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about conflicting crystal combinations

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This week I have gotten or encountered frequent questions and

discussions on what crystals go together and what crystals conflict

with each other.When the same subject is put before me repeatedly I tend

to think that it means I should pay attention to that issue and clarify

my feelings and experiences. I have seen lists that say never wear or

carry amber with pearls or emerald with obsidian or whatever. There are

dozens if not thousands of these " rules " some stem from the jewelers

trade and really mean don't wear soft easily scratched stones next to

hard scratchy stones. I really have not had experiences of crystals

conflicting certainly not in a way that can be categorized into lists

of absolutes. My experience is that if a crystal or stone will not

benefit you it will remain inactive when you wear or carry it . If you

need help from two or more stones at the same time they will usually

harmonize with each other and be supportive of each others work. Think

of crystals as intelligent compassionate beings not things. The stones

can work out their own differences if they have any which usually they

don't. Sometimes it may seem like some stones are conflicting. This

usually has more to do with our needs and lessons and focus than with

any conflict of the stones and crystals. With crystal healing as with

energy work and other healing we cannot expect to be comfortable trying

to work for too many different goals simultainiously or trying to do

too much at once.If we hope that one crystal will help us with having

more energy and another will help us sleep and another will keep you

alert for the test and are trying to work with them all at once we are

likely to feel that the combination is not working. The problem would

not be in the stones but in our confused goals or in some issue that we

may need to explore. When you have a personal dislike about a

combination of two elements this may mean that for you at this

particular time you do not benefit from working with that particular

set of energies and the issues they help with at the same time or in

combination. It may mean that you have not resolved some issue say for

example between the masculine and feminine energies and are not

comfortable with a combination because it does promote awareness

harmony attention to that area. Not all healing and spiritual

evolution feels good. Sometimes the work brings about an awareness of

our own imbalances that feels uncomfortable and we may interpret that as

due to some outside " negative " reason such as conflicting stones rather

than because we are dealing with change.


Peggy Jentoft

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I remember i tried something stupidly once while someone was sending

energy red energy i decided to amplify it...(not knowing they were

draining me as i assumed they were a friend:S) anyway i had red

tigers eye carnelian and a shiva lingham needless to say i have never

used those crystals again because they affected me and i keep away

from red crystals or energy from now on. That is just my own personal

thing though because it was my experience...but i don't believe that

everyone is affected that way.










, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> This week I have gotten or encountered frequent questions and

> discussions on what crystals go together and what crystals


> with each other.When the same subject is put before me repeatedly I


> to think that it means I should pay attention to that issue and


> my feelings and experiences. I have seen lists that say never wear


> carry amber with pearls or emerald with obsidian or whatever.

There are

> dozens if not thousands of these " rules " some stem from the


> trade and really mean don't wear soft easily scratched stones next


> hard scratchy stones. I really have not had experiences of


> conflicting certainly not in a way that can be categorized into


> of absolutes. My experience is that if a crystal or stone will not

> benefit you it will remain inactive when you wear or carry it . If


> need help from two or more stones at the same time they will


> harmonize with each other and be supportive of each others work.


> of crystals as intelligent compassionate beings not things. The


> can work out their own differences if they have any which usually


> don't. Sometimes it may seem like some stones are conflicting.


> usually has more to do with our needs and lessons and focus than


> any conflict of the stones and crystals. With crystal healing as


> energy work and other healing we cannot expect to be comfortable


> to work for too many different goals simultainiously or trying to


> too much at once.If we hope that one crystal will help us with


> more energy and another will help us sleep and another will keep


> alert for the test and are trying to work with them all at once we


> likely to feel that the combination is not working. The problem


> not be in the stones but in our confused goals or in some issue

that we




> may need to explore. When you have a personal dislike about a

> combination of two elements this may mean that for you at this

> particular time you do not benefit from working with that


> set of energies and the issues they help with at the same time or


> combination. It may mean that you have not resolved some issue say


> example between the masculine and feminine energies and are not

> comfortable with a combination because it does promote awareness

> harmony attention to that area. Not all healing and spiritual

> evolution feels good. Sometimes the work brings about an awareness


> our own imbalances that feels uncomfortable and we may interpret

that as

> due to some outside " negative " reason such as conflicting stones


> than because we are dealing with change.


> Peggy Jentoft

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  • 7 months later...
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, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:


> " This week I have gotten or encountered frequent questions and

> discussions on what crystals go together and what crystals conflict

> with each other. "




In healing my own body I have formed a working hypothesis. It appears

to me that all energetic points of the body- the chakras being the

best know- need to be brought up to the point in which they contain

all of the Rays (basically those are the colors of Creation.)


Taken separately stones seldom contain more than one or two rays and,

even so, they do not contain the entire content of the whole Ray.

Therefore it is highly beneficial to two or several harmonizing stones

on every chakra before being done with them for that particular Ray.


The most notable stones which contain large portions of all the Rays

are the Lemurian Seed Crystals. They are so potent, that I have to

limit the time that I use one of them on a chakra whereas, most stones

can lay on a chakra all night long and not be finished, the Lemurian

Seed Crystals can't stay on me more than 15-20 minutes at a time.


It is going to be really interesting to see if I can get all my

chakras up to par this way and then just what that is going to me to

me spiritually as well as physically.



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theoone12004 wrote:


>In healing my own body I have formed a working hypothesis. It appears

>to me that all energetic points of the body- the chakras being the

>best know- need to be brought up to the point in which they contain

>all of the Rays (basically those are the colors of Creation.)



Rainbow crystals are very useful here. I also use a full spectrum of

energy work and particularly a lot of color work in energy and

meditations .


I've been really tempted lately to write more about energy work and

color healing but have tried to follow my own rule about staying on topic.

I have a couple of color field pages for rainbow meditations color

healing and energy work one which also carries color healing energies

is at

http://www.solarraven.com/Rainbowcolorfield.html The energy goes where

it is needed but it is important to expose oneself to a full range of



Peggy Jentoft




Peggy Jentoft http://solarraven.com

Energywork & Empowerment

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