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Venu Murthy needs help for his mothers severe back pain. [NC]

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--- On Tue, 12/8/08, Venu MURTHY <venu.murthy wrote:

Venu MURTHY <venu.murthyRe: Fw: Venu Murthy needs help for his mothers severe back pain. [NC]jagchat01Cc: , smacharya, BackacheFreeWorld Date: Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:06 PM

Dear Sri Jagannathji, Please post this in your group, Dear Friends Thanks to Sri S.M. Acharya, for having come forward to offer his help in getting a remedy for my Mother, after a month of these exercises taught by Acharyaji so lovingly, my Mother is feeling better, thanks to him a million times. Such a great healing is no doubt powered by the selflessness of Acharyaji I've even made a copy of the CD he gave us and prescribed to our driver who is suffering from back ace, he has not yet started the exercise but i am confident if he does, he will get a good result. For all the other people who are suffering from backache or have a

relative or a friend suffering from it, please desist the Allopathic treatment/surgery which is just an eye wash and adopt to Acharyaji's exercise. I've even come to know that there are many doctors who operate for backache and secretly get their own backache treatment done through Acharyaji :-) PS Please find my Mothers MRI scanning Findings 1. Normal Lumbar Alignment is maintained. 2. Vertebral bodies exhibit multiple Schmorls nodes L3 to L5 and a small hemongioma mid-body of LV2. 3. There is reduced signal intensity of L4-5 disc

with posterior annular tear. 4. A posterocentral protrusion of L4-5 is superimposed on a diffused discal bulge with B/L neural compression and thecal compression. AP diameter of spinal canal is reduced to 9.8 mm at this level. 5. Another small Lt far lateral bulge of L3-4 is seen but not causing any foraminal narrowing. Lumbar canal dimensions are normal. 6. Evidence of ligamentum flavum hypertrophy at L3-4 and L4-5 (4-4.5 mm). A small facet joint synovial cyst seen at L3-4 (Lt). or facetal arthropathy. 7. Cord ends at lower border of L1 and reveals normal morphology

and SI. 8. Pre and paravertebral soft tissues are normal. 9. No evidence of arachnoiditis/myelities is seen. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** With RegardsVenu




Venu MURTHY/ia/socgen 05/30/2008 05:44 PM














Re: Fw: Venu Murthy needs help for his mothers severe back pain. [NC]Link





Thanks a million Jagannathji, Hope to receive some information. Have a nice weekend. With RegardsVenu





05/30/2008 05:22 PM















Fw: Venu Murthy needs help for his mothers severe back pain.





----- Forwarded Message ---- Venu MURTHY <venu.murthyjagchat01Cc: Sent: Friday, 30 May, 2008 11:21:38 AMNeed your help in posting this to the [C1]Dear Jagannathji, Could you kindly post this on the group, so that we could get some help. Thank you. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Dear Friends, I am one of those who has been immensely benefitted by this group. Thank you Mr. Jagannath, Mr. Leo and you for all the efforts. Today I seek some very important information from all of you. This is regarding my Mother who is suffering for severe back pain, was bed ridden 7 years ago, it was diagnosed and the Doctors asked us to go in for an operation, but I was reluctant and didn't allow, due to my lack of faith in the allopathic treatment. After some terrible days, and knocking all doors we finally got medicine from Dr. Abdul Syed Sattar--

Unnani and Ayurvedic doctor. That got my Mother out of the bed in two years, but now the medicine is not able to "cure her any more." She has undergone a Scanning once again and here are the findings in brief:- MRI Lumbar Spine Impression: PIVD L4-5 with B/L neural compression and Discogenic LCS. So we are back to square one now, the Doctors are bent upon an operation, but I still believe that there is a better way and Seek your help in find it. Some one told me that we could go to some Massage centers in Kerala.... But I await your response on what should be done. With RegardsVenu PS: Findings 1. Normal Lumbar Alignment is maintained. 2. Vertebral bodies exhibit multiple Schmorls nodes L3 to L5 and a small hemongioma mid-body of LV2. 3. There is reduced signal intensity of L4-5 disc with posterior annular tear. 4. A posterocentral protrusion of L4-5 is superimposed on a diffused discal bulge with B/L neural compression and thecal compression. AP diameter of spinal canal is reduced to 9.8 mm at this level. 5. Another

small Lt far lateral bulge of L3-4 is seen but not causing any foraminal narrowing. Lumbar canal dimensions are normal. 6. Evidence of ligamentum flavum hypertrophy at L3-4 and L4-5 (4-4.5 mm). A small facet joint synovial cyst seen at L3-4 (Lt). or facetal arthropathy. 7. Cord ends at lower border of L1 and reveals normal morphology and SI. 8. Pre and paravertebral soft tissues are normal. 9. No evidence of arachnoiditis/myelities is seen. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** With RegardsVenu *************************************************************************

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