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need help identifying a stone

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Hello everyone,


I am a returning member. Haven't been around for a year or so. Good to be



I have a question that maybe someone can help me with.


I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was a dark

chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there were

segements or layers on each side of the square that ran perpendicular to the

adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat' but I


remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I have been

trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to know what

'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.


If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.


Thank you


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Hello..I'm new...


But I found this just now:


" Quartz Veins and Gossans


Only a small percentage of vein quartz will contain gold. " Bull

quartz " is a term for a glassy quart that is generally barren of gold.

Gold below the oxide zone is generally associated with sulfides.

Sulfide gold includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and galena-

however gold may also exist in a free state be low the oxide zone.

Iron streaks and vugs lined with rusty crystals in quartz veins are

promising for got If gold is present in such veins, it may be possible

t see it with a hand lens or the naked eye. Commonly gold is the only

valuable mineral left in a gossan. Gossan (iron hat) is a porous,

rusty capping on a sulfide deposit. Any outcrop or float of

iron-stained light-colored igneous rock, fractured and recemented with

silica, should be carefully examined. "










, " diosad730 "

<diosad@b...> wrote:



> Hello everyone,


> I am a returning member. Haven't been around for a year or so. Good

to be

> back.


> I have a question that maybe someone can help me with.


> I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was a dark

> chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there were

> segements or layers on each side of the square that ran

perpendicular to the

> adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat'

but I cannot

> remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I

have been

> trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to

know what

> 'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.


> If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.


> Thank you

> Rebecca

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Welcome back, I found this


iron hat*

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :


Gossan \Gos " san\, n. (Geol.)

Decomposed rock, usually reddish or ferruginous (owing to

oxidized pyrites), forming the upper part of a metallic vein.

Called also iron hat.

[1913 Webster]



>The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat' but I cannot

>remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I have been

>trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to know what

>'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.


>If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.


>Thank you










Peggy Jentoft http://solarraven.com

Energywork & Empowerment

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artmomz and solarraven,



Thank you both for your replies. Unfortunately since 'iron hat' is a common

name and not a proper one it has been applied to different types of rock.

(much the same as flowers)


The information that you both so kindly found for me is not applicable to this

particular stone. While I am sure that it is iron bearing it is not porous and


a very distictive appearance ('layering' that is perpendicular to each adjoining

side I know that doesn't make sense but that is how it is) I wish I had a


it would be so much easier than trying to explain.


If anyone else has any suggestions, please don't hesitate to offer them.


Thanks again











, " artmomz "

<artmomz@l...> wrote:



> Hello..I'm new...


> But I found this just now:


> " Quartz Veins and Gossans


> Only a small percentage of vein quartz will contain gold. " Bull

> quartz " is a term for a glassy quart that is generally barren of gold.

> Gold below the oxide zone is generally associated with sulfides.

> Sulfide gold includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and galena-

> however gold may also exist in a free state be low the oxide zone.

> Iron streaks and vugs lined with rusty crystals in quartz veins are

> promising for got If gold is present in such veins, it may be possible

> t see it with a hand lens or the naked eye. Commonly gold is the only

> valuable mineral left in a gossan. Gossan (iron hat) is a porous,

> rusty capping on a sulfide deposit. Any outcrop or float of

> iron-stained light-colored igneous rock, fractured and recemented with

> silica, should be carefully examined. "


> http://imnh.isu.edu/digitalatlas/geog/mining/deposits.htm



> Jazz





> , " diosad730 "

> <diosad@b...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > I am a returning member. Haven't been around for a year or so. Good

> to be

> > back.

> >

> > I have a question that maybe someone can help me with.

> >

> > I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was a dark

> > chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there were

> > segements or layers on each side of the square that ran

> perpendicular to the

> > adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat'

> but I cannot

> > remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I

> have been

> > trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to

> know what

> > 'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.

> >

> > If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.

> >

> > Thank you

> > Rebecca

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Hi Rebecca, I'm a member of a rock club and I have asked the members if they can

identify it by your description. I'll let ya know what I find out.

diosad730 <diosad wrote:



I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was a dark

chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there were

segements or layers on each side of the square that ran perpendicular to the

adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat' but I


remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I have been

trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to know what

'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.


