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Not so benevolent spirit

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In a message dated 3/4/2005 4:28:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

margit_maxwell writes:


The first thing that needs to be determined is whether this is a spirit that

has not crossed over ( stuck between the dimensions) or is it an

energy/entity indigenous to the land. I've dealt with both.




I have never done this myself but I was part of a circle that helped an

Earth bound cross over. It was amazing. In this case, he may have to call

someone who can find all of this information out for him. He won't know on his









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I am hoping someone may be able to give me some guidance using

intention and/or crystals distantly to soothe a not so benevolent

spirit that is causing a problem for my fiance in his hotel in

Bremerton WA. The site of this new hotel is built on what I think

would have been prime for native american burials (on a hill

overlooking Puget sound), but I have no proof of this. My gut tells

me they disturbed something sacred when they built this hotel. My

fiance is not into the metaphysical at all so this was not a typical

experience for him. He is in no way a believer nor does he work with

energy or crystals like me (Reiki), but I really feel my fiance is a

special spiritual person that just doesn't see it in himself. He is

very non-judgmental about this stuff, thought. Anyway, his first

night sleeping there he was jolted awake by a frightening feeling as

though someone was holding him so he couldn't move at all and

wouldn't let him go. He pretended he wasn't breathing anymore

(literally " played dead " )and it stopped and he felt free to move and

the presence was gone. Anyway, I would love to send some powerful

intervention so he and this unfortunate spirit can rest safely and

comfortably. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


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Intention, as you know, is a very powerful thing. One thing that I have done

in the past is to imagine his room filled with purple light. This purple

light will protect him as well as transmute negative energy into positive

energy. The vibration of this light is very high. Be sure, as always, to ask

this for his greatest good. Something else that you might do is to place his

picture in a selenite grid. I like to use eight pieces of selenite and make

a circle around the picture. I hope this has been helpful.






Gina [carmensd97]

Friday, March 04, 2005 2:14 PM


[CrystalHW] Not so benevolent spirit





I am hoping someone may be able to give me some guidance using

intention and/or crystals distantly to soothe a not so benevolent

spirit that is causing a problem for my fiance in his hotel in

Bremerton WA. The site of this new hotel is built on what I think

would have been prime for native american burials (on a hill

overlooking Puget sound), but I have no proof of this. My gut tells

me they disturbed something sacred when they built this hotel. My

fiance is not into the metaphysical at all so this was not a typical

experience for him. He is in no way a believer nor does he work with

energy or crystals like me (Reiki), but I really feel my fiance is a

special spiritual person that just doesn't see it in himself. He is

very non-judgmental about this stuff, thought. Anyway, his first

night sleeping there he was jolted awake by a frightening feeling as

though someone was holding him so he couldn't move at all and

wouldn't let him go. He pretended he wasn't breathing anymore

(literally " played dead " )and it stopped and he felt free to move and

the presence was gone. Anyway, I would love to send some powerful

intervention so he and this unfortunate spirit can rest safely and

comfortably. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.










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The first thing that needs to be determined is whether this is a spirit that

has not crossed over ( stuck between the dimensions) or is it an

energy/entity indigenous to the land. I've dealt with both.


Stuck spirits need to be advised that they are dead and they need to cross

over and go the Creator. Some may be reluctant to go due to powerful

emotions ( anger, fear, injustice ) that keep them stuck here. Spirits can

be attached to land that they lived on before. I live on Aboriginal

cermonial ground and I had a real problem with energies waltzing in and out

of my house at will. It was driving my animals crazy. I finally had to have

a " chat " with the appropriate spirits and we had to come to an agreement

that we could all live with. I had to temper the energy of the vortex with

Angelic energy sentries both for protection and for piece of mind for us


Most often regular spirits ( ghosts) are not strong enough to physcially

interact with 3 dimensional human beings but there are exceptions. Powerful

anger and hate emotions can cause these spirits to lash out at human beings.

If you feel that a spirit is very angry or vilolent, get professional

assistance dealing with it. Remember, these spirits think of us, the living,

as the intruders.


Otherwise, going through the property with sea salt, sage smudge, and gentle

nudging is usually enough to encourage them to move on. If there is

reluctance on their part to go, one can always ask for Angelic intervention

or call on the spirit's deceases relatives to assist them in crossing over.

Calling on someone who is a Shamanic Deathwalker can be helpful as some

spirits can be very reluctant to let go and move on. I have had to have to

do some very persistant negotiating at times to convince them that crossing

over is the right thing for them to do.



