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WITHOUT parental consent bill mandates injecting chemicals, toxins into children (aka vaccines)

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We already have mandatory vaccines in TX schools. In fact, I received a letter telling me my son couldn't come back to high school without some mandatory 'TBR' vaccine. This is total B-S*t! I looked for the letter that lets you skip it due to religious beliefs, but its an intentionally difficult thing to complete.I could take it to the School Board, here, but frankly don't expect a good outcome. The new Superintendant is a former prison warden, and probably a plant. ; MedicalConspiracies (AT) googl (DOT) com; Paranormal_Research From: MedResearch121Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 10:28:14 -0800 WITHOUT parental consent bill mandates injecting chemicals, toxins into children (aka vaccines)




Dear Parent -

Imagine the insanity of feeding kids with toxin free albeit pricey organic foods while simultaneously injecting a plethora of carcinogens and other toxins directly into these same children ...crazy you say? Well not in the USA.

NY assembly bill proposes sweeping mandates requiring the injecting of chemicals, toxins and heavy metals (aka vaccines) into schoolchildren without parental consent (see link below for ingredient list of vaccines).

We are expected to believe the soft-peddled spin that the mile-high toxic chemical stockpile of vaccine brews pose no risk (cancer, neurologic, immune suppression, autoimmune reactions, chronic illness, allergic reactions, et al). <http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf>http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf


The NY assembly bill will have mandates for adults too.

Those who can comment on this bill should consider talking points highlighting the profound unethical and illegal aspects of the bill highlighting the unacceptability of UNIFORMED CONSENT for medical procedures at school. Under what ethical basis can a schoolchild be required to have a medical procedure, especially where serious side-affects can result all a without parents consent. Many parents go out of their way to go organic and keep their kids as far as possible from chemical exposure. Mandated vaccines have no place in our society. What if children have been sick, or have pre-existing conditions, allergies, or what if the child 's parents simply do not want their child to be a Guinea pig kid for CDC approved medical experiments? Vaccination is a medical procedure, plain and simple. A decision by parents with their child's physician. It is against the basic principles of medical ethics and personal civil liberties to round up schoolchildren and force medicine upon them without a parent's consent.

Vaccination remains a vast, dangerous medical experiment. Where is the AMA on this issue. And where is the AAP? Where is the PTA? This is bill is sanctifying medical extortion, tantamount to saying "Well if you want your kids in school, medicate your kids as we see fit? Interestingly recent California legislation aimed at outlawing home-schooling (unless a certified teacher is present) whereby parents might find recourse to protect their kids from medical experimentation mandated by these draconian laws. Parents must keep schools about learning not medical experiments and procedures!

Sascha Sarnoff - Co-Founder Health Advocacy in the Public Interest <http://www.hapihealth.com>www.hapihealth.com

================================================= NO-EXEMPTION VACCINE BILL ON THE FAST TRACK IN NY =================================================

We were sent the following information by New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice (NYVIC). They have called for an ALERT on proposed NY legislation affecting vaccine mandates for students and others. According to them, this is a major crisis that will take away your right to choose what vaccines to give your children and when. It also involves mandated vaccines for adults. If you choose, it is your chance to be involved. I am sending this to all our rs nationwide, because although you may live in California, you may have relatives and friends in New York. Moreover, what happens in New York may well be repeated in every other state over the next few months or years. I don't want to leave you out.

A new bill, A10942, was introduced into the State Assembly and referred to the Assembly Health Committee on May 7, 2008. It will be used to amend many of the existing vaccination laws.

You can see more information at <http://nyvic.org/nyvic/>http://nyvic.org/nyvic/ and at <http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/>http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/ (click on Albany Rally link).

You may read the bill summary here: <http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942>http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942

Be aware that the bill is carefully worded to sound much less dramatic than it actually is. I had to read it several times to "get" what they were saying.

BACKGROUND Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends MANDATORY for all children in order to attend school, and for the first time vaccines would become MANDATORY for infants and toddlers.

Alternative proposed legislation, called A5468/S3031, would give individuals a right to a philosophical exemption from vaccine mandates.

Here are a few more features of the proposed bill:

* Elected New York representatives would no longer determine the schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) would automatically become mandatory.

* All children - infants and toddlers included - in New York would be required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP and according to the ACIP schedule.

* All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get annual flu shots.

* All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma virus shot.

* All junior high school children and college students would be required to get meningococcal shots.

* Vaccines would be provided WITHOUT parental consent being required.

* Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot given and parents would be required to maintain the records and provide them to school and other authorities.

It was not mentioned in the Alert, but upon reading the Summary it was clear that vaccines would also be required for all adults in healthcare and long-term care facilities - both the personnel and the residents. And, again, their vaccination status would be reported and tracked.


