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* People often want help with protection . This may be for

protection from psychic attack, from physical danger ,from emotional

distress, from negative energies or from disease as well as other

possible reasons . There are vast numbers of stones, spells,

spiritual techniques, energy work, and filters and shields that can be

used for protection.*


* Protection is aided and enhanced by the ongoing process of

cleansing and clearing your energy body and by developing your mental

,emotional and spiritual integrity.*

* When you work to heal yourself this will help prevent reoccurrence

of difficulties from whatever cause. Ones own fear of psychic attack

is usually far more harmful than actual attack. Fear is a primary

attractant to all forms of possible psychic danger.*


*I usually distinguish between actual psychic attack and a kind of

background* *negativity or reaction negativity which is very common but

usually does not comprise true attack and is often amplified by the

receiver. I do think that everyone needs to learn to have boundaries and

a moderate protective shield or filter as a routine . That is part

of* *normal spiritual hygiene and is usually enough to provide shelter

from the kind of frequent perceived assault of background negativity.*


* It is also of value particularly when you are doing work with people

who do have concerns and issues with psychic attack or feel vulnerable

to such effects to have some idea of how to throw up a major

protection though maintaining such a total shield all the time* *as

many do is often harmful because these total protective shields can

block reception of needed information and energies as well.*


* Actual determined all out psychic attack is far less common than many

think it is. Major defenses are often used inappropriately. It is

true that attention attracts energy and paying attention to attack and

fear of any kind can draw it to you. Even then ones* *relationship to

events will be different in accord with ones personal spiritual balance.*


*One concern people who are doing energy healing work often have is

about the potential for picking up negative energies through empathy or

from clients. Properly done healing work will have built in safe

guards against this, so long as the practitioner remains neutral in the

sense of not using their own energy or trying to force specific results.*


*When it comes to energetically protecting oneself from physical danger

these techniques can and do help, but they do not eliminate the need

for normal common sense precautions. When a person deliberately places

themselves in harms way they may indeed attract trouble. ( Don't walk

down a dark alley, in a bad neighborhood, at midnight, wearing a mink

coat and diamonds, and get mad at God /Goddess if you get mugged).*


*Part of protecting ourselves involves basic spiritual hygiene , working

to remove energetic blocks, repair aura damage, remove implants and

entities, general practice of clearing and balancing your aura and

chakras and staying grounded will help prevent susceptibility to

and harm from the influence of energies ,emotions and even psychic

attack from others, deliberate or unintentional from people and non

physical entities.*

*Whether such influences or entities are imaginary or real in a

specific case is usually moot. Most methods of protective work are

still usable whether the negative energy is from external or internal



* Light is used for protection. Spiritual shakti (energy) ,invoking

angels and/ or other protective forces are among the most common

protective methods.*

*Crystals can be programmed to bring in and help amplify spiritual

light and energy. Another form of light people also often call on

is the violet flame of Saint Germane for protection and evaporating

negative attachments .Always ask your Solar / Companion Angel ( also

called guardian angel) for help with protection, you will receive it.*

*If you do not like the term Angel use another. (Sometimes part of your

life lesson is that* *you have the ability to deal with issues of

protection ,in which case the angelic protection* * will remain as back

up rather than being overt).*


* The more you attune with spirit and move in accord with your own

Soul* *purpose the less need for protections you will have. These

methods do not require you to practice or believe in any particular

faith or path.*


*If you have been attuned to an energy work system You can use that

shakti such as Quartz shakti, The crystal healing shakti, Reiki ,etc..

Some energy work systems do have specific shakti and procedures for



*Without attunement to an energy system you can call on White ,Golden

or rainbow light or other energy to fill your aura and form a

protective bubble, filter or force field around you. Some of us use

the very Star Trekish (mental) command " shields Up! " Having a gesture

or movement or mental image that is used as a trigger for your

protective technique often increases a persons ability to focus and

create a shield or filter. One such movement is to hold the index

finger and thumb of each hand together and visualize yourself in a

strong white sphere/egg. Another gesture activation*

* is to place your hands palms outward , thumbs and index fingers

together forming a triangle. Mental imagery or a small gesture such as

tapping your wrist or rubbing your index finger knuckle as though

activating a shield with a button are less obvious. A typical mental

visualization is of an image glowing bubble of light surrounding you.

Or* *you can visualize a Teflon bubble shield.