If this is something indigenous to the land itself, more entity-like, they

traverse the area using natural ley lines in the ground. In urban settings,

following water and buried power cables seem to be the perferred method of

travel. This definately takes an experienced person to deal with one of

these things. Some of these entities are benign and just exist and others

are quite " underworld-ish " in nature and can be quite powerful. There are a

variety of ways to handle each of these scenarios. These entity things seem

not to respond well to just sea salt and smudging though. It takes an

experienced Shaman or an energy worker to deal with these things. Use common

sense and err on the side of caution.


In simple cases, parameters laid of sea salt, sage or rosemary can add

protection. So can stones that transmute energy, like amethyst or kyanite,

as can black stones like onyx, tourmaline, or jet. There are others too.


I do not want to bore people who have no interest in this subject. If you

require any further information, feel free to contact me off of this forum.


Spirit's Blessings,



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Hi Gina,


I get that someone was murdered in that room. I released all spirits who were

stuck in that hotel. He shouldn't have any further problems.


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Hi Gina,


I call on Archangel Michael to surround and protect me. I would call on

Archangel Michael and angels of light to protect your fiancé. This is great

for quick and immediate help. Good luck.








> Hi,

> I am hoping someone may be able to give me some guidance using

> intention and/or crystals distantly to soothe a not so benevolent

> spirit that is causing a problem for my fiance in his hotel in

> Bremerton WA. The site of this new hotel is built on what I think

> would have been prime for native american burials (on a hill

> overlooking Puget sound), but I have no proof of this. My gut tells

> me they disturbed something sacred when they built this hotel. My

> fiance is not into the metaphysical at all so this was not a typical

> experience for him. He is in no way a believer nor does he work with

> energy or crystals like me (Reiki), but I really feel my fiance is a

> special spiritual person that just doesn't see it in himself. He is

> very non-judgmental about this stuff, thought. Anyway, his first

> night sleeping there he was jolted awake by a frightening feeling as

> though someone was holding him so he couldn't move at all and

> wouldn't let him go. He pretended he wasn't breathing anymore

> (literally " played dead " )and it stopped and he felt free to move and

> the presence was gone. Anyway, I would love to send some powerful

> intervention so he and this unfortunate spirit can rest safely and

> comfortably. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

> Gina


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Hello Gina

i have only just read your posting, and i rarely answer here, although i do

send thought and distance healing where needed. I was touched by your

posting though.

I feel however your spirit/s mean no harm, but a great deal of anger

overwhelms me. They feel they have been treated without respect, and sometimes


is the only way they can express themselves. I live in London, England, and

for that i cannot help physically but will ask my guides to help in this

matter where they can, and i am sure with the right words, thought and love an

understanding can be reached.

Please let us know how things fair and what action you have taken.

Love and Light





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Hi Gina,


Actually, I live just down the road from Bremerton, WA. I " ve read the other

posts about this and it seems that some folks have sent energy to deal with this

issue. If you find you would like to have some " hands on " assistance, please

contact me directly. It is not necessary for your fiance to " believe " , but if I

were to assist, I would definitely need his express permission.


Love, Light and Blessings to us all, diana


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Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. We have used a

combination of things for both my fiance and the spirit in the

hotel. The wonderful folks on this group sent some wonderful distant

healing energy. At my home me and my daughter did distant Reiki

filling his room with purple light and surrounding his aura with

white light to transform any negative energy that might approach

him. We also set up a crystal grid with my fiance's photo. We used

a flourite candle holder with a purple/violet candle at his crown

chakra (Avon has nice Chakra/aroma therapy candle sets) and a clear

quartz crystal cluster at his crown as well. My herkimers were very

happy and sparkling to be at both sides of his heart chakra. For

grounding was a large obsidian at his feet.


I was not familiar with calling upon the Archangel Michael, but I

will pass along this information so he can ask for his assistance.


For the spirit we sent the intention for it to have peace and

progress on it's journey for it's highest good. I too sensed a lot of

anger that I hope can disapate with good intention and the reverence

it deserves.


He has had no other frightening experiences and is comfortable in his

room, but he finds his sleep is restless and he wakes up at 3:00am

every morning, but not in a negative way.


Sunny, thank you very much for the link regarding paralysis at night.

Very interesting indeed!


As a side note, my quartz cluster we used needed a very good clearing

last night...it looked dirty and heavy!


Thank you all for your kindless! Peace.






, witchepoo186701@a...



> Hello Gina

> i have only just read your posting, and i rarely answer here,

although i do

> send thought and distance healing where needed. I was touched by


> posting though.

> I feel however your spirit/s mean no harm, but a great deal of


> overwhelms me. They feel they have been treated without respect,

and sometimes this

> is the only way they can express themselves. I live in London,

England, and

> for that i cannot help physically but will ask my guides to help

in this

> matter where they can, and i am sure with the right words, thought

and love an

> understanding can be reached.

> Please let us know how things fair and what action you have taken.

> Love and Light

> Tracy




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