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Hi Jenn,


This type of problem often comes from emotional stress which goes from the

heart meridian or pericardium via the small intestine to the vagina and causes

pain and swelling of the vulva. It can take some time to treat. One thing that

can be done but isn't often due to social circumstances is to needle CV 1

which tends to release the heat more directly. Of course there is the


that this isn't your pattern but if you have been under lots of stress it is

probably part of you diagnosis. I have used Health Concern's Clearing

internally and Vagistatin as a suppository with success. Also you will need to


the other imbalances addressed as well. When needling CV 1 I suggest having you

bend your knees up for insertion and then stretch your legs out and leave the

needle for about 10-15 minutes while using other points to balance all your



I would love to hear if other partitioners use this point and what their

experiences with it are.


Hope this helps,






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Hello B


I am an acupuncture student. In clinic, at school, i

have seen the clinician use Ren 1 as well as the

prescription of herbs to treat impotence.



--- bobbiaqua wrote:

> Hi Jenn,


> This type of problem often comes from emotional

> stress which goes from the

> heart meridian or pericardium via the small

> intestine to the vagina and causes

> pain and swelling of the vulva. It can take some

> time to treat. One thing that

> can be done but isn't often due to social

> circumstances is to needle CV 1

> which tends to release the heat more directly. Of

> course there is the possibility

> that this isn't your pattern but if you have been

> under lots of stress it is

> probably part of you diagnosis. I have used Health

> Concern's Clearing

> internally and Vagistatin as a suppository with

> success. Also you will need to have

> the other imbalances addressed as well. When

> needling CV 1 I suggest having you

> bend your knees up for insertion and then stretch

> your legs out and leave the

> needle for about 10-15 minutes while using other

> points to balance all your

> energies.


> I would love to hear if other partitioners use this

> point and what their

> experiences with it are.


> Hope this helps,


> Bobbi



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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One way of treating CV1 is to have a sturdy rock handy and explain the position

of CV1, Give the rock to the patient and have them " sit on it " at their leisure.

It works, and sometimes the CV1 point needs alot of stimulation when neglected.

Fist size rocks work well for this.


bobbiaqua wrote:Hi Jenn,


This type of problem often comes from emotional stress which goes from the

heart meridian or pericardium via the small intestine to the vagina and causes

pain and swelling of the vulva. It can take some time to treat. One thing that

can be done but isn't often due to social circumstances is to needle CV 1

which tends to release the heat more directly. Of course there is the


that this isn't your pattern but if you have been under lots of stress it is

probably part of you diagnosis. I have used Health Concern's Clearing

internally and Vagistatin as a suppository with success. Also you will need to


the other imbalances addressed as well. When needling CV 1 I suggest having you

bend your knees up for insertion and then stretch your legs out and leave the

needle for about 10-15 minutes while using other points to balance all your



I would love to hear if other partitioners use this point and what their

experiences with it are.


Hope this helps,






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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Group,


A little off the topic of stones.


On Saturday, I am going to do my first distance healing. Does any one

have any suggestions. Oh, this will be done over the phone...


Here is the distance healing outline:


1.Greet and speak to the individual focusing on voice, and her being.

She knows a bit about Reiki and requested this healing.

2.Ask permission to send the Reiki healing energy.

3.Help her to ground herself and fill herself with light though

visualization, second chakra.

4.Inhale white , calming , light while exhaling darkness and stale


5.Send light though my Third eye to her.

6.Visualize her whole and healthy, emotionally and bodily.

7.Write each symbol on a piece of paper with her name, age and where

she lives.

8.Writing the distance symbol first, then the other two.

9.Program the healing for a 72 hour period.



Please, any input or comments are welcome.


I am also unsure if I need to prepare myself in a special way?


Peace, Rhonda

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Rhonda, I'm sure someone on this list knows the answer but there's a

wonderful group called


they surely will know.

Regards, Colleen


> Dear Group,


> A little off the topic of stones.


> On Saturday, I am going to do my first distance healing. Does any one

> have any suggestions. Oh, this will be done over the phone...


> Here is the distance healing outline:


> 1.Greet and speak to the individual focusing on voice, and her being.

> She knows a bit about Reiki and requested this healing.

> 2.Ask permission to send the Reiki healing energy.

> 3.Help her to ground herself and fill herself with light though

> visualization, second chakra.

> 4.Inhale white , calming , light while exhaling darkness and stale

> breaths

> 5.Send light though my Third eye to her.

> 6.Visualize her whole and healthy, emotionally and bodily.

> 7.Write each symbol on a piece of paper with her name, age and where

> she lives.

> 8.Writing the distance symbol first, then the other two.

> 9.Program the healing for a 72 hour period.



> Please, any input or comments are welcome.


> I am also unsure if I need to prepare myself in a special way?


> Peace, Rhonda


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