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Placement of stones

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My fiance has had diabetes since he was 3 years old, he's now 45 years old.

He's done very well taking care of himself, ie: diet, excercise, etc. He's had

some problems with his sugar going sky high or really low due to colds or flu

but thats to be expected when he's sick.

He believes but yet doesn't believe in the healing abilities of stones and

crystals. He even owns several clear quartz crystals and an amethyst cluster.

My question is, if I place a piece of sodalite (for diabetes) on his computer

moniter, will it have the same effect as if he had it in his pocket? Sometimes

he can use the help of a stone;)




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> Dearheart, the diabetes is his issue; his health process to handle. Any thing

you do about it without his express opinion, I would suggest that you do it with

the intent that the result is to be for his greatest and highest good. It is my

understanding that in that manner, his etheric self (selves?) will use the

energy for what he considers to be his greatest and highest good.


I totally agree with you. There have been times when he's said 'do whatever you

can to help.' Everything I've done to help him has been in his highest good.

Even if his highest good has nothing to do with daibetes at that time, I know

the energies are working for his highest good.


>Now, as far as whether having a stone on a computer is as good as having one in

a pocket, I would respond with 2 thoughts: 1) how long does he spend in front

of the computer? 2) keep in mind that some crystals have piezoelectric

characteristics; I would not place such a stone on a computer.


He spends a good deal of time in front of the computer(5+ hrs a day). I think I

might place a bowl of appropiate stones on his desk.


>As far as what to place near him, I might suggest the caramel color aragonite.

It is a stone that assists a person in making decisions which are for their

best; in seeing that taking responsibility for oneself is empowerment, not a

scary proposition. Perhaps amethyst, as well.


>My observation of people with diabetes is a general energy about them of " god

damn it " . Be aware of energy of this nature. A good counterpoint might be

lavish displays of rose quartz and smoky quartz -- if I were you and loved the

man, they would be my new best friends.


You're correct about their energy of 'god damn it'. I think this comes from the

daily checking of blood sugar levels and determining what they can and can't

eat. I do feel this alot from him. He drinks milk and sugar when his sugar is

very low and at times I've had to 'force' him to drink this or end up calling

911. I'm going to put argonite, amethyst, rose quartz and smokey quartz on his

desk and see if this helps him.


Thank you for this info, as this is quite helpful.








Three candles that illumine every darkness - truth, nature, knowledge.

~The Triads of Ireland~



What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what

lies within us.




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I wonder if using yellow calcite,citrine and amethyst in a bowl on his

desk would work as well as an elixir? If not, I'll make him a pouch to

carry the stones.

I found the info on sodalite at crystalsandjewelry.com There was an

entire list of what stones are good for what ailment.






, " S.Eva " <s.eva@l...>


> HI!

> I don't think that sodalite placed on the computer monitor will work as

> holding it in the pocket... because the radiation of the monitor will

> interefre the vibration of sodalites.

> For diabetes I use yellow calcite, citrine and amethist... I made an


> for a friend and it works fine.

> I didn't know that sodalite is good for diabetes! (maybe depending

on the

> type of diabetes, or where it comes from...)

> Try to apply the crystal on pancreas and on third chakra at least

two hour a

> day... your fiancee can fix them directly on the skin with an adesive

> plaster...

> Let me now if you find some benefit form sodalite!

> Thank!

> Eva

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