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Digest Number 932

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I think all of us would be very interested in your continued perspective

on this. Obviously you've thought about it so an immediate response

is not neccesary. i think Bob was saying its a matter of time priorities

(as others have said about learning the Chinese language).


But having studied Chinese

philosophy and language for 9 years (I started at age 17 as a double


in Chinese studies and psychology at UCSC), I have learned that


medicine isn't mechanistic or reductionist in the way that Western


(or car repair) is.

Maybe I am naive. Obviously, you have a lot more experience

than I do (as I

am still very young).

Rub it in, Sonya! ;-)

i personally am envious that you have taken this route. Myself and

many others here have come to Chinese medicine as a second career and then

the "philosophy" as an after thought to that.

I am also obviously biased toward academics. I have been criticized


for being too scholarly in my writing (for CJOM, thus far), and

not clinical

enough. The first time I heard this perspective, I was surprised.

I grew

up thinking that the examination of philosophical foundations and


pursuit of knowledge was the responsiblity of educated individuals.

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RE the time priorities argument. I have actually thought about this

before...thankful that I had already done the painstaking beginning work on

lang/phil long before taking up the enormous task of learning the clinical

medicine. I realize that it's unrealistic to ask everyone to do everything.


I have come to regard it as sort of an ideal-- the life of a

scholar/practitioner. Wherever we are at, we can always learn more. And

even if there's only time for a little bit, the pleasure and reward (I like

to think) comes with striving towards the perfect Qi Bo, Lao zi-like figure,

who understands in-depth all available wisdom.


I myself will never reach this place. I won't even come close. But I know

I will always find enjoyment in learning more, peeling off more layers, and

augmenting my practical work in life with informed decisions. I think this

perspective is free for any buyers, no matter how much time they have.









>Re: Digest Number 932

>Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:02:21 -0800



>I think all of us would be very interested in your continued perspective on

>this. Obviously you've thought about it so an immediate response is not

>neccesary. i think Bob was saying its a matter of time priorities (as

>others have said about learning the Chinese language).



> But having studied Chinese

>philosophy and language for 9 years (I started at age 17 as a double major

>in Chinese studies and psychology at UCSC), I have learned that Chinese

>medicine isn't mechanistic or reductionist in the way that Western medicine

>(or car repair) is.


>Maybe I am naive. Obviously, you have a lot more experience than I do (as


>am still very young).


>Rub it in, Sonya! ;-)

>i personally am envious that you have taken this route. Myself and many

>others here have come to Chinese medicine as a second career and then the

> " philosophy " as an after thought to that.


>I am also obviously biased toward academics. I have been criticized before

>for being too scholarly in my writing (for CJOM, thus far), and not


>enough. The first time I heard this perspective, I was surprised. I grew

>up thinking that the examination of philosophical foundations and the

>pursuit of knowledge was the responsiblity of educated individuals.











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  • 2 years later...
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Hi, This is Shelley(alias: voodoo nurse). I am asking for long distance, healing

reiki for my son Dan. He has been in a emotionally destructive relationship for

4 years and now has an oppurtunity to break away from her but, in my heart I

don't think he has the energy left to see clearly...please only ask for

relationship changes for his greater good. the time to make his break is within

the next few days as they move back home from living together while attending

college. she has tried to turn him against his father and I...please if you have

a moment...please I ask you to send some emotional/addictive healing help to my

son before we lose him totally...help!



There are 5 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Moldavite

" cmbyrd50 "

2. Crystals & Vacation

" reiki_mindy_2002 "

3. going no mail

" Pat "


4. Re: Crystals & Vacation


5. Re: Moldavite

" julie "






Message: 1

Mon, 24 May 2004 18:56:33 -0000

" cmbyrd50 "



I was told Moldavite didn't have to be cleared and also told sea

salt would melt it.

I'd like to clear it. Seems like I have a need to for some reason.

Can someone adivse me? Is it safe to put it in salt water at least

for 24 hours?

thanks Colleen








Message: 2

Sun, 23 May 2004 02:10:16 -0000

" reiki_mindy_2002 "

Crystals & Vacation


Hello Everyone,

I will be going to Hot Springs Arkansas for vacation next week and I

am looking forward to going to Colemans Rock Shop. I have searched

through the files section of the groups that I belong to, to get an

idea of what stones to get but I still have questions. Even after

reading all I have read. While I am there I would very much like to

get a stone for every purpose. Chakras, illness', emotions, you name

it I want to get a crystal for it. I feel I need to do it while I

have the chance, where I live there isn't anyplace to get things

like that. I am very excited. I also want to dig some. There are

places there where you can pay and go dig. I want to do that too. I

will make a list of all the stones I want and take it with me when I

go. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would really

appreciate it. Does the size of the crystal matter when it comes to

strength or power of the crystal? Also I have a request, in

Arkansas is where I first encountered Reiki, a wonderful lady named

Sandy who is my sister in laws ex-sister in law now. But I would

love to see her. I have tried every time previously there to get to

see her and it has never worked out. She gave me the first and only

treatment I have ever received. (hands on) It was the most awesome

thing! I would love the opportunity to visit with her and see her.

If any of you would please say a prayer or send Reiki for that to

happen I would really appreciate it. Thank You very much!


In Light and Love,









Message: 3

Tue, 25 May 2004 01:09:23 -0000

" Pat "


going no mail


Just wanted to let everyone know that I am going " no mail " until June

14th. I am heading to Houston,TX to visit with my daughters and

granddaughters. Hopefully I will be able to get to the " rock " shop

while I am there.









Message: 4

Mon, 24 May 2004 20:45:55 EDT


Re: Crystals & Vacation


Dear Mindy,

Do you know in what town your friend Sandy lives or have her phone number?

If not, I may be able to help since I live in Little Rock. Let me know. BTW,

are you aware there are actually two Coleman Mines owned by cousins? One is

better than the other. Let me know if you need some help there too. I am only

an email away. One other thing you may not be aware of is the big Riverfest

Festival next weekend by the river here in Little Rock, lots of food, and

music. Let me know what you might need help with I will be happy to aid in any

way possible.






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