This bill is fast tracked for a vote on TUESDAY, JUNE 10, so the NYVIC asks you to please take two minutes of your time MONDAY to make a phone call to each of the following:

Governor David Paterson (518) 474-8390

Speaker Sheldon Silver (518) 455-3791

Your message:


(A5468/S3031 is the one allowing philosophical exemption).


If you wish, please write your Assembly Member and members of the Assembly Health Committee, urging them to vote AGAINST bill A10942.

Find your assembly representatives here: <http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/>http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/

Some 'talking points' are:

* This is an un-funded mandate for a never-ending list of vaccines. In other words, the state (you, the taxpayer) will have to come up with the money for the vaccines when state social service agencies provide them to patients unable to pay.

* The bill would take the power to make decisions about vaccine mandates away from the state legislature and give it to the federal government. Ask your legislators if they want to surrender their responsibilities to an agency of the federal government.

* In the future, there may be controversial or objectionable vaccines that they, the legislators, would not want to give their children - if they approve this bill, how would they be able to protect their own child from such a vaccine?

* Critics of vaccine mandates argue that federal health agencies do not use appropriate criteria for making vaccine recommendations, that the different sources of recommendations are not uniform nor in agreement, and that vaccine recommendations were never intended to be mandated by law.

* If bill A10942 passes, the day may come when a new vaccine will be so risky and controversial that the majority of NY parents will be opposed to it, but there will be nothing they can do to stop it from being mandated for their children.

Shula Edelkind Feingold Association of the United States <http://www.feingold.org/>http://www.feingold.org http://www.ADDdiet.com <http://www.school-lunch.org/>http://www.school-lunch.org 554 E. Main Street, Suite #301 Riverhead, NY 11901 1-631-369-9340 ============================


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Dear Parent -

Imagine the insanity of feeding kids with toxin free albeit pricey organic foods while simultaneously injecting a plethora of carcinogens and other toxins directly into these same children ...crazy you say? Well not in the USA.

NY assembly bill proposes sweeping mandates requiring the injecting of chemicals, toxins and heavy metals (aka vaccines) into schoolchildren without parental consent (see link below for ingredient list of vaccines).

We are expected to believe the soft-peddled spin that the mile-high toxic chemical stockpile of vaccine brews pose no risk (cancer, neurologic, immune suppression, autoimmune reactions, chronic illness, allergic reactions, et al). <http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf>http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf


The NY assembly bill will have mandates for adults too.

Those who can comment on this bill should consider talking points highlighting the profound unethical and illegal aspects of the bill highlighting the unacceptability of UNIFORMED CONSENT for medical procedures at school. Under what ethical basis can a schoolchild be required to have a medical procedure, especially where serious side-affects can result all a without parents consent. Many parents go out of their way to go organic and keep their kids as far as possible from chemical exposure. Mandated vaccines have no place in our society. What if children have been sick, or have pre-existing conditions, allergies, or what if the child 's parents simply do not want their child to be a Guinea pig kid for CDC approved medical experiments? Vaccination is a medical procedure, plain and simple. A decision by parents with their child's physician. It is against the basic principles of medical ethics and personal civil liberties to round up schoolchildren and force medicine upon them without a parent's consent.

Vaccination remains a vast, dangerous medical experiment. Where is the AMA on this issue. And where is the AAP? Where is the PTA? This is bill is sanctifying medical extortion, tantamount to saying "Well if you want your kids in school, medicate your kids as we see fit? Interestingly recent California legislation aimed at outlawing home-schooling (unless a certified teacher is present) whereby parents might find recourse to protect their kids from medical experimentation mandated by these draconian laws. Parents must keep schools about learning not medical experiments and procedures!

Sascha Sarnoff - Co-Founder Health Advocacy in the Public Interest <http://www.hapihealth.com>www.hapihealth.com

================================================= NO-EXEMPTION VACCINE BILL ON THE FAST TRACK IN NY =================================================

We were sent the following information by New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice (NYVIC). They have called for an ALERT on proposed NY legislation affecting vaccine mandates for students and others. According to them, this is a major crisis that will take away your right to choose what vaccines to give your children and when. It also involves mandated vaccines for adults. If you choose, it is your chance to be involved. I am sending this to all our rs nationwide, because although you may live in California, you may have relatives and friends in New York. Moreover, what happens in New York may well be repeated in every other state over the next few months or years. I don't want to leave you out.

A new bill, A10942, was introduced into the State Assembly and referred to the Assembly Health Committee on May 7, 2008. It will be used to amend many of the existing vaccination laws.

You can see more information at <http://nyvic.org/nyvic/>http://nyvic.org/nyvic/ and at <http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/>http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/ (click on Albany Rally link).

You may read the bill summary here: <http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942>http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942

Be aware that the bill is carefully worded to sound much less dramatic than it actually is. I had to read it several times to "get" what they were saying.

