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Thank you!!!


, rosequartz <rosequartz@a...>


> yes time and space are no deterant

> Peggy


> Sue wrote:


> >Hi Peggy

> >

> >As I am in Australia is it still possible to receive the


> >

> >Love

> >SueG

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I will probably offer that to the list in a week or two I'm going to

start with the Crystal Empowerments as they are on topic




Morning Star wrote:


>I would like to receive the Angel attunement if that is possible?

>Thank you



>Morning Star





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  • 1 month later...

Ok Peggy!


I did the attunement. I'm not sure if it worked or not, but time will

tell. I have some pretty remarkable things to do in the next few days, and

I'm not feeling too great... so I need angels... let's see how they can help.




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i called down the angel attunment. i definetly got this one. first i

got really warm. then at the base of my skull i felt like

electricity . started small and expanded to about softball size. then

the brow tingled. hand and feet chakras warm and tingly. then my

heart chakra hurt!! the pain eased and i felt it expand. then i saw a

beautiful redheaded woman with a gown that kept changing colors her

wings were iridesent(sp) she smiled and said welcome daughter and

enfolded me in her arms and wings. ive never felt that safe warm and

loved. said for now i could call ed aurora and when i could speak it

shed tell the rest. then i was in a landscape of pastel colors where

everything slowly changed hue. fell asleep woke up feeling great. im

excited!! never have i had such an experience as this!! thank you so

much!! rainbows and moonbeams janet


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hello Peggy,


I have decided to forgo the Crystal Deva Empowerment Attunement for now.

There is so much to learn first, and I wish to take some more time reading and

experiencing. I have read most of the files, but I know it will take two and

three reads to really absorb these wonderful teachings. I am so grateful to you.

Good to know you are here when I need ya.


Blessings, Sheree




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Hi Peggy,

I am in agreement with Sheree. I think I need to do much more studying before

I'm ready for the attunements. Thank you for this opportunity.







--- On Sat 05/22, & lt; slivermoon22 & gt; wrote:

[ slivermoon22]To:

: Sat, 22 May 2004 13:51:08

EDT[CrystalHW] AttunementHello Peggy,I have decided to forgo the

Crystal Deva Empowerment Attunement for now. There is so much to learn first,

and I wish to take some more time reading and experiencing. I have read most of

the files, but I know it will take two and three reads to really absorb these

wonderful teachings. I am so grateful to you. Good to know you are here when I

need ya.Blessings, Sheree[Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.htmlfiles,

photos, and message archives can be found

At:, photos, and message

archives can be found At:





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