* I feel that it is better to intend that negative energy be transformed

to positive energy such as by being sent to the earth for clearing and

purifying before it is returned to its owner and do not usually

recommend mirror shields. I often use a mental image of negative energy

hitting my shields and converting to positive or being teleported to a

cleansing entity before being returned . This applies to personal

energy as well as that from others.*

*We often need more protection from our own programs of self sabotage

than from external or psychic forces.*


* You can create a Macro set of shakti and imagery for instant on

protection . Macros may run faster and more weakly than conscious

energy work but you can run conscious energy work in combination with

macros and programs . If you do not have access to energy macros you

can still practice your protective method so that you can activate it



* I usually recommend filters rather than shields as a protective

method. Filters will not inadvertently block needed energy and

information. Some people build such strong defensive shields that they

close out needed information and so may put themselves at more than

normal risk because they are not open to be aware of the signals around

them. The need for protection can be overemphasized. The best

protection in the spiritual and psychic sense is to develop your

intuition and personal spiritual strength and then you will not be



* I have found that rather than shields and filters the light of

transformation is* *often the best protection, in this method one

brings light into ones body from the Earth and the Heavens and expands

it into a radiant rainbow filling it with your own heart light and

expanding into a sphere around you any negative energy will be

transformed into love and healing.*


* There are really a great many stones that are used for protection.

Clear quartz can be programmed for any kind of protective work. Smoky

quartz is often carried as a protective stone other stones used for

General Protection include Turquoise, Lapis* *Lazuli, fluorite,

chiastolite, jet, onyx ,prehnite, shark tooth , malachite, black

tourmaline, obsidian, coal black and red stones in general. Garnet ,

Agates, jade and sard are also protective stones of note.



*Your birthstones whatever their general properties are, will be

protective for you. To dissolve Negativity & Psychic defense you can

use black tourmaline, lapis, labradorite. Physical Protection: apache

tears, jet , rutilated quartz , coral, holey stones, stones with

natural holes are also considered protective.*

* Not a stone, but because horn, antlers , shells and the like are

often included in stone properties lists I'll mention that naturally

shed cats claws are a classic protective token.*


* For personal protection you can carry some stones in a pocket or

pouch or wearing a protective stone in jewelry. You can also use

these and other protective stones in your house and in grids dedicated

to protection for yourself and others.*


*Select your stones for protection and commune with them so that you

know it is appropriate to work for them for protection . Set the

intention that these are your protective stones. Always start with

cleared and fully energized stones and clear stones used in protective

work often. You may want to change protective stones frequently to

give them a rest. Some stones repel or dissolve negative energy others

absorb and or neutralize it but they should all be cleared and thanked

often for helping bring in the energies and helping you with protection.*


*Spells and similar work such as the use of talismans and amulets is

primarily a means of assisting us in focusing our affirmations and

intentions and in harmonizing with the natural rhythm of the Universe.

There are a vast number of herbs and color and other tools and

correspondences used for protective work. The clarity of your focus is

more important than the tool you work with.*


*Here is an example of an affirmation or spell that many people have

found to be effective.*


*I, (your name here) command all and any forces and entities,*

*beneficial or not, to cease and desist from sending me physical,

emotional and spiritual feelings and pain from any other entity, human

or otherwise, from this moment on, for now and forever. Unless I choose

otherwise. So be it.*



* The BEST psychic shield is to strengthen your own energy body.* *Work

consciously to heal and strengthen your own chakra, meridians and aura

on all levels and to learn to run energy through your entire body of

light.* *When you are mentally emotional and spiritually whole and in

tune with your soul purpose and the natural flow of the universal

Rhythms you are automatically safe from all psychic harm.



*Remember that what you focus on is what you call into your life Paying

attention to positive things draws more positive things into your life.



*Peggy Jentoft*

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For protection during travel, I like turquoise and jet.






On Behalf Of lucille

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:10 AM


[CrystalHW] protection


BlankHi, I'm new and just learning about stones and crystals. My daughter

and her family are going on a trip to Fl. next week and I would like to give

her a stone for protection and a safe trip. Could someone give me some

advice on this...Thanks, Lucille





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lucille wrote:


>BlankHi, I'm new and just learning about stones and crystals. My daughter and

her family are going on a trip to Fl. next week and I would like to give her a

stone for protection and a safe trip. Could someone give me some advice on





Stones I've had respond to help with travel and " car stones " include

Turquoise and Petrified wood, Malachite, Rosequartz and watermelon

tourmaline. The specific stones will depend quite a bit on the nature

of the trip and the participants . Different stones will be likely to

support business trips than will support an Ocean side vacation or a

family reunion etc.. Whether or not there are young children on the

trip, stressful situations , health concerns etc. will also change the

stones and crystals that will be most beneficial. When I asked

specifically about your daughters, family trip the main response was

from a Stupa shaped pearly white sea snail shell. I could not find the

name of this kind of shell in my shell book . The sense was that is

would help to keep travel on track and light and provide gentle

protective energies. A web search suggested Citrine and Hematite

especially for stress with air travel.


Peggy Jentoft



Peggy Jentoft http://solarraven.com

Energy work & Empowerment

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