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Help with stoping smoking

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Hello, I'm Manuela,


This is a time in my life where everything is changing. It's

tubulent but I'm not complaining. I'm very pleased with what I've

achieved so far, but stoping smoking would be wonderful. I've tried

and failed so often. I think that there must be more to it then

willpower, since I've managed other difficult things so far.

Would any of you know of a crystal that might be helpful in such


Although I've always been drawn to crystals, I've never " worked "

with them, I only choose them intuitively. At the moment I'm

clutching my old friend the hamatit since I'm abroad and he's the

one that always travels with me.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Love and light


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You're right, willpower isn't what's going to stop your smoking. I've

heard and learned for myself that in order to stop a habit, a person

needs to substitute another better habit that they are passionate

about. I didn't know that was what I was doing until I heard someone

say that.


Find a habit that you love that you can substitute for smoking. Also

I've found out that if you consistently keep up the new habit for at

least 3 weeks, it gets easier. The first two weeks always seemed the

hardest. And if you slip up, don't get mad at yourself. Just start

over again. Sooner or later you'll succeed :)


Smoking is not good. I developed asthma from second hand smoke and

it's terrible. And I've never smoked myself. Good luck in kicking the






, " malq4 " <malq4>




> Hello, I'm Manuela,


> This is a time in my life where everything is changing. It's

> tubulent but I'm not complaining. I'm very pleased with what I've

> achieved so far, but stoping smoking would be wonderful. I've tried

> and failed so often. I think that there must be more to it then

> willpower, since I've managed other difficult things so far.


> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

> Love and light

> Manuela

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I personally do not know of a crystal to help.


What I can tell you is, giving up smoking is like attempting to do

anything in life that we all have reluctance to... IE: eating

healthy, fitness, etc.

To stop a negative habit you have to start with your mindset. Like

getting the mind set to eat healthier, workout, etc.

Even though you may realize smoking is not good for you, you may

still not mentally be prepared to stop. I suggest working on your

mind. Just like how you would get your mind to get prepared to beging

a work out routine. If you know what I mean.


You may want to look into crystals that help with stress and fears

right now.


Also, once you finally stop smoking I suggest having a plan so you

wont restart. Most smokers restart smoking after quitting due to life

events such as stressful situation, depression, anxiety, death, etc.

You need to figure out a plan ahead of time as to how you will deal

with life when it goes south. We all have stressful times in our

lifes so have a plan in hand.


Congratulations and good luck,


In , " malq4 " <malq4>




> Hello, I'm Manuela,


> This is a time in my life where everything is changing. It's

> tubulent but I'm not complaining. I'm very pleased with what I've

> achieved so far, but stoping smoking would be wonderful. I've tried

> and failed so often. I think that there must be more to it then

> willpower, since I've managed other difficult things so far.

> Would any of you know of a crystal that might be helpful in such

> matters?

> Although I've always been drawn to crystals, I've never " worked "

> with them, I only choose them intuitively. At the moment I'm

> clutching my old friend the hamatit since I'm abroad and he's the

> one that always travels with me.

> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

> Love and light

> Manuela

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I found that hypnosis worked for me I had been a very heavy smoker for

over 20 years when I went to a stop smoking seminar and stopped that

was 12 years ago.

Some people have told me that the clearing the Way attunement helped

them but I make no promises. I don't know what the traditional crystals

would be but my Pink Stilbite with Apophylite seems to be offering

energies for you as well as a whole family of Calcites and Citrine,

Chalk, Turitella Agate. Those are some of the ones I have that responded

to the question. There really seem to be a lot of crystals that

volunteer to help. Some other possibilities include Amethyst, Citrine,

Fluorite Hematite, Staurolite,Calcite, Lepidolite, Amber, Rose Quartz,

Black Tourmeline, Brown Jasper, Angelite, Smoky Quartz .

These have different properties some purify, some help strengthen the

will, some promote calmness etc.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac* *has a collection of many different

remedies and techniques to help people stop smoking on this page

http://www.peacefulmind.com/stop_smoking.htm I have not ordered any

products from him so I am not endorsing the specific merchandise



Peggy Jnetoft



Peggy Jentoft http://solarraven.com

Energywork & Empowerment

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, rosequartz

<rosequartz@c...> wrote:

> I found that hypnosis worked for me I had been a very heavy

smoker for

> over 20 years when I went to a stop smoking seminar and stopped


> was 12 years ago.

