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Study shows toxicity of maize approved forhuman consumption

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Sender: enb1 Let me add to that what I have just posted to another group: The independent peer-reviewed study concerning MON 863 was published lastyear in May and the same toxicity was found in Monsanto's MON 810 and NK603. In fact, I included the disturbing findings about NK 603 in my reportto the South African parliament last year:"Cauliflower mosaic virus and HIV infection In the context of the South African landscape and that of other countriesravaged by HIV infections and AIDS, it is inconceivable and grosslynegligent that South Africa allows our staple food, white maize, to be grownin genetically modified form without prior testing as to the impact on humanhealth, in particular the health of those people – mostly poor and black –whose health and particularly the immune system has already been compromisedby malnutrition, the typical infections prevalent in Africa and above allHIV! Monsanto’s GM maize NK603 is and has been eaten in SA for years.Results of an analysis of Monsanto's test data, carried out by the Frenchscientific research institute CRIIGEN, showed that rats that were fed the GMmaize exhibited differences in their kidney, brain, heart and livermeasurements, as well as significant weight differences compared to thosefed with normal maize. Almost 70 statistically significant differences wereobserved and reported - 12 for hematology parameters, 18 for clinicalchemistry parameters, nine for urine chemistry parameters, six for the organweights (brain, heart, liver), 14 for body weights and body weight changes,and eight for food consumption"See also the Greenpeace report:http://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/press-centre/press-releases2/seralini-NK603 Austria has just joined the ranks of European countries that banned growingMON 863 (and MON 810).http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/austria-bans-monsanto-maize250708?utm_source=gpi-cyberactivist-list & utm_medium=email All these crops require tons of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide containingglyphosate which has been linked to non-Hodgin's lymphoma and otherdiseases.http://www.beyondpesticides.org/pesticides/factsheets/Glyphosate.pdf I am busy preparing another complaint to be lodged with the South AfricanAdvertising Standards Authority (ASA) because Monsanto keeps violating ASA'sruling, i.e. they are not allowed to make any health or safety claims unlessthey can substantiate such claims (which,as we all know, they can't).Monsanto promplty made such "safety" claim once again in Farmer's Weeklyproclaiming that their GM maize YieldGard is "safe for people - deadly forstalk borers".With the above information I will be in a position to substantiate mycomplaint and hopefully persuade ASA to ban any Monsanto adverts containinghealth or safety claims (unless substantiated by double-blind, randomized,controlled and above all independent,peer-reviewed HUMAN safety studies) inthe future.Ingrid Blank sender's name: Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum.Original sender's address: bettym19 > http://current.com/items/89139842_study_reveals_signs_of_toxicity_of_ge_maize_approved_for_human_consumption?xid=46 --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~To to this group, send email to: MedicalConspiracies- (AT) googl (DOT) com

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