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Feeling paralyzed was Not so benevolent spirit

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In a message dated 3/6/05 10:28:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,




> Anyway, his first

> > night sleeping there he was jolted awake by a frightening feeling as

> > though someone was holding him so he couldn't move at all and

> > wouldn't let him go. He pretended he wasn't breathing anymore

> > (literally " played dead " )and it stopped and he felt free to move and

> > the presence was gone. Anyway, I would love to send some powerful

> > intervention so he and this unfortunate spirit can rest safely and

> > comfortably. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

> > Gina



I personally know one can be attacked during sleep and even when awake and I

agree calling on Archangel Michael is something I do immediately. However

there is another phenomenon called dream paralysis. Here's an excerpt from a


I caem across while investigating lucid dreaming.


http://websearch.cs.com/wm/boomframe.jsp?query=dream+feeling+paralysed & page=1 &

offset=0 &




romPage%3DWMTResults%26amp%3BampTest%3D1 &



Phenomena you can encounter

When you are starting on your road to lucidity you can encounter strange

things in your dream. Some are the signs of nearing lucidity, others are


occuring during the sleep cycle.

Before you have your first lucid dream you will probably experience some of

the phenomena mentioned below. But also when you haven't ever had a lucid dream

some things can sound familiar.

Here are some of these signs, so you can prepare yourself a little.


Some of these phenomena can be very frightening or desorienting. When you

are overcome by fear, know that you can wake up at any time.



Feeling paralysed

Sleep paralysis is the bodies way to protect you from harm while dreaming.

Normally you are fast asleep while your body is in total relaxation. However it

is possible you wake up and your body is still paralysed

In most cases you just wake up feeling paralysed. But there is a more extreme

variant also known as the Old Hag

The Old Hag is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety. You think you are

awake, you lie in bed and somebody dark and scary approaches. You can't move,

can't scream, nothing. You are very frightened.

When you encounter the Old Hag, one way out of it is to close your eyes, try

to relax and tell yourself it's all a dream, and enter a new dream.

Here is a very useful link with a lot of information about sleep paralysis

(thanks David P): <A

HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/jorgeconesa/Paralysis/sleepnew.html " >Sleep

paralysis and lucid dreaming </A>.

False awakening

This is something common. You think you are awake, when you are in fact

sleeping. You will awake shortly after your false awakening. Sometimes you can


more false awakenings before you finally have the real one. It can be very


Talking about dreams

You will have dreams in which you are talking about dreams, writing down

dreams, telling somebody about your dream and so on. This is a sign that


is coming very close. In due time you will make the step to " Hey! but I'm

dreaming now! " .


I dreamt I was in a room with beautiful paintings.

I said to somebody: " Wow, they look just like paintings I see in my dreams. "


" Wait a minute, I am dreaming! "

Strange sounds

Especially when you are in that twilight zone between waking and sleeping,

you can hear strange noises like swishing, zooming or rinkling. This is a normal

occurance in this stage of sleep.

However if the sounds are loud and accompanied by the feeling your body is

moving it can be the sign you are on the verge of having an Wake Induced Lucid

Dream or an Out of Body Experience (More on that later).

Feeling of movement

Together with the sounds above, you can also have the feeling that you are

going to a tunnel really fast. Another one is feeling yourself twirl around your

axis or feel a kind of rocking movement. These are also signs of entering a

Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD) or having an Out of Body Experience (OBE).

Sometimes I have the feeling I can fall out of bed. I will just " tumble " out

of my bed, while in fact I'm still in it. What I do after that (after a

Reality Check ofcourse) is flying through the window or stepping through a


Falling sensation

Sometimes you can have the feeling you have fallen with an enormous impact

which shook you awake. Some believe this is because you just had an Out of Body

Experience, and this is when your astral body is jerked into your earthly

body. Nothing to worry about.

Was I lucid?

One of the most asked questions is: Was I lucid? The answer is simple. Did

you at any point in your dream realize that you where dreaming? That everything

around you was a dream? Then congratulations! You had a lucid dream.


I would also like to say take Diane up on her gracious offer to give hands

on. If he is not familiar with any techniques having someone there to guide one

can be really appreciated.


Many blessings to you both,





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