BACKGROUND Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends MANDATORY for all children in order to attend school, and for the first time vaccines would become MANDATORY for infants and toddlers.

Alternative proposed legislation, called A5468/S3031, would give individuals a right to a philosophical exemption from vaccine mandates.

Here are a few more features of the proposed bill:

* Elected New York representatives would no longer determine the schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) would automatically become mandatory.

* All children - infants and toddlers included - in New York would be required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP and according to the ACIP schedule.

* All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get annual flu shots.

* All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma virus shot.

* All junior high school children and college students would be required to get meningococcal shots.

* Vaccines would be provided WITHOUT parental consent being required.

* Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot given and parents would be required to maintain the records and provide them to school and other authorities.

It was not mentioned in the Alert, but upon reading the Summary it was clear that vaccines would also be required for all adults in healthcare and long-term care facilities - both the personnel and the residents. And, again, their vaccination status would be reported and tracked.


This bill is fast tracked for a vote on TUESDAY, JUNE 10, so the NYVIC asks you to please take two minutes of your time MONDAY to make a phone call to each of the following:

Governor David Paterson (518) 474-8390

Speaker Sheldon Silver (518) 455-3791

Your message:


(A5468/S3031 is the one allowing philosophical exemption).


If you wish, please write your Assembly Member and members of the Assembly Health Committee, urging them to vote AGAINST bill A10942.

Find your assembly representatives here: <http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/>http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/

Some 'talking points' are:

* This is an un-funded mandate for a never-ending list of vaccines. In other words, the state (you, the taxpayer) will have to come up with the money for the vaccines when state social service agencies provide them to patients unable to pay.

* The bill would take the power to make decisions about vaccine mandates away from the state legislature and give it to the federal government. Ask your legislators if they want to surrender their responsibilities to an agency of the federal government.

* In the future, there may be controversial or objectionable vaccines that they, the legislators, would not want to give their children - if they approve this bill, how would they be able to protect their own child from such a vaccine?

* Critics of vaccine mandates argue that federal health agencies do not use appropriate criteria for making vaccine recommendations, that the different sources of recommendations are not uniform nor in agreement, and that vaccine recommendations were never intended to be mandated by law.

* If bill A10942 passes, the day may come when a new vaccine will be so risky and controversial that the majority of NY parents will be opposed to it, but there will be nothing they can do to stop it from being mandated for their children.

Shula Edelkind Feingold Association of the United States <http://www.feingold.org/>http://www.feingold.org http://www.ADDdiet.com <http://www.school-lunch.org/>http://www.school-lunch.org 554 E. Main Street, Suite #301 Riverhead, NY 11901 1-631-369-9340 ============================

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That gives new meaning to the term "No child left behind".


Kenneth T



Rebecca Price


Tuesday, August 05, 2008 14:40

RE: WITHOUT parental consent bill mandates injecting chemicals, toxins into children (aka vaccines)

We already have mandatory vaccines in TX schools. In fact, I received a letter telling me my son couldn't come back to high school without some mandatory 'TBR' vaccine. This is total B-S*t! I looked for the letter that lets you skip it due to religious beliefs, but its an intentionally difficult thing to complete.I could take it to the School Board, here, but frankly don't expect a good outcome. The new Superintendant is a former prison warden, and probably a plant.


; MedicalConspiracies (AT) googl (DOT) com; Paranormal_Research From: MedResearch121Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 10:28:14 -0800 WITHOUT parental consent bill mandates injecting chemicals, toxins into children (aka vaccines)



