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Micro-chipping pets was // Is Big Pharma Evil?; the results of three searches

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Speaking of " evil " & Big Pharm - does anyone know of a group or of anyone

fighting to stop the carcinogenic microchipping of domestic pets? We need

back up and support to assist us in NOT micro-chipping about 200 cats here

for Shire regulation compliance ............


If anyone at all can help that would be great - email me privately if you









Last night I used three search engines to see if there was a link between

the word " evil " and the term " Big Pharma " on the Internet.


This is what I found.


Putting the words " evil Big Pharma " (without the quote marks) into Google

returned 211,000 hits.


Putting the words " evil Big Pharma " into a search returned (about)

2,300,000 hits.


And putting the words " evil Big Pharma " into an MSN search returned 470,000



The following thoughts came to mind after I did these three searches:


It sure makes my heart sing to see so many persons and parties fighting with

me against the evil industry commonly known as Big Pharma.


I sure wish that many of the people and parties that I found by these three

simple linking searches were aware of my son Willy's amazing recovery from

an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and weak and sickly childhood



I also wish that even one of the persons or parties that I found in doing

these searches realized that the " key new idea " that Willy used to become

well almost universally applies to the health recovery of hundreds of

millions of persons, and not just those that are depressed, bipolar, or have



This " key new idea " is, when needing to heal from either physical or mental

illness, to take the entire vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid, AND

amino acid range ALL AT ONCE.


Incidentally, Willy and I, although we did this of our own accord in 2004,

have to thank a prior alternative medical pioneer named Adelle Davis for

originating the idea of using broad based nutrition all at the same time.


Why do I say this?


After Willy became well, I ran across a copy of Adelle Davis's book " Let's

Eat Right To Keep Fit " . This was a popular nutritional and natural health

book in the early seventies. (I believe it made the New York Times best

seller list at this time. I actually read this book in about 1971, but it

had been so long ago, I did not remember most of what it said.)


Adelle Davis had the concept of the use of broad based nutrition " right " . On

page 106 of " Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit " she stated " Because all nutrients

are used together in the body, health can be rebuilt faster when as many

nutrients as possible are furnished together and thus made available at one

time " .


My son Willy is perhaps the first person to have profoundly carried this

idea of Adelle Davis out. I believe that there will be millions of other

persons using this idea at some point in the future. This point will be when

the world finally realizes the tremendous healing power of an adequate

therapeutic dose of broad based free form amino acids, when coupled AT THE

SAME TIME with a vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty acid supplement

regime. (And don't forget what Dr. Mercola of www.mercola.com says about

probiotics; they should be taken by virtually everyone every single day.)


I sincerely hope that the world has the wisdom to thank my son Willy some

day, for having the courage at thirteen years old to take over sixty

capsules of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and

necessary cofactors all at once. I also hope the world has the wisdom to

thank him for having the self discipline to make something very special out

of this healing nutrient chemistry that he took in.


And Willy, on this blog I would like to say a few things to you. Son, I want

to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done. You are

most probably destined to become famous some day. Use this fame wisely. And

never forget the responsibility that you have to continue to be an example

of extraordinary health to the world.


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=262


Willy's Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=235


Doctors Helped Cause Willy's Sickness; A Picture When He Was Not Well


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=226


The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=107

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