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The Creation of Gemstones from the Inner, Spiritual Perspective22.5.2004


i thought this could be interesting to this group.






Friday, May 07, 2004 6:16 PM

The Creation of crystals



The Creation of Gemstones from the Inner, Spiritual Perspective.





Even long before the Earth became visible, an idea and a plan of creation for

the realization of this idea had originated in the world of light. Many

different color rays and light beings connected with this color ray formed

themselves from the unity of the light. Every color ray and each light being

makes sure that they can express themselves in accordance with their vibration

on the material level. The light beings of gemstones/ crystals concealed their

manifestations deep in the darkness of the earth, not visible to those whose

attentiveness doesn't reach far enough into the depths. These light beings

constantly accompanied the creation and growth of their stone in the womb of the

earth, helped it survive the immense pressure situations, gave it some of their

luminous color, and concentrated it in an endlessly slow process of growth. And

they made sure that it became the image of their vibration : an expression of

their light, their spiritual, subtle state of being, embedded in the conditions

and possibilities, structures, forms and color of the solid vibrations, which

means of the earth. They retained the memory of who & what they are.




Full of trust and love, conscious of their luminous beauty in the hidden places,

the light beings wait, sometimes for millions and thousands of years, until

their manifestations, the gemstones / crystals, are discovered by human beings.

They help Mother Earth and her " stone children " to survive the violent process

of extracting them and removing them from the womb of the earth with hammer and

spike, with blasting, or with power shovels. When a stone is cut, the angels

also feel themselves attracted to this process of refinement, which increases

consciousness, and accompany this process of emphasizing and perfecting the

beauty of the stone.




In this way, the light beings are also prepared to find access to our

consciousness. In all cultures and religions, gemstones and crystals have

experienced special respect that increased their " standing " by not only

regarding them as jewelry, decoration, or valuable objects, but also as bearers

of power, charms, talismans etc. Particularly in recent years, many people have

become more open, receptive, and prepared for the concealed powers, the subtle

vibrations of the gemstones than ever before. Because of this, a great many

light beings and angles of gemstones are now being rewarded for their long

waiting and find their way to their light work on earth through human beings and

the more intensely developing light consciousness of human beings.




With each gemstone and crystal that I hold in my hand, I become more aware of

this wonder of creation: I am in contact with a piece of eternity, with light

powers that have waited for me for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of





Today there are a great many instructions and teachings on the possibilities of

coming into contact with the light powers of the stones and perceiving and using

their vibrations for healing and development of consciousness. The light powers

of the gemstones and crystals can be activated through Reiki in a totally

natural way-a very special possibility . there are other ways also..








Approximately 90% of earth`s crust is made up of mineral group known as

silicates, a combination of silicon & oxygen, plus other elements. Quartz

crystal is merely silicon and oxygen. Much of the formation occurred about 500

million years ago. Upheavals occurred when land masses moved. Under the surcase,

loose sand and mud settled into solid rock from the effects of heat and

pressure. These land masses moved and colloided. Rocks buckled in folds and slid

over one another. Large fractures formed and inside these fractures fissures

opened up. This is where much of the crystal started. At 300 to 500 degree

celcius , trapped water turns into a hot plasma of water and silicon dioxide.

Very tiny quartz crystals which had been formed will then dissolve in this

intense heat and pressure, much like sugar dissolves in a cup of hot coffee.

What are left are crystal cells and these cells have a memory. They `know` what

they are and what they are supposed to do. They will swim around in this hot

solution until they can find their `mother` - a matrix of crystal or an area

where there was a small piece of crystal that had not been dissolved. The cells

next attach themselves to that piece and wait and in a certain and orderly

sequence would build larger crystals. Once the heat and pressure change, it

stops growing. each time the crystal starts growing again due to change in heat

and pressure, it traps the impurities on surface and grows over them.




Crystal is a solid material composed of silicon dioxide with a regular internal

arrangement of atoms. Because of this orderly composition, it has repetitive

cells. The mixing of manganese, iron hydrates etc colour the crystals. All

crystals have memory. They can store records & your instructions.




Lorraine darr, a psychic channel has said the following for caves at Sedona,

Arizona, USA




` it is in conjunction with a transformation of the race, and it is in total

cooperation with all the sound flows that are in constant change, coming from

what you call vorices, for these are implanted energies placed there by lighted

beings from other spaces; placed there for use by the human race, and placed for

the return of lighted beings to come into and enhance the human race when it is

needed, when it is allowed and when it is a moment of great change.







Indian saints have said that this universe has been born and reborn several

times. People who did good work and became free from any karmic balance, became

light beings. Some of them were taken by god to do his work and they were called

beings of divinity. So many of them did wrong things and were sentenced to

underground , called patal in Sanskrit. They were to remain there for thousands

& millions of years. When mining is done, they come out. They then search for

right human being who could help them . they roam about and specially are around

crystal shops or where crystals are being mined and go to different places. They

then choose out of their then wisdom as to who will be suitable for them to go

so that he can fulfil their wishes. There are different categories of these

light & divine beings some of which are :-




Angels, helpers , teachers, ascended teachers, ascended masters, saints,

ascended saints, holy spirits etc. they know who they were and what there powers

are. But all the powers remain ineffective until they are activated. So all the

crystals need activation through reiki or some other universal or divine power.

Even solar rays could do that if the intention of the owner is correctly

spelled. Because of their different powers, they have access to different

sections of divinity as a whole and so are able to give the answers pertaining

to that sectors most efficiently and for others will either ask others or give

vague replies. The subject is very big but I shall give some hints. If you want

to know how many and what type of harmful energies are effecting you, you need

connection to divine intelligence. This is also tapped for who is going to be

your partner or spouse. If you have problems to be solved, divine wisdom needs

to come in picture. If past life records are to be known as well as what other

may be thinking about you, you need divine mind connection.







There are mainly 3 purposes :-


1) to remove their impurities which had come during formations to become

light again.


2) To connect them to their highest colour consciousnesses


3) To connect them to their guardian / parent deities




This opens the way for their freedom from the curse as well as their salvation.

They then, out of the gratitude, want to help the owner by guiding him,

protecting him, helping him as they do not also want any karmic balance which

will come in the way of their salvation. If you don`t take help, it is up to

you. The connection with their highest consciousnesses & deities open their way

to Akasic records with which those consciousnesses & deities are connected. They

normally will always speak the truth. Other beings , if connected to crystals

may not be accurate and mostly will give vague answers. What you need is to the

point answers which will only satisfy & guide you.




Crystal deva empowerment has been written about. But this is different than the

above. On that I may write separately if people are interested. Having remained

in contact with divine beings, I have my reservations on their effectiveness.




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