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New Baby: Adrheanna Storm

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On September 13, 2004 at 7:28 pm, Adrheanna Storm Adams was born to

David and Jennifer Adams weighing in at 7 lbs 13.7 oz and measuring 21

inches long.


The plans were to have a doula present, but that did not work out. She

was born totally natural and she came very quickly. Doctor Diaz called

us in and induced us because of the threat of Hurricane Ivan.


She came into this world with a stormy attitude and a hurricane

threatening. And we decided at the last moment that we could not name

her Anna Nicole... so her middle name got changed.


For those of you who don't know:


Adrheanna Storm


Adrheanna has (Rhea) my middle name and a family name incorporated in

it. And Anna is the name Ben picked out.


We were evacuated from the hospital down here on the coast 10 hours

after she was born and we went to Vicksburg, MS for safety.


Right now, she still has a head full of brown hair, but it appears to

be getting lighter in color, her eyes are still blue, but who knows if

that will stay or not.


Some pictures of her are available at:




We don't have all the pictures that were taken of her yet, we are

waiting for friends and family to send them our way.


I think I got everyone in this email, but if I forgot anyone, please

forgive me and forward it on.



Jennifer and Dave






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Jennifer Adams wrote:


>On September 13, 2004 at 7:28 pm, Adrheanna Storm Adams was born to

>David and Jennifer Adams weighing in at 7 lbs 13.7 oz and measuring 21

>inches long.




congratulations on Your new baby and welcome Adrheanna Storm.


>The plans were to have a doula present, but that did not work out. She

>was born totally natural and she came very quickly. Doctor Diaz called

>us in and induced us because of the threat of Hurricane Ivan.



>Jennifer and Dave




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