Dear Parent - Imagine the insanity of feeding kids with toxin free albeit pricey organic foods while simultaneously injecting a plethora of carcinogens and other toxins directly into these same children ...crazy you say? Well not in the USA. NY assembly bill proposes sweeping mandates requiring the injecting of chemicals, toxins and heavy metals (aka vaccines) into schoolchildren without parental consent (see link below for ingredient list of vaccines). We are expected to believe the soft-peddled spin that the mile-high toxic chemical stockpile of vaccine brews pose no risk (cancer, neurologic, immune suppression, autoimmune reactions, chronic illness, allergic reactions, et al). <http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf>http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine%20Excipients%20CDC.pdf KEEP ALL MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS and MEDICAL PROCEDURES OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS! The NY assembly bill will have mandates for adults too. Those who can comment on this bill should consider talking points highlighting the profound unethical and illegal aspects of the bill highlighting the unacceptability of UNIFORMED CONSENT for medical procedures at school. Under what ethical basis can a schoolchild be required to have a medical procedure, especially where serious side-affects can result all a without parents consent. Many parents go out of their way to go organic and keep their kids as far as possible from chemical exposure. Mandated vaccines have no place in our society. What if children have been sick, or have pre-existing conditions, allergies, or what if the child 's parents simply do not want their child to be a Guinea pig kid for CDC approved medical experiments? Vaccination is a medical procedure, plain and simple. A decision by parents with their child's physician. It is against the basic principles of medical ethics and personal civil liberties to round up schoolchildren and force medicine upon them without a parent's consent. Vaccination remains a vast, dangerous medical experiment. Where is the AMA on this issue. And where is the AAP? Where is the PTA? This is bill is sanctifying medical extortion, tantamount to saying "Well if you want your kids in school, medicate your kids as we see fit? Interestingly recent California legislation aimed at outlawing home-schooling (unless a certified teacher is present) whereby parents might find recourse to protect their kids from medical experimentation mandated by these draconian laws. Parents must keep schools about learning not medical experiments and procedures! Sascha Sarnoff - Co-Founder Health Advocacy in the Public Interest <http://www.hapihealth.com>www.hapihealth.com ================================================= NO-EXEMPTION VACCINE BILL ON THE FAST TRACK IN NY ================================================= We were sent the following information by New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice (NYVIC). They have called for an ALERT on proposed NY legislation affecting vaccine mandates for students and others. According to them, this is a major crisis that will take away your right to choose what vaccines to give your children and when. It also involves mandated vaccines for adults. If you choose, it is your chance to be involved. I am sending this to all our rs nationwide, because although you may live in California, you may have relatives and friends in New York. Moreover, what happens in New York may well be repeated in every other state over the next few months or years. I don't want to leave you out. A new bill, A10942, was introduced into the State Assembly and referred to the Assembly Health Committee on May 7, 2008. It will be used to amend many of the existing vaccination laws. You can see more information at <http://nyvic.org/nyvic/>http://nyvic.org/nyvic/ and at <http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/>http://www.mykidsmychoice.com/ (click on Albany Rally link). You may read the bill summary here: <http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942>http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942 Be aware that the bill is carefully worded to sound much less dramatic than it actually is. I had to read it several times to "get" what they were saying. BACKGROUND Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends MANDATORY for all children in order to attend school, and for the first time vaccines would become MANDATORY for infants and toddlers. Alternative proposed legislation, called A5468/S3031, would give individuals a right to a philosophical exemption from vaccine mandates. Here are a few more features of the proposed bill: * Elected New York representatives would no longer determine the schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) would automatically become mandatory. * All children - infants and toddlers included - in New York would be required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP and according to the ACIP schedule. * All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get annual flu shots. * All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma virus shot. * All junior high school children and college students would be required to get meningococcal shots. * Vaccines would be provided WITHOUT parental consent being required. * Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot given and parents would be required to maintain the records and provide them to school and other authorities. It was not mentioned in the Alert, but upon reading the Summary it was clear that vaccines would also be required for all adults in healthcare and long-term care facilities - both the personnel and the residents. And, again, their vaccination status would be reported and tracked. IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: This bill is fast tracked for a vote on TUESDAY, JUNE 10, so the NYVIC asks you to please take two minutes of your time MONDAY to make a phone call to each of the following: Governor David Paterson (518) 474-8390 Speaker Sheldon Silver (518) 455-3791 Your message: 'I AM OPPOSED TO ASSEMBLY BILL 10942 AND IN FAVOR OF A5468/S3031' (A5468/S3031 is the one allowing philosophical exemption). FURTHER ACTION: If you wish, please write your Assembly Member and members of the Assembly Health Committee, urging them to vote AGAINST bill A10942. Find your assembly representatives here: <http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/>http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/ Some 'talking points' are: * This is an un-funded mandate for a never-ending list of vaccines. In other words, the state (you, the taxpayer) will have to come up with the money for the vaccines when state social service agencies provide them to patients unable to pay. * The bill would take the power to make decisions about vaccine mandates away from the state legislature and give it to the federal government. Ask your legislators if they want to surrender their responsibilities to an agency of the federal government. * In the future, there may be controversial or objectionable vaccines that they, the legislators, would not want to give their children - if they approve this bill, how would they be able to protect their own child from such a vaccine? * Critics of vaccine mandates argue that federal health agencies do not use appropriate criteria for making vaccine recommendations, that the different sources of recommendations are not uniform nor in agreement, and that vaccine recommendations were never intended to be mandated by law. * If bill A10942 passes, the day may come when a new vaccine will be so risky and controversial that the majority of NY parents will be opposed to it, but there will be nothing they can do to stop it from being mandated for their children. Shula Edelkind Feingold Association of the United States <http://www.feingold.org/>http://www.feingold.org http://www.ADDdiet.com <http://www.school-lunch.org/>http://www.school-lunch.org 554 E. Main Street, Suite #301 Riverhead, NY 11901 1-631-369-9340 ============================



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