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Stones And Crystals In The Yard And Garden

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Stones And Crystals In The Yard And Garden


Quartz crystals are often used in a garden grid to help with the growth

and health of plants. One common way this is done is to place quartz

crystals at each corner of your garden plot and one in the center. You

can divide a large area into smaller square segments and grid each

section separately. Embed single point crystals in the soil with the

point of the crystal just above the soil level. Boji stones are

sometimes placed in gardens and allowed to disintegrate into the soil .

Many of the standard soil amendments that garden books suggest are

minerals, shells and stones .


All crystal work begins with cleared and charged stones . Use

intention and ask the crystals to work with the Deva of the garden and

plants for maximum good.

You can even place a quartz point in the soil at the foot of a single


You may like to get some quartz crystal chips and just scatter them on

the soil for sparkle .You may even find that this glitter confuses some

predatory insects .


Small river pebbles and stones can be used to provide an energetic

boost for your garden plants and as a rule they bring in a very

calming and tranquil energy to the garden area as a whole . They can be

used as a decorative element and in quantity even can work as a mulch or

ground cover of sorts. You can make symbolic stone beds for streams to

invite the water energy into your garden. You can include stones as part

of a real water element , Perhaps a small pond , or a bird bath. Place a

piece of black plastic along a slightly hollow area and cover it with a

pattern of flat and round stones with some spaces. This should just

be deep enough to retain a slight amount of moisture after you water the

garden. This creates a place for thirsty butterflies to rest and

drink. You can make a small circle of stones for a real or symbolic

hearth or fire circle for the element of fire and wind chimes will

invite the air element to bless your garden. Many different forms of

ritual space , altars and meditation areas can be defined and created

with well placed stones.

I have read of an old celtic custom of placing buttons or bricks or

small pretty stones under some plants in Spring to make a tiny patio,

or wall for a fairies bower and making gifts and offerings in thanks

for a bountiful crop .

Many people place a small bottle with an assortment of stones or a

single dedicated stone in each corner of their property to set the

boundaries and anchor a protective dome of energy around the land

..Some people prefer to make small cairns or piles of stones to mark

special areas of the garden or dedicated to affirmations and current

goals or to commemorate special events and personal milestones.

You may want to place guardian stones at your entries. These can

either be small and hidden or larger stones that define the entryway .

A well chosen stone can fill in a missing area of your home's Fung shui


You may want to hang a few crystals from a tree to catch the light ,do

be careful of potential fire hazards when placing the crystals . Nice

wind chimes are sometimes made with slices of agate . These can have a

lovely bell like tone.


If you have a sloping area in your yard or a place to build your own

small mound of stones and soil you might want to make a classic rock

garden these rocky slopes with plants set among stones can be pleasing

to all the senses. Depending on your climate alpine flowers, herbs

or succulents are among popular choices for a rock garden .


If you have a yard where you can see the point where the Sun rises on an

Equinox or Solstice You could mark that point with a stone as a way of

honoring the cycle of the year .

There are several web sites where you can find directions for making

Native American medicine wheels with the correct spirit and

dedication if they are part of your spiritual path.

There are other forms of stone wheel that can make a meaningful part of

your garden.

The Buddhist Wheel of the Law or a zodiac garden wheel are among the

possibilities .

Some of the forms suggested in the page on crystal grids can make

suitable garden features. If you have a lot of small boulders available

you can make stone borders or even paths and walls .

.. The classical Zen Garden of raked sand and carefully placed stones

may require more esoteric wisdom than most of us have at hand but

entering into a meditation in your garden and seeking the guidance of

the land the Deva and the energies You may be guided to create a stone

garden that maximizes the energies and harmonies of the land.



Stone Medicine Wheels , stone calendars or star maps, Zen meditation

gardens and large rock gardens may be beyond the practical scope for

most of us, but even a few stones in the garden can bring in great

healing energies and can create a pleasant and magical place of rest .


If you do not have a yard or have only a small garden you still might

enjoy some of the pleasures by making a miniature stone garden in a

container. You could then keep this in what garden you do have or even

keep it indoors. You choose a container suitable for your garden and

fill it with an appropriate soil less mix or other base and then place

small stones, crystals , pebbles, and possibly mosses, sticks and

plants in a pleasing pattern to create a tiny garden of your dreams .

some people use these small gardens as meditation sanctuaries using

their imagination to visualize themselves inside the garden to meditate

and begin and end journeys.



Peggy Jentoft March 21, 2002

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