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Easy Crystal Charging Quickly

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I found a way to quickly charge crystals.


Get aluminum foil and plastic wrap or plastic bags and tape. Stack 3

aluminum foil layers together then place the plastic wrap on top; tape

the edges. Seal all the corners and make sure there are no holes.

Place another 3 layers of aluminum foil on top of the plastic, then

another layer of plastic.


Finally place the last 3 more layers of aluminum foil on top

and tape the edges to keep everything together either between layers

or in the end. Place the crystals on top of the aluminum (aluminum

will be on both sides) and watch how fast your crystals charge








Place this pad on yourself to help with pain too!


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scoliosis wrote:


>I found a way to quickly charge crystals.


>Get aluminum foil and plastic wrap or plastic bags and tape. Stack 3

>aluminum foil layers together then place the plastic wrap on top; tape

>the edges. S


That is the Energy generator found in the Serge King Huna Material

and probably a lot of other places. It does work though personally I

find it far more fuss and bother than it is worth. Running energy,

using intention or breath or charging with crystal clusters and a

good many other ways of charging crystals are as fast or faster and as

or more effective . If you do make a plastic and foil generator,

experiments demonstrate that a crumpled multi layered sandwich seems to

be more powerful than a simple foil and plastic stack.


Peggy Jentoft

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Sorry...I beg to differ with this method charging. No offence meant.It must be

realised that a crystal or gem..as against a 'stone' does not have a random

molecular structure. And hence, it is not possible for it to just get affected

by such a measly 'external' charge (of whatever we are refering to)...A gem is

created out of a certain chemical contraint...and ...the 'energy' of the gem is

totally the result of the 'energy environment' of that particular mine. Hence,

to charge it for a specific purpose, the inherent energy has to be first

neutralised (for it could be positive OR negative)..and then the desired energy

infused. Thats how the energy is vectorised....or else wearing or keeping a gem

can be dangerous.




Chandan Ghosh

Bombay; India

soliosis wrote:

I found a way to quickly charge crystals.


Get aluminum foil and plastic wrap or plastic bags and tape. Stack 3

aluminum foil layers together then place the plastic wrap on top; tape

the edges. Seal all the corners and make sure there are no holes.

Place another 3 layers of aluminum foil on top of the plastic, then

another layer of plastic.


Finally place the last 3 more layers of aluminum foil on top

and tape the edges to keep everything together either between layers

or in the end. Place the crystals on top of the aluminum (aluminum

will be on both sides) and watch how fast your crystals charge








Place this pad on yourself to help with pain too!


You can also check out my group at




I have a secret there that is well worth the visit.





files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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Sorry...I beg to differ with this method charging. No offence meant.It must be

realised that a crystal or gem..as against a 'stone' does not have a random

molecular structure. And hence, it is not possible for it to just get affected

by such a measly 'external' charge (of whatever we are refering to)...A gem is

created out of a certain chemical contraint...and ...the 'energy' of the gem is

totally the result of the 'energy environment' of that particular mine. Hence,

to charge it for a specific purpose, the inherent energy has to be first

neutralised (for it could be positive OR negative)..and then the desired energy

infused. Thats how the energy is vectorised....or else wearing or keeping a gem

can be dangerous.




Chandan Ghosh

Bombay; India



rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:

scoliosis wrote:


>I found a way to quickly charge crystals.


>Get aluminum foil and plastic wrap or plastic bags and tape. Stack 3

>aluminum foil layers together then place the plastic wrap on top; tape

>the edges. S


That is the Energy generator found in the Serge King Huna Material

and probably a lot of other places. It does work though personally I

find it far more fuss and bother than it is worth. Running energy,

using intention or breath or charging with crystal clusters and a

good many other ways of charging crystals are as fast or faster and as

or more effective . If you do make a plastic and foil generator,

experiments demonstrate that a crumpled multi layered sandwich seems to

be more powerful than a simple foil and plastic stack.


Peggy Jentoft



files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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CeeGee wrote:


>Sorry...I beg to differ with this method charging. No offence meant.It must be

realised that a crystal or gem..as against a 'stone' does not have a random

molecular structure. And hence, it is not possible for it to just get affected

by such a measly 'external' charge (of whatever we are refering to)..


There are many different ways of working with crystals many of us do

find that crystals will accept energy facilitated by external means

nothing " measly " about it. I always try to be very diplomatic and all

encompassing but some of the stuff in the paragraph below is wrong.

Right now many of the old restrictions on energy work crystal work have

fallen away. We must move past our preconceptions.


>.A gem is created out of a certain chemical contraint...and ...the 'energy' of

the gem is totally the result of the 'energy environment' of that particular

mine. Hence, to charge it for a specific purpose, the inherent energy has to be

first neutralised (for it could be positive OR negative)..and then the desired

energy infused.



No! programming a crystal is done in accord with the natural energies of

the crystal the " program' is to connect with the person and purpose

butin no way does it replace or neutralize the natural energies of the

crystal being.


>Thats how the energy is vectorised....or else wearing or keeping a gem can be







Wearing or keeping a gem should not ever be dangerous and won't unless

for some reason you need the experience of Danger from crystals .

We ask that you always ask intend and allow that your work with the

crystals and stones always do good or do nothing.


Peggy Jentoft

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As I told u in my letter, " No offence meant " . But what I've written is the

culmination of 20 years experience as a Gem Therapist which I practice

worldwide. I may beg to differ as I said in the letter .


Blessings always to all;


Chandan Ghosh


rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:

CeeGee wrote:


>Sorry...I beg to differ with this method charging. No offence meant.It must be

realised that a crystal or gem..as against a 'stone' does not have a random

molecular structure. And hence, it is not possible for it to just get affected

by such a measly 'external' charge (of whatever we are refering to)..


There are many different ways of working with crystals many of us do

find that crystals will accept energy facilitated by external means

nothing " measly " about it. I always try to be very diplomatic and all

encompassing but some of the stuff in the paragraph below is wrong.

Right now many of the old restrictions on energy work crystal work have

fallen away. We must move past our preconceptions.


>.A gem is created out of a certain chemical contraint...and ...the 'energy' of

the gem is totally the result of the 'energy environment' of that particular

mine. Hence, to charge it for a specific purpose, the inherent energy has to be

first neutralised (for it could be positive OR negative)..and then the desired

energy infused.



No! programming a crystal is done in accord with the natural energies of

the crystal the " program' is to connect with the person and purpose

butin no way does it replace or neutralize the natural energies of the

crystal being.


>Thats how the energy is vectorised....or else wearing or keeping a gem can be







Wearing or keeping a gem should not ever be dangerous and won't unless

for some reason you need the experience of Danger from crystals .

We ask that you always ask intend and allow that your work with the

crystals and stones always do good or do nothing.


Peggy Jentoft



files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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To put in in totally layman's language....


A cloth material has an inherent quality to me made into a garment....hence, it

has to be cut'n'tailored to 'fit' a particular person.Here..the cloth is

gem...but it has to be " made befitting' for the wearer.




John Cawthron <jonlyn wrote:


Hi All

Please can someone tell me why you need to charge a crystal?

Crystal blessings




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