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Fw: PLZ .... PLZ..... FWD this mail to al.......

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--- On Tue, 12/8/08, sonia sharma <shtakshi_sonu wrote:

sonia sharma <shtakshi_sonuFw: PLZ .... PLZ..... FWD this mail to al......."shweta uniyal" <uniyal.shwetaTuesday, 12 August, 2008, 10:00 PM





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, hemanth reddy <mrhems007 wrote:

hemanth reddy <mrhems007PLZ .... PLZ..... FWD this mail to al......."::::: PARIMAL :::::" <parimalonline, "| RS |" <rajesh.seshadri.india, "~ Guchi ~" <guchijain19, admin, chandri_smile1987, chandrismile1987, durgaprasadca, durveshsayali, mrhems007, vdeepika_pulsar, "A T R" <tulasiramreddy_atr, "Aarthi Vijayasarathy" <aarthi.vijayasarathy, "abdul" <hotbrake_143, "AJAY AJAY VARMA" <AJAY_1117, "AJAY AJAY VARMA" <KAV.1117, "anand kumar" <princeanand007, "Anirudha Dhaka" <anirudhadhaka, "anju jethwaney" <anju_jethwaney, "ARCHANA"

<archanaavala, "arya" <arya_omie, "Aseem Kaistha" <vkaisthaa2002, "asin actress" <asin2441, "Badal Shah" <badalshah111, "balu" <murali_saran82, "chandana" <channa_2803, "CHATHU" <noddy_spicy, "DEEPTHI" <deepthi_sri2007, "dileep" <jdileep91, "dinesh" <dinesh.gade, "durga prasad" <durgaprasadca, "durvesh" <durveshsayali, "FunN2sHh .co.in" <funn2shh.co.in, "glassnost" <mush2talk, "Hamza Balol" <hbalol, "Hasan Quadri" <sufialhasan7, "irshad" <sk_irshad_ali, "iYa riya" <iryariya, "kaddhu" <kaddhu23, "Lakshmi Venkateswaran" <lakshmivenkateswaran, "lavanya"

<laya_1919, "leela" <leela_mallapragada, "LEENA PATEL" <Leenadreams, "likitha" <likita_reddy2001, "LUCKY lucky" <LUCKY_1802, "MUKUL MUKUL BIDARKAR" <BMUKUL1984, "NAVEEN" <NAVEENREDDY_1981, "Nilam Patel" <nilam612, "Nubia" <nubia_group, "poonam actress" <you_wacko, "PRAVEEN" <praveen30.satti, "PRAVEEN REDDY" <sweetsmiles1910, "PRAVEEN SAMBYAL SAMBYAL" <PRAVEEN.SAMBYAL, "RADIKA" <v_radhika1122, "RANCHAN" <smart_boy7307, "Ravishankar Gopal" <ravishankar_g, "REDDYS" <sitaramonline, "REVATHI alampur" <revathi_artist, "riya..." <p_kes3, "ROBUSCO" <robusco_bs, "sachin" <sachinghule21, "sai

rajaeskhar" <sairajasekhar, "SANDY" <sandypcool, "SARAF" <sarafakshay1999, "satya" <satyannarayana.p, "shina" <shina7070, "sonia sharma" <shtakshi_sonu, "SREE CHAYA" <sree_chaya111, "subhan" <syed_subhan007, "Sunaina RK" <sunaina_rk2000, "SUNNY" <nil111, "SWATHI" <akkineniswathi, "TOUCH N INSPIRE" <touchninspire, "VARUN REDDY" <varun9reddy999, "vignesh" <vigneshs89, "VINOTH" <vinothk444Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 6:49 PM





































If you don't forward this___you don't have a heart! Dear All, Alexandra came out of a fire alive, but now has to fight for her life and a normal future. She is 14 months old and she has burnt skin all over her body, damage facial bones (as a result of very high temperature). She does not have half

of her face. She is in hospital in Krakow - Poland and one of the best specialist is looking after her. However she still has to go through many surgeries and then long rehab. Unfortunately her parents do not have any more money. Therefore we are asking for your help. For each forwarded email her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and forward that email to as many people as you can! Meeka Narcis Quality Auditor, Payor Operations Apollo Health Street Ltd.

Apollo Health City, Jubilee Hills,Hyderabad, Andhra PradeshPIN - 500 033www.apollohealthstreet.com




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