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Distance treatments

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Distance treatments


This is from several of the chw files and is focused primarily on

remote work with crystals .


There is a common tendency to think of distance healing work as

requiring great effort as

though you have to personally throw the energy across the distance. In

fact it requires no

more effort to send healing energies across the ocean than it requires

to send it through

your hands as you touch someone, or as you put crystals on them or do

other work.

Just as in direct treatment you activate energy or use crystals and

allow the healing effect to flow to where it is needed .

Distance does not interfere with reception.

A recipient must be willing to accept the treatment or the energy will

not effect them.


Most remote work is directed by intention. Simply intend to send

healing to the person

where ever they are and send the treatment There are several ways to

make this more

effective . It is quite normal to be uncertain at first that this is

working after a while you

usually develop a sense of connection and know when you are doing an

effective treatment

whatever method you are using.

Start from being grounded and centered and connect with source or

activate a shakti

or do a crystal layout with focused intention however you do it for an

in person treatment.


The crystal empowerment attunements include a remote function which

will work with

any energy healing system and with crystals which is activated by

intending to do so with a

mental command .

There are different ways to work with crystals and directly with energy

as shakti and by

invoking or calling on spiritual assistance such as deva or angelic

healers .

Some people find that their work is more effective or easier if they

begin with a few deep

breaths traditionally in some systems women visualize drawing energy up

from the earth and

men visualize drawing energy down from the sky (its a yin yang type

thing) .

..Here are some basic remote methods .

1. You can use a photo or drawing as a focus. You can send energy or

place a healing

crystal or crystals on the photo or drawing if the drawing is large enough

you can actually place your stone layout on the drawing with the

intention for who and

where you are sending.

a meridian chart or a reflexology chart can be used as a proxy image.

2. You can lay out a chakra set of crystals intend they represent the

person to be treated

and use a pendulum or crystal wand or your hands to scan the chakra and

aura and to send

energy through the chakra crystals to the person .

3. Use a teddy bear or doll as a proxy or put a pillow on your lap to

represent the recipient.

you can put your stones on this proxy or not as you choose

4. Intend it. Know that the healing will reach your intended recipient


5. Write the person's name on a piece of paper and hold that piece of

paper with the name

on it between your hands and send healing that way. Set a

programed crystal on the

name or put the name in a box with your charged healing crystals .


You can visualize the person as though they are right in front of you

and just do a

treatment. or imagine that you are in the same place together.

Another technique is to substitute your body for theirs doing the

treatment on your own

body and intending that the energies run to them in those places. You

can also do a " spot "

treatment on an organ or other body part just visualize the part and go

for it.


Some healing systems use symbols And many people do find it easier to

work with a symbol

particularly people who are visually oriented. Here is a link to a

symbol I often use for

remote work there is no required order to draw or visualize the

elements of this symbol .



it does not have a name other than representing the concept of " as

Above so Below "

and is used in several energy work and metaphysical systems. You might

call it a generic

distant healing symbol. just imagine or intend or mentally draw this

symbol in the air or on

your hands or above your crystals and /or above the person you are


Any attunement you might need to activate it can be called in by intention.


Sending remote healing with a shakti

With the crystal empowerment shakti you just run the energies you choose

with the remote

function to the person place or group you are treating.

When you are sending energy you can use your hand as a proxy either

designating your

thumb as the proxy and wrapping your fingers around it to send , or hold

your left hand as

the proxy with your right hand sending ( can reverse this if it seems

right to you).

The remote function will work with shakti from other systems .


People often program a crystal to transmit a healing energy like Reiki

or another healing

shakti for this they run the energy while holding the intention that

the crystal transmit the

energy usually to a particular person. you can give or send the crystal

to the recipient or

keep it yourself setting it in a location (sunny if possible ) where it

will not be disturbed .


programming a crystal for remote healing


Once you have selected the right stone and sensed agreement.

ground and center yourself specify who and if you know it where the

person is as well as

the purpose of the healing set the intention that all work be for the

highest good of the

person and Clarify your intention, hold the stone in your dominant

hand or in both

hands. Large stones can be touched rather than held.

Focus your intention on the stone. Clearly state in your mind or out loud

what it is you are programming the stone for. or asking the stone to

transmit the healing

energy which it assesses. Visualize or state the desired result as

clearly as you can .

To program a stone to broadcast an intention ,prayer ,desire or

affirmation or healing

energy you just intend that it do so .

One to five minutes is the standard time to hold the focus. though it

can be shorter

continue until you feel that the crystal holds the program

Using a shakti can also shorten the time (you would run it as you hold

the focus)

The program vibration is now set in the crystal.

you may add an ending intention that the program is locked in and will

stay until cleared

some people breathe deeply and exhale strongly over the crystal while

they focus on the

program. intend that the crystal continually broadcast or transmit as





Using a grid


Crystal Grids are arrangements of charged crystals dedicated to a

particular purpose such

as sending healing energy or focusing a manifestation or For Earth

healing or to bring in

or broadcast specific frequencies of energy into a certain area. Grids

are a way of creating a

continuous flow of energy for a specific purpose on a larger scale or in

more detail than by

just programming a single crystal. They are often used to send remote

healing to others You

can make any style of grid and charge and activate it with the intention

that it transmit

healing energy to the intended receiver . There are several grids in

a file in our files section

You may also place the crystals on a paper marked with a diagram of the

layout for the grid or with a traditional sacred form such as the star of

Solomon, the Sephiroth , the infinity symbol or on or around an image of

a symbol

such as the antakarana or a Goddess or an emblem of your spiritual path..


A piece of paper with the purpose and/or elements of the purpose for

which the grid is being created and activated written on it is also

common . Some

people place a small note under the central crystal. For a remote

healing grid people may place the name of a person who has requested

healing energy or prayers under a stone in the grid. They may dedicate

each of the secondary stones in the grid to a specific individual or

aspect of the

intended purpose . for a healing grid I often use stones in the outer

ring for specific parts of

the healing such as one for pain relief, one for muscle repair , one

for emotional healing , etc.

with the center crystal being the transmitter .

The most common grids are square or circular with a center stone. They


or may not have linking crystals. Linking crystals are usually small

clear quartz points placed between the other stones in the grid to

connect the

stones and direct the flow of energy . They may be used pointing either


or outward from the center and are also often placed between stones in the

outer " wheel " or or other form of the grid .


Stones are always cleared before being used in a grid and charged

and dedicated as placed and after placement. Intention is always used to

set the purpose and activate the grid. After the grid is created it is

activated and the individual crystals are linked energetically . This

is often done with a crystal wand, generator point or laser wand crystal

or can be done with another kind of wand . many people follow a

carefully laid out order for activating the crystals in a grid with a

wand . You may wish to choose a specific " master crystal " or wand for

each of your grids and and keep it with the grid or you may use the

same crystal or wand to charge many grids . the wand or master crystal

is meditated with and charged before being used to activate the grid.


Grid activation can also be done with intention or with shakti.


You may hold a transmitter crystal , a laser wand, or other crystal of

your choice and sit in

meditation with the intention of sending a healing treatment to your


You can intend that the person receive the benefits and energies of

particular stones

holding the stone and " beaming the energy .

or you can hold a crystal to amplify and help direct an energy treatment .


Some people like to use a candle as a focus and set crystals around it.



Some people like to begin a treatment by saying the name of the

recipient out loud three

times often a ten to 15 minute period is used for a remote treatment

but this is not set in



These are just a few of many possibilities for sending remote healing


Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven

12 20 2001




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