If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.


Thank you










files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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You stirred my curiousity with that bit of information. I hope that's

what she's looking for...although part of the fun is in the hunt. :)


I did an image search on google and found this link:




Is it the same?


While there, my heart went all a flutter over some graphite.





, Diane Broussard

<grannidi> wrote:


> Hi Rebecca......

> I have a square, chocolate colored rock (as you described below). I

bought it in Alice Springs, Australia at a rock shop there. I was

buying rocks that originate in Australia. I was told the square rock

is called " Devil's Dice " . That was all the information the lady could

tell me. And it looks just like you described below. This info may

help in your research or cause more confusion. I hope it helps..

Email me and I'll give you the info I have on the Rock Shop there..

Maybe they can elaborate more...

> Namaste.................Di_


> Angela Myal <acmyal> wrote:


> Hi Rebecca, I'm a member of a rock club and I have asked the members

if they can identify it by your description. I'll let ya know what I

find out.

> Angie


> diosad730 <diosad@b...> wrote:



> I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was a dark

> chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there were

> segements or layers on each side of the square that ran

perpendicular to the

> adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron hat'

but I cannot

> remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago and I

have been

> trying to find information and a replacement but no one seems to

know what

> 'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.


> If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me know.


> Thank you

> Rebecca



files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

> files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


> , photos, and message archives can be found At:






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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

, " diosad730 "

<diosad@b...> wrote:


> Hi,


I recently received a crystal that seems to fit with your

description. I opened it up just after I had read your question. It

is Septaria. It seems to be a part of a nodule and it has the layers

of beautiful hues of chocolate brown. The outer part is a very light

brown - like a crust. Anyway - hope that has helped. If you would

like me to arrange to send you a picture, let me know.








> artmomz,



> getting closer....


> The color is very close, the piece I'm talking about is a more rich

> chocolate color and the 'layers' are very obvious almost as if

> several pieces were stacked and then compressed. (the layers

> are all the same color but there is a definate demarcation or

> slight space on the surface between them)


> =

> =!!=

> =


> Thanks everyone for all your help and if you have any other ideas

> please post them.



> Rebecca




> , " artmomz "

> <artmomz@l...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > You stirred my curiousity with that bit of information. I hope

> that's

> > what she's looking for...although part of the fun is in the

hunt. :)

> >

> > I did an image search on google and found this link:

> >

> >

> http://www.crystalcreekproducts.com.au/crystalshop/minerals.ht

> ml

> >

> > Is it the same?

> >

> > While there, my heart went all a flutter over some graphite.

> >

> > Jazz

> >

> >

> > , Diane

> Broussard

> > <grannidi> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Rebecca......

> > > I have a square, chocolate colored rock (as you described

> below). I

> > bought it in Alice Springs, Australia at a rock shop there. I was

> > buying rocks that originate in Australia. I was told the square

> rock

> > is called " Devil's Dice " . That was all the information the lady

> could

> > tell me. And it looks just like you described below. This info

> may

> > help in your research or cause more confusion. I hope it

> helps..

> > Email me and I'll give you the info I have on the Rock Shop

> there..

> > Maybe they can elaborate more...

> > > Namaste.................Di_

> > >

> > > Angela Myal <acmyal> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Rebecca, I'm a member of a rock club and I have asked

> the members

> > if they can identify it by your description. I'll let ya know

what I

> > find out.

> > > Angie

> > >

> > > diosad730 <diosad@b...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > I used to have a stone that was about 1/2 inch square. It was

> a dark

> > > chocolate color and very smooth. It was unusual in that there

> were

> > > segements or layers on each side of the square that ran

> > perpendicular to the

> > > adjoining sides. The person I purchased it from called it 'iron

> hat'

> > but I cannot

> > > remember the proper name. It left me a couple of years ago

> and I

> > have been

> > > trying to find information and a replacement but no one

> seems to

> > know what

> > > 'iron hat' is and can't identify it from my description.

> > >

> > > If anyone here knows what I'm talking about Please let me

> know.

> > >

> > > Thank you

> > > Rebecca

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > files are online at

> Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

> > > files, photos, and message archives can be found At:

> > >

> > > , photos, and message archives can be found At:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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