> Some people have told me that the clearing the Way attunement


> them but I make no promises. I don't know what the traditional


> would be but my Pink Stilbite with Apophylite seems to be


> energies for you as well as a whole family of Calcites and


> Chalk, Turitella Agate. Those are some of the ones I have that


> to the question. There really seem to be a lot of crystals that

> volunteer to help. Some other possibilities include Amethyst,


> Fluorite Hematite, Staurolite,Calcite, Lepidolite, Amber, Rose


> Black Tourmeline, Brown Jasper, Angelite, Smoky Quartz .

> These have different properties some purify, some help strengthen


> will, some promote calmness etc.

> Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac* *has a collection of many different

> remedies and techniques to help people stop smoking on this page

> http://www.peacefulmind.com/stop_smoking.htm I have not ordered


> products from him so I am not endorsing the specific merchandise



> Peggy Jnetoft


> --

> Peggy Jentoft http://solarraven.com

> Energywork & Empowerment





Thank you Peggy,

Hypnosis did'nt work for me 10 years ago. At the moment I'm using

Reiki and I'm trying to establish a better connection to " my "

angels and rely on their help. Thanks for suggesting those crystals!

I'LL shop around for one that speaks to me and take him/her home.

love & light


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, " Darla Majick "

<majickeyes1126> wrote:




> I personally do not know of a crystal to help.


> What I can tell you is, giving up smoking is like attempting to do

> anything in life that we all have reluctance to... IE: eating

> healthy, fitness, etc.

> To stop a negative habit you have to start with your mindset. Like

> getting the mind set to eat healthier, workout, etc.

> Even though you may realize smoking is not good for you, you may

> still not mentally be prepared to stop. I suggest working on your

> mind. Just like how you would get your mind to get prepared to


> a work out routine. If you know what I mean.


> You may want to look into crystals that help with stress and fears

> right now.


> Also, once you finally stop smoking I suggest having a plan so you

> wont restart. Most smokers restart smoking after quitting due to


> events such as stressful situation, depression, anxiety, death,


> You need to figure out a plan ahead of time as to how you will


> with life when it goes south. We all have stressful times in our

> lifes so have a plan in hand.


> Congratulations and good luck,

> FyreMajick

> In , " malq4 " <malq4>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hello, I'm Manuela,

> >

> > This is a time in my life where everything is changing. It's

> > tubulent but I'm not complaining. I'm very pleased with what


> > achieved so far, but stoping smoking would be wonderful. I've


> > and failed so often. I think that there must be more to it then

> > willpower, since I've managed other difficult things so far.

> > Would any of you know of a crystal that might be helpful in such

> > matters?

> > Although I've always been drawn to crystals, I've never " worked "

> > with them, I only choose them intuitively. At the moment I'm

> > clutching my old friend the hamatit since I'm abroad and he's


> > one that always travels with me.

> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

> > Love and light

> > Manuela


Thank you for your suggestions,remedies for stress relive will

certainly come in handy in the near future!

good night

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, " earth_skydance "

<earth_skydance> wrote:



> Manuela,


> You're right, willpower isn't what's going to stop your smoking.


> heard and learned for myself that in order to stop a habit, a


> needs to substitute another better habit that they are passionate

> about. I didn't know that was what I was doing until I heard


> say that.


> Find a habit that you love that you can substitute for smoking.


> I've found out that if you consistently keep up the new habit for


> least 3 weeks, it gets easier. The first two weeks always seemed


> hardest. And if you slip up, don't get mad at yourself. Just start

> over again. Sooner or later you'll succeed :)


> Smoking is not good. I developed asthma from second hand smoke and

> it's terrible. And I've never smoked myself. Good luck in kicking


> habit!


> Kestrel



> , " malq4 "


> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hello, I'm Manuela,

> >

> > This is a time in my life where everything is changing. It's

> > tubulent but I'm not complaining. I'm very pleased with what


> > achieved so far, but stoping smoking would be wonderful. I've


> > and failed so often. I think that there must be more to it then

> > willpower, since I've managed other difficult things so far.


> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

> > Love and light

> > Manuela


Thank you Kestrel!

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I'm very pleased with what I've achieved so far, but stoping smoking

would be wonderful.


Would any of you know of a crystal that might be helpful in such




As you're experiencing changing this habit can be difficult and quite

complex. There are many facets and sheer will isn't always enough.

