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Re Negative Energy etc ( was My Aura)

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That's very interesting and thank you for that information.

What if you come to be around someone that has allot of negativity and you

internalize it, feel it?

What can you do about that? How can I protect myself from that or get rid

of it?




> I hope we all know that every one has so called negative energy as well

> as positive even enlightened masters are not all Light .

> We all are advised to work on our spiritual and practical development

> and to continue on a path of personal inner awakening etc.. Various

> chakra balancing, aura clearing , filtering procedures are of help.

> There are many stones and crystals which can help with this work Do

> not become alarmed or upset if someone notices " dark " energy in your

> aura every one has negative energies even Christs , Avatars ,

> Buddahs and such may have transient dark energy in the aura and

> certainly can carry energy which might be interpreted as negative.

> Many very highly evolved spiritual people may even spend part of

> their lives in effect cloaked in an outer shell of negative energy

> but Another thing that must be considered is that many aura readers

> misread or misinterpret what they see . Many people automaticaly

> interperet energy they don't understand as negative. Some people have

> a tendancy to magnify their reaction to energy.

> There are different issues and conditions which can show up as dark

> or cloudy energy in an aura ranging from minor stress, injury or

> passing emotions to deepseated issues and damage such as fear or

> compasssionate sorrow to past and present life traumas and major

> issues much energy of all kinds is compressesed and becomes visible

> only when it is apropriate to become aware of it and to work on the

> relevent issues.


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one way is cutting chords everyday.

if you are in reiki, ask pure white or violet light to protect you for the time

you are out of your home.

your personal and divine guardian angel could help a lot. request them every

morning that when you go out, to see that no inappropriate attachment comes to

you and you are protected against all harmful entities.

one you come back home, ask all negatives to get out of your energy vortex or

your being. you are in the planet terra and have the birth right of having free

choice. anyone who is not invited by you, must leave you. but so many times this

does not happen. but if your guardian and personal angels are strong and active

- because of your request- the negatives , if less powerful, will leave out of

fear. you will immidiately feel lighter & easier.

some crystals also help you. but depends on your choice, activation, power &






Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:22 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] Re Negative Energy etc ( was My Aura)



That's very interesting and thank you for that information.

What if you come to be around someone that has allot of negativity and you

internalize it, feel it?

What can you do about that? How can I protect myself from that or get rid

of it?






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Oh WOW....I'm not in Reiki. Is there a way of doing it without Reiki?

The thing is I'm under the care of a Homeopathic Physician and I asked if I

can receive attunement from someone in Reiki and he said he didn't want any

other energy messing up what the Homeopathic remedy is trying to do and

that's get rid of disease. I know it's working because I've been on it for

3 years now and was a total mess. I'm getting healthier and healthier each

day. It's gotten rid of my female problems, depression, baggage from when I

was a kid - because a remedy treats like for like and it affects our

mental/spiritual self and I've never felt so good in my life. He said I can

give out but can't take in - not right now.

After I'm thru with the remedy I can. Which I'm waiting for and don't know

when that will be. Could be another year.

So the question is this~~ is there another way to cut cords of negative

energy without Reiki? After cutting those cords, it seems to me they'd

have to be replaced with positive energy - right?

Do you know how I could do that?

Thank You



> 21.5.2004


> one way is cutting chords everyday.

> if you are in reiki, ask pure white or violet light to protect you for the

time you are out of your home.

> your personal and divine guardian angel could help a lot. request them

every morning that when you go out, to see that no inappropriate attachment

comes to you and you are protected against all harmful entities.

> one you come back home, ask all negatives to get out of your energy vortex

or your being. you are in the planet terra and have the birth right of

having free choice. anyone who is not invited by you, must leave you. but so

many times this does not happen. but if your guardian and personal angels

are strong and active - because of your request- the negatives , if less

powerful, will leave out of fear. you will immidiately feel lighter &


> some crystals also help you. but depends on your choice, activation, power

& programming.


> dk

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Hi. I don't normally post but have to pipe in my 2 cents. I can't imagine any

way that Reiki can do harm and feel it can only help. It sounds like an ego

issue on the part of the practitioner to me. IMHO

Love and Light,



In a message dated 5-21-2004 2:44:57 PM Central Daylight Time,

hazel.angelstar writes:

but I hate to hear 'reiki myths' possibly leading to someone losing out on

the additional benefit reiki can offer. Unless someone else has had similar

experiences to back up that reiki & homeopathy don't work together, I would be

more inclined to go by my own instincts and not just take it as true just

because the homeopath says so.




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Friday, May 21, 2004 2:45 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] Re Negative Energy etc ( was My Aura)



Oh WOW....I'm not in Reiki. Is there a way of doing it without Reiki?

The thing is I'm under the care of a Homeopathic Physician and I asked if I

can receive attunement from someone in Reiki and he said he didn't want any

other energy messing up what the Homeopathic remedy is trying to do and

that's get rid of disease. >>>>>>>


Did you question why the homeopathic physician was so against reiki??? I was

referred to the homeopathic hospital a few years back, at the time was using

reiki & crystals, and physician was quite happy for me to continue to do so!!


I find it hard to believe that the reiki energy could interfere with the

homeopathic remedy (in fact I am sure I have read elsewhere of homeopaths using

the two in conjunction with one another). Is it possible that this particular

physician was not fully aware of reiki and how it works, and in his ignorance

simply tried to put you off receiving your attunement??


What if you had been attuned prior to consulting with him ?? Would he have

refused to see you because you were reiki??



>>> He said I can

give out but can't take in - not right now.

After I'm thru with the remedy I can. Which I'm waiting for and don't know

when that will be. Could be another year.>>>>>>


Again I personally would be querying exactly what he meant ... if you are able

to give reiki energy out; that energy has to be channelled through yourself to

be given back out.


Sorry this is so many questions ... but I hate to hear 'reiki myths' possibly

leading to someone losing out on the additional benefit reiki can offer.

Unless someone else has had similar experiences to back up that reiki &

homeopathy don't work together, I would be more inclined to go by my own

instincts and not just take it as true just because the homeopath says so.


in frith






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ok well I appreciates feedbacks on this. I'll ask him.

I can't see why the crystals would hurt but he says Reiki is very strong

energy and may interfere with the remedy. When you do Homeopathy you go

thru aggravations similar to the things you go thru with Reiki when your

getting rid of bad emotions or physical issues. If I do Reiki, both of them

may buck each other and I'll get no where. So I think that's his thoughts.

He just said it's very powerful and may interfere. If my energy is 'off'

because of an aggravation I'm going thru - like for instance I went thru

crying spells yesterday - the Reiki could alter that. ya know what I mean?

So I don't know. Guess I'll ask him again for more of an explanation and

see what happens.

thanks for everyone's help I appreciate it.




> Hi. I don't normally post but have to pipe in my 2 cents. I can't imagine


> way that Reiki can do harm and feel it can only help. It sounds like an


> issue on the part of the practitioner to me. IMHO

> Love and Light,

> Cindy

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