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R: Easy Crystal Charging Quickly

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This is very interesting, but I think it is better to use the old ways to

charge crystal, especially if you use them in healing, because if we want a

natural way to heal ourselves, we have to charge the crystal in a natural

way either...


But your way can be good if the healer is in a hurry to charge them...





-----Messaggio originale-----

Da: soliosis [soliosis]

Inviato: mercoledì 1 settembre 2004 3.54


Oggetto: [CrystalHW] Easy Crystal Charging Quickly



I found a way to quickly charge crystals.


Get aluminum foil and plastic wrap or plastic bags and tape. Stack 3

aluminum foil layers together then place the plastic wrap on top; tape

the edges. Seal all the corners and make sure there are no holes.

Place another 3 layers of aluminum foil on top of the plastic, then

another layer of plastic.


Finally place the last 3 more layers of aluminum foil on top

and tape the edges to keep everything together either between layers

or in the end. Place the crystals on top of the aluminum (aluminum

will be on both sides) and watch how fast your crystals charge








Place this pad on yourself to help with pain too!


You can also check out my group at




I have a secret there that is well worth the visit.





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Fellow stone friends,



....because if we want a natural way to heal ourselves, we have to

charge the crystal in a natural way either...


But your way can be good if the healer is in a hurry to charge




This is an interesting dialog and my reply really isn't to anyone in

particular, but rather as another element to consider in this

discussion. As always, the below reflects my own experience,

perspective and understanding and may or may not have any meaning for

anyone else. Everyone should find their own relationship to this.


There is always another option - to simply not " charge " stone spirits

at all. The idea of " charging " stones is rooted in a very object

oriented perspective of stones. If we understand them as tools and

things to be " used " then it may make sense to charge them, but if we

are able to take a step forward and begin to understand them as

spirits then a whole new road opens, a road that is rich with

miracles and medicine that will never be discovered on a road that

views our brothers and sisters of the mineral kindgom as things,

objects or tools.


Stone spirits have a natural cycle of energy that is both connected

to our own cycle of energy and, at once, well beyond that. They are

as individual as you and I and, like all of Nature, they have cycles

of ebb and flow. One cycle isn't inherently any better or worse than

the other and as much healing can be found in times of ebb as can be

found during times of flow.


Because I understand and approach stone as spirits I also honor their

own inherent intelligence. Most indigenous people across the world

readily acknowledge that our stone, plant and animal family was here

long before we were, making them our Elders in a very real way.

Though this runs counter to the perspectives we're given in the

Western world and industrial culture, these truths are able of taking

us to much deeper, more magical and more balanced places within and

around us.


The inherent intelligence within each stone spirit allows them to

know just how and when and where to meet us. When we decide to dance

with one of these spirits, they know whether to ebb or flow, to shout

or whisper, to shine or barely glow. It is all perfect, just as it

should be and by learning to honor that we move into a more balanced

and ultimately more beneficial relationship with the stone spirits.


This is another approach, rather than charging the stone spirits and

assuming that we know how they should be. Perhaps, if we understand

that they're truly spirits, we can learn to trust the fact that they

know precisely what they should offer us and how it should be

offered. That negates the need for charging or programming or

anything of the sort.


I agree with what Peggy said - that so many of the old limitations

with stone spirits are falling away. We're all moving so much more

fully into MORE that a much broader and deeper field of possibilities

has presented itself for our consideration. I hope that as we all

move forward that one of the previously held limitations that will

fall away is the idea of viewing stones as things to be used. It was

a great first step to realize that they had energy and perhaps

relating to them as tools was an expression of that initial



However, the road is wide open for us all to dig deeper and step

further and to consider the possibility of relating to our brothers

and sisters of the mineral kindgom in more Loving, respectful and

magical ways, expanding our own perceptions enough to see the reality

that thay are in fact spirits not objects. In so doing our entire

dance shifts and the place from which we meet mineralogical magic

changes entirely. It is a shift that can literally change our life.


At its essence the way ahead is found on the path of return,

returning to the knowledge that has been long held by indigenous

people of great medicine and wisdom around the world timelessly. They

understand the stone people to be spirits of great presence and

knowledge and magic and have maintained sovereign and respectful

relationships with this part of our global family. Fortunately for

those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to embrace

the stone spirits are inviting us to explore that path of sacred

relationship and sacred dance.


As I said at the start, the above reflects my own experience with the

stone spirits and may or may not have any meaning for anyone else. I

offer it merely as a point of consideration, another possibility to

consider in the course of these discussions.


