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Having difficulty finding information on CITRINE

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Hello again!


I'm back with another question :o)


I have a piece of raw citrine, about the size of a marble. The color

is an orangish-red. The other night I was laying in bed and for some

unknown reason, decided to place this peice of citrine on my third

eye. I was hoping to send out my aka cords and connect with a friend

in another part of the US. When placed on my third eye, my head

started hurting. I removed the citrine and held it in my hand. My

head stopped hurting. My meditation ended when I fell asleep with

the citrine still in hand.


So I guess my question(s) is/are... have you had an experience with

citrine? What would you say it is primarily used for?


Thanks gang!


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I have a piece of raw citrine, about the size of a marble.


When placed on my third eye, my head started hurting. I removed the

citrine and held it in my hand. My head stopped hurting.


So I guess my question(s) is/are... have you had an experience with




I wanted to offer the below information in the event it could be

helpful to you in some way.


First, I found the experience you had with Citrine and your third eye

interesting as it reflects very similar experiences that I've seen

with many others.


The unfortunate reality is that 99% of the " Citrine " that you see

isn't Citrine at all, but rather heat treated Brazilian Amethyst.

Amethyst is taken and subjected to an unnatural/artificial process of

being heated to a certain temperature, at which point a color change

happens and the purple shifts to a yellow/golden/orange/red of

Citrine. The deeper the color of the original Amethyst, the deeper

the color of the " Citrine. "


These spirits that have been co-created by forced heating do not hold

the same medicine as true Citrine. In fact most of these artificially

produced spirits are badly traumatized, which could account for the

way your third eye responded when the stone was placed on it. As I

mentioned I've seen this happen many times in the past, with the heat

treated " Citrine " and other spirits that are artificially altered in

some way (ie., Irradiated Blue Topaz or Smokey Quartz, etc.)


Unfortunately many retailers either do not know or do not tell that

the Citrine they're offering is heat treated Amethyst. True Citrine

is much more uncommon and generally much more expensive. In 99 of 100

stores the Citrine that you see is more than likely heat treated



Natural Citrine has such a different energy that the heat

treated " Citrine. " When one finally gets a chance to hold the two

side by side there is nearly no comparison in the quality and scope

of their energies. I've shared a few notes about the energy of true

Citrine below.


Citrine is a stone that relates most clearly to the solar plexus

chakra, sometimes known as the center of the will. I believe that as

we have collectively grown further and further disconnected from

Nature that we have developed incredible distorted models of the

expression of the will. These models are embodied and have been

passed on for generations and it's safe to assume that

nearly every one of us has been raised around these unhealthy and

unbalanced models. This creates solar plexus chakra imbalances, which

then produce physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances

connected to improper use of the will.


Citrine teaches us right and respectful use of willpower. It helps

open and cleanse the solar plexus chakra and helps to establish a

natural resonance with a balance expression of the will when we work

with these stone spirits.


Citrine spirits teach us to align personal will with divine will –

the will of the personality with the will of the " higher self " . True

stability, growth, balance and well being is impossible until these

two wills are united into a single, powerful expression. In most

people personal will and divine will are often at odds, working

against one another rather than working together. The tension and

internal friction is what most often manifests dis-ease on various

levels and is nearly always what short circuits evolution and balance

in all areas of one's life.


When we're able to harmonize personal will and divine will we

establish a pattern of flow that is so powerful. By aligning the two

sources of will within us we're able to accomplish far more than we

ever could trying to go it alone with personal will at the helm. As

spiritual beings having a human experience we were never designed to

allow personal will to steer at all times, rather it is our natural,

balanced state to have both wills working in cooperation with one

another, resulting in alignment at all levels of being.


The two most basic patterns of an unbalanced expression of will tend

to be rather polarized. On one end you have a person that is so

intensely willful that their will becomes an act of dominance and

control. At the other end you have someone unable to exert any degree

of willpower and they tend to be the ones controlled by the people

exhibiting the first pattern above. Most of us fall somewhere within

the poles of that spectrum. In nearly every person I've encountered a

balancing of the wills was a pivotal step in their process of

healing. Citrine lights the way and shows us how to begin our return

to our natural state of alignment.


Citrine addresses issues of the ego and allows us to find an

acceptance of our ego and also restore it to the proper place of

balance. Eliminating the ego has been a goal of many religious paths,

but it is my belief that we need not eliminate any aspect of our

wholeness if we're able to establish a balanced and loving

relationship with these parts. The ego is a part of who we are and

can provide us with exceptional information if it's balanced and we

maintain a proper relationship to it. Citrine allows the ego to

express itself respectfully and for us to receive its wisdom and act

appropriately on that. Many of us are driven by ego in one direction

or another and Citrine helps us break that cycle and find freedom

from the pain that causes us and others involved.


The stone spirits of natural Citrine help cleanse and revitalize the

mental body. People trapped by obsessive/compulsive thoughts have

found exceptional relief through working with natural Citrine. It

helps to break free from those " thought loops " that can create

destructive cycles within a person. Citrine also helps alleviate less

extreme manifestations of these thought loops, enabling us to release

ourselves from endless self-criticism, fears and other destructive

patterns that lead to both subtle and overt difficulties.


Citrine relates to the energies of the Divine Father archetype. Their

medicine enables us to heal painful relations with our Father, Father

figures or the archetypical energies of Father as a whole. These

stone spirits enable us to find the nurturing that would come from

one's Father in order to find wholeness and balance within ourselves.

We are able to connect to the Universal Father through these spirits

and embrace healing in our relationship with Father as a whole.


As an aside Kyanite embodies the energies of the Divine Mother.

Together the two combined beautifully to allow us to make peace with

and heal our relationships with our parents or our role as parents



I hope the above is helpful in some way. The information applies to

natural Citrine only. The same gifts are not, in my opinion and

expereince, found in the artificially produced " Citrine. "


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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