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Hi Marcie, and Welcome!

I don't post too often, but I sure am learning a ton! I'd say definitely

share these results with your acupuncturist. BTW, I used to live in

Worcester, and now I'm in Framingham -- small world! I actually know a

great acupuncturist in Worcester if you are interested. Also, if you don't

mind emailing me privately, I'd like to know more about your intuitive

medical reading, but I know it is off-topic for here.









<Chinese Traditional Medicine >

Sunday, March 31, 2002 10:01 AM

[Chinese Traditional Medicine] New with a question



> Good morning! Lovely to find this group.


> My interest in TCM really came on after I had an 'intuitive medical

> reading'. She told me to seek Chinese medicine because I had a thyroid

> imbalance that Western medicine would not find. My body temperature if

> often below normal, for example.


> I am trying to find a way to bridge these 2 worlds in my mind. Such as,

> how does TCM view heavy metals? I ask because a hair mineral test I had

> showed extremely toxic levels of lead in my system. The test also stated

> I had some metabolic disorder because my calcium/magnesium/zinc levels

> were all too high, namely calcium.


> Should I express these results to my Acupuncturist?


> Truly appreciate any advice!

> Marcie

> Worcester, MA


> " Tell my friends they're all potential Godsends " - Peter Murphy





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>Also, if you don't

>mind emailing me privately, I'd like to know more about your intuitive

>medical reading, but I know it is off-topic for here.




Marcie and Debbie,


Go ahead and discuss it some on here. I allow introductory-type posts

explaining what something is.


The reason I allow these posts is because of personal experiences on my own

healing journey. I've seen and experienced some things which simply cannot

be measured in a lab or quantified but nevertheless happened and helped.


I think the start for me was a reflexologist who did a better job diagnosing

than a blood test did! I have posted on this before. Briefly, I knew from

long experience that I had an infection. I also knew from long experience

that it had not yet gotten bad enough for the blood test to pick it up. So

I would have to get sicker before the doctor gave me anything to knock it

out. (This was back in the days before I discovered herbs like echinacea.)

Yet, this reflixologist knew and made the comment, " By the way, you have an

infection building in your lymph system. " I had told her none of this.


She also picked up the thyroid imbalance. As well as a severe fall on the

base of the spine when I was young.


There have been other things as well. One thing that interests me is how

archetypes from the deeper levels of the mind can be transforming and

healing. Shamanistic medicine recognizes this. I know it sounds bizzare

and " out there " , but it nevertheless happens. I know because it happened to



PWCs (People With CFIDS) are very prone to this. I don't know if it's fever

from infection (I had chronic mononucleosis, aka glandular fever) or what,

but in many PWCs, the veil between the conscious and unconscious can become

thin at times. Very powerful symbols of healing and transformation can push

at the conscious mind but the deeper levels. If the person goes with the

flow so to speak, and just lets the images and realizations be revealed, the

result can be transformative and healing. If the person pushes the

realizations away, they won't help to heal. Some of them can be frightening

and seem overwhelming.


There are many aspects to healing, and I personally will use anything that

works. Which is probably why I'm doing a lot better than many PWCs in spite

of having been sick with it so long and having been so sick with it before I

began to get the various help I needed.


BTW, one thing I began to discover through the years was to look at the

CFIDS like an old-fashioned balance scale. There was no way to remove the

big ugly weight called CFIDS (a cure) and neither was there a equal weight

to put on the other side of the scale to balance me instantly out to health

(one treatment). What I discovered were a lot of little weights that over

time began to balance me more and more toward health.







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In your experience, illness that cannot be picked up by standard

medical test are called subclinical. Talking a bit in the

metaphysical sense, such illness can also be picked up in the auric

field, where dark colored spots start to appear. In applied

kinesiology, such problems can also be picked up using muscle testing

or messaging specific spots of the body(neurolmyaptic areas).

Chinese Traditional Medicine, " Judy Fitzgerald " <victoria_dragon@h...>


> >Also, if you don't

> >mind emailing me privately, I'd like to know more about your


> >medical reading, but I know it is off-topic for here.

> >

> >Thanks!

> >Debbie

> Marcie and Debbie,


> Go ahead and discuss it some on here. I allow introductory-type


> explaining what something is.


> The reason I allow these posts is because of personal experiences

on my own

> healing journey. I've seen and experienced some things which

simply cannot

> be measured in a lab or quantified but nevertheless happened and



> I think the start for me was a reflexologist who did a better job


> than a blood test did! I have posted on this before. Briefly, I

knew from

> long experience that I had an infection. I also knew from long


> that it had not yet gotten bad enough for the blood test to pick it

up. So

> I would have to get sicker before the doctor gave me anything to

knock it

> out. (This was back in the days before I discovered herbs like


> Yet, this reflixologist knew and made the comment, " By the way, you

have an

> infection building in your lymph system. " I had told her none of



> She also picked up the thyroid imbalance. As well as a severe fall

on the

> base of the spine when I was young.


> There have been other things as well. One thing that interests me

is how

> archetypes from the deeper levels of the mind can be transforming


> healing. Shamanistic medicine recognizes this. I know it sounds


> and " out there " , but it nevertheless happens. I know because it

happened to

> me.


> PWCs (People With CFIDS) are very prone to this. I don't know if

it's fever

> from infection (I had chronic mononucleosis, aka glandular fever)

or what,

> but in many PWCs, the veil between the conscious and unconscious

can become

> thin at times. Very powerful symbols of healing and transformation

can push

> at the conscious mind but the deeper levels. If the person goes

with the

> flow so to speak, and just lets the images and realizations be

revealed, the

> result can be transformative and healing. If the person pushes the

> realizations away, they won't help to heal. Some of them can be


> and seem overwhelming.


> There are many aspects to healing, and I personally will use

anything that

> works. Which is probably why I'm doing a lot better than many PWCs

in spite

> of having been sick with it so long and having been so sick with it

before I

> began to get the various help I needed.


> BTW, one thing I began to discover through the years was to look at


> CFIDS like an old-fashioned balance scale. There was no way to

remove the

> big ugly weight called CFIDS (a cure) and neither was there a equal


> to put on the other side of the scale to balance me instantly out

to health

> (one treatment). What I discovered were a lot of little weights

that over

> time began to balance me more and more toward health.


> Victoria




> _______________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


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I am fairly new to this group but not new to crystals. I joined a few

days before the last Crystal Deva Empowerment and " knew " that this

was meant to be.


I'm in a little of a fibro-fog lately and I do have a couple of



Are we able to pass on the empowerment through our intent?


Or is there a regular schedule of empowerments, that I could invite a

few friends to participate on this site?


*sigh* there were more questions but will have to add them later. :)


Thank you for your assistance in advance.



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owlinmt wrote:



>Are we able to pass on the empowerment through our intent?



No There are seperate attunements for passing the attunements and for

teaching teachers

the group for that is not currently accepting new members as I have

gotten kind of overextended


>Or is there a regular schedule of empowerments, that I could invite a

>few friends to participate on this site?



You are welcome to invite others but we don't have a regular schedule

but usually pass attunements about once a month if there is interest


Peggy Jentoft

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owlinmt wrote:


>I am fairly new to this group but not new to crystals. I joined a few

>days before the last Crystal Deva Empowerment and " knew " that this

>was meant to be.



Correction The crystal Deva Empowerments are useally passed on a group

called CrystalDevaEmpowerment

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