run it . You

may find it more effective to hold the stone in your non dominant hand

to receive energy / messages from the crystal and in your dominant hand

to program or to amplify sending a program or healing energy.


Stones do not have to be held to be activated. Stones programmed for a

personal effect are

usually carried or placed nearby. Place the crystal under a pillow for

dream programming for example .

Stones that broadcast affirmations, manifestation programs or

atmospherics such as a call

to mental alertness or for calm. can be set in a window or on a table,

or where ever it feels

that they will not be disturbed excessively .


I have read many books that state that how far a given crystal can

project its program is

directly related to its size. This has not been my experience at all. I

have used small crystals for big programs quite often.


I strongly recommend programming a single terminated quartz crystal to

help facilitate your connection and awareness of your high self and/or

companion Angel and carrying it with you .

You can hold this stone while meditating .You can also use a programmed

stone to run /receive energy shakti from your high self or Solar Angel

The Crystal Deva Empowerments and other crystal attunement systems

include shakti for this but I think most people can connect with their

own high self and request this .(let me know your results )

Stones programmed for channeling High self , Angel shakti , or attuning

you to harmony with Divine will cannot usually

be amplified or combined with other programs or shakti ..


If you do not have a particular stone or crystal that you need for a

particular purpose you can use a singly terminated quartz crystal and

ask/intend that it be charged to act as the needed stone.

Tumbled quartz stones will also work though sometimes The energy may be

felt in a more diffused way.

Make sure that you clear any stone you are using as an energetic


when you are done with it.. I always thank the stone after use .


Quartz crystal is most often used for programming, Most stones will work

with you , but clear quartz is the most versatile .


Keep your programs in harmony with the natural energies traditional uses

and your intuitive sense of the purpose of the stone. Program a loving

stone like rose quartz for loving ,calm peaceful purposes. A grounding

stone for appropriate purposes .

Singly terminated quartz crystals are most often used though round

crystals and other stones work quite well also.


It is quite important when programming a crystal by intention that you

are quite clear and focused on just what it is that you do intend. Even

if you are using a programming shakti you need to have your intention

very clear and accurate . You might want to write down your proposed

program first and before you program a stone or other object to promote

a particular emotion think it through carefully.


When I was first learning to program crystals I had a number of misfires

which both

demonstrated to me the effectiveness of crystal programming and the need

to understand

exactly what you are asking for, and to consider ramifications.

I once charged a stone with the intention that it promote happiness in a

large room and after a few days we all became very irritated at the


" Happy " energetic nagging . It was just not comfortable or natural.

I also once programmed a stone to promote sleep in a bedroom and it was

so effective that it was virtually impossible to do anything else at all

in the

room until the stone was cleared. My Love life virtually disappeared.

Even a plumber

and a heater repairman were struggling to remain awake to their great


You also need to be very clear as to how your program might actually be


A program intended to help you see auras might instead help make your

aura visible to

others .

You may also be surprised by some results , A stone programed to assist

with other being

communication was too effective as I was flooded with information and

emotions from

animals, trees insects and even a lawn .


Programming a crystal for mental alertness and emotional clarity has not

caused any difficulties so far. You want to help not overpower. These

cautions apply even more strongly to programs for Love etc. if in doubt

don't do it!. Crystal programming is to be used only for good and in

accord with Your soul purpose . You cannot and should not

use these techniques to try to manipulate others .


When you wish to change the program of a crystal clear it before

reprogramming .

Some people use tiny stickers to put a word or sign on a crystal so that

they can remember

what they programmed it for .


People often program a crystal to transmit a healing energy like Reiki

for this they run the

energy while holding the intention that the crystal transmit the energy

usually to a particular person.


Most programs need to be in your own words which is why I do not have a

list of specific

examples . It is traditional that most programs include the concept that

the work be in accord with the highest good.

Crystal programming is an agreement between the programmer and the

crystal to work together for a given purpose .The techniques amplify

and focus your ability to work with the crystal and allow the crystals

to be at their most effective for the intented purpose.


Home work: Practice sensing your crystals and try out at least three

different programs. Please share your experiences programming crystals

with the crystal workshop .Share any other techniques that work for you.



Peggy Jentoft Solarraven

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