Thanks for listening.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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yes fabeku,

i had to get into this to. i agree that stones are alive. i talk to mine

regularly. when i need help from a stone i ask and say i am having a problem

with this or that will you help me. they are always so happy to do so.

and just like you and i they like to experience different things. that is

why i get some new stones i take the out and wash them and welcome them to my

home. i then let them sit in the sun and moon for a while. some stay there for

hours, some for days and a few for months. and some are still out there for

years since i got them. sometimes i move different stones next to each other, so

they can talk. a lot of times they have been packed in some dark container.

they will share many things with you if you will listen, as humans i feel

that is our biggest problem. mother natures words are falling on deaf ears. one

time the shiva linghams told me that if i put a u.v. light on the that they have

secret glow in the dark patterns on them and they do. i know a lot of stone

people and no one had heard of that before. another time i was talking to a big

stone and we decided to exchange places for a while. about 5 minutes was agreed

upon. that twas the most mind blowing experience to date. i felt how it was to

be in the belly of the great mother, it was so dark as safe and loving but to me

was so cold. the stone felt what is was like to have movement. afterward we

talked for a bit, i asked which place that he preferred and he said that he

liked being where he was in the site of the road where he had so much

entertainment. also he shared that the balance of the earth disrupted thru the

greed of mankind. unlike humans they dont judge or condemn us but are eager to

talk to us and are excited that more of us are waking up. it is their hope that

thru this awakening that the planet and their mother will soon have peace.

thanks for listening bobby

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Fabeku wrote:


>Fellow stone friends,



>There is always another option - to simply not " charge " stone spirits

>at all. The idea of " charging " stones is rooted in a very object

>oriented perspective of stones. If we understand them as tools and

>things to be " used " then it may make sense to charge them, but if we

>are able to take a step forward and begin to understand them as

>spirits then a whole new road opens, a road that is rich with

>miracles and medicine that will never be discovered on a road that

>views our brothers and sisters of the mineral kindgom as things,


I do agree with this Fabeku and the crystal charging shakti I recieved

from the crystal deva is activated for those crystal spirits who ask

for it. As well as working with crystals in helping humans we also can

be channels sto help those crystals who have been harmed or depleted by

humans . Many crystals do not need or want to be charged and they will

simply not be effected by the shakti . some crystals do wanrt and

respnnd to the shakti. The Crystal Deva empowerments are energy

functions from the crystal deva which support all beings.


Peggy Jentoft

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Oh how wonderful Fabeku you said it so much better than I could thank you.




I asked why charge a crystal, because I never have had the thought to put my

will into a crystal.


They work with me for healing for their inherent ability to do the right thing

for the right person with the right energy at the right time, and feel that

apart from wanting cleansing and resting I don't need to take away all that they

stand for with the assumption that, I mere mortal of a few decades, know more

than the spirit within the centuries old crystals that work with me.


Crystal Blessings



if we are able to take a step forward and begin to understand them as

spirits then a whole new road opens, a road that is rich with

miracles and medicine that will never be discovered on a road that

views our brothers and sisters of the mineral kindgom as things,

objects or tools.


Stone spirits have a natural cycle of energy that is both connected

to our own cycle of energy and, at once, well beyond that.



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Dear Peggy;


Your comments are absolutely right. Every gem has its presiding diety ..which in

most cases are the planetary dieties...it is they who have to be propitiated in

order to get the best out of a particular gemstone.




Chandan Ghosh



rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:

Fabeku wrote:


>Fellow stone friends,



>There is always another option - to simply not " charge " stone spirits

>at all. The idea of " charging " stones is rooted in a very object

>oriented perspective of stones. If we understand them as tools and

>things to be " used " then it may make sense to charge them, but if we

>are able to take a step forward and begin to understand them as

>spirits then a whole new road opens, a road that is rich with

>miracles and medicine that will never be discovered on a road that

>views our brothers and sisters of the mineral kindgom as things,


I do agree with this Fabeku and the crystal charging shakti I recieved

from the crystal deva is activated for those crystal spirits who ask

for it. As well as working with crystals in helping humans we also can

be channels sto help those crystals who have been harmed or depleted by

humans . Many crystals do not need or want to be charged and they will

simply not be effected by the shakti . some crystals do wanrt and

respnnd to the shakti. The Crystal Deva empowerments are energy

functions from the crystal deva which support all beings.


Peggy Jentoft



files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

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