Because habits and addictions take root for different reasons in

different people I think it's vital to understand, on a very

individual basis, the reason for the habit to begin with. From there

a more specific road to healing can be mapped.


As I don't know you and your individual circumstances I can only

speak in a general sense. Some stone spirits that may offer you some

support include:


* Gaspeite - Helps us to deal with addiction and addictive

personalities. Their medicine helps us to address the root of

addiction by understanding where the void that we're seeking to fill

in unhealthy ways exists. When we know the source of our pain we can

then embrace healthier ways of addressing it that lead to healing.


NOTE: The vast majority of Gaspeite available is either stabilized,

reconstitute (which is nearly always nothing more than resin, color

and unrelated base rock), dyed or altogether synthetic. This is true

for both rough and jewelry. It's definitely a case of caveat emptor

when it comes to adopting Gaspeite!


* Emerald Green Calcite - Allows us to keep our hearts open to

realize the healing we need, to not close down during challenges or

temporary set backs. These spirits invite us to keep strong during

the difficult moments.


* Tiger Iron - Supports us in aligning the strength of our spirit

with our task at hand, harnessing the energies of our soul for the

purpose of greater success. When we're struggling to find the energy

for something, including something we may not fully want to do, the

spirits of Tiger Iron offers us extraordinary help.


* Green Jade & Pink Stilbite - This duet reduces our resistance to a

particular dance (Green Jade), while fostering acceptance of the road

and its many rewards and challenges (Pink Stilbite). Together we find

Grace in our efforts, reducing the " drag " we feel within and around

us as we move forward.


* Smokey Elestial Quartz - The medicine of cleansing and deep

shifting, including shifting patterns and habits held in our physical

body. This letting go isn't always easy, but it is necessary to make

a clean break from what was to embrace what can be.


I hope this helps in some way. I admire your efforts to make yourself

and your life healthier by not smoking. Good thoughts to you on your



In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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strauolite is a great crystal (or mineral) to help stop the cravings for

cigarettes... it has the same grounding properties as tobacco...


also if you can heat (moxa) " Ren 17 " at the junction of the 4th intercostal

space on the sternum, (on the breast bone in line with the nipples), this spot

will be quite will be quite sensitive for all of us, especially for smokers...

but heating this point will change the flavour of cigarettes... or just rub

(press) this point anytime you feel the need for a cigarette...


and obviously acupuncture is amazing too...


good luck.... love Si.x









Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:59 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] Re: Help with stoping smoking






I haven't been able to search yet but I have aventurine to help with

dieting...maybe it would help with stopping smoking too...??






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In a message dated 3/13/2005 2:47:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

acmyal writes:


An amethyst will help with any addiction.



Angie...would food addiction come under that too? I am having the worst

time trying to stay on a diet. Whatever I'm supposed to eat I want something

else and LOTS of it. I have an amethyst charm on a chain that I'm wearing. I

just got it. Maybe I'll try the same advice for my eating addiction.


Brightest Blessings,







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An amethyst will help with any addiction. The best way to do this is to get a

polished one that will fit under your tongue. If you get the urge to smoke, pop

it under your tongue and keep it there til the urge completely passes. Its good

to wear one on a chain around your neck as well.

Good luck on the quitting. I quit 8 years ago. If I could do it, you can too!








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In a message dated 3/16/2005 5:27:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

acmyal writes:

Thank you Angie. That's a great idea and I'll do it!! I love my amethyst


Brightest Blessings,





Hi Sharon,

Yes, I think it would help. I personally would drop an amethyst in a glass

of water and let it sit overnite. Then drink it next morning with an

affirmation of gratitude for your weight loss. State it as the weight loss has


happened, with no doubts in your mind. It can't hurt to try it. Come to

think of it, I should be doing it , too!!









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Hi Sharon,

Yes, I think it would help. I personally would drop an amethyst in a glass of

water and let it sit overnite. Then drink it next morning with an affirmation of

gratitude for your weight loss. State it as the weight loss has already

happened, with no doubts in your mind. It can't hurt to try it. Come to think of

it, I should be doing it , too!!


Fotograffa wrote:

Would food addiction come under that too? I am having the worst

time trying to stay on a diet. Whatever I'm supposed to eat I want something

else and LOTS of it. I have an amethyst charm on a chain that I'm wearing. I

just got it. Maybe I'll try the same advice for my eating addiction.


Brightest Blessings,







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