Guest guest Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 Newsletter --------------------------- This Week on Dreamland... 911: A Pilot Reports This week Whitley Strieber asks long time airline pilot PhillipMarshall about why it was that scantily trained terrorists couldhave executed the highly skilled flight maneuvers that wereneeded to bring of the 911 attacks—and you’d better be sittingdown when you hear his expert opinion. You will listen to everyword as Phillip Marshall methodically and carefully explains,using both his knowledge of the planes involved, and hisknowledge of how tactical air operations are conducted, to showthat the terrorists must have had training at a much higher levelof expertise than has been revealed. And then you will hear abouta chilling Las Vegas connection, and that those three planeloadsof Saudi Nationals who were mysteriously flown out of the U.S. atmidnight on 911 left from…Las Vegas. This is one of the scariest and most sobering Dreamlands ever puton the air. Do not miss a single word! And don’t miss this book,either. It’s not in stores, only available on The opinions of Dreamland guests are not necessarily the opinionof our host or Our mission is to presentinformation at the edge, that is difficult or impossible toobtain elsewhere. Read more...: --------------------------- Bigfoot Costume Hoax Hooked Big Media, But Not Unknowncountry! The perpetrators of one of the most widely covered Bigfoothoaxes last week are now being hunted themselves. The two menclaiming to have found a Bigfoot “corpse”, have disappeared.Apparently, the “corpse” was frozen not for preservation’s sake,but to give the perpetrators enough time to leave Californiawith former Las Vegas promoter Tom Biscardi’s money before thegorilla suit thawed. It seems they did work hard to get the digestive track of aBigfoot correct, stuffing the inside of the suit with bothentrails and other bits of “prey” including eyes, tongues, bonesand cheeks. Maybe next time they’ll spend a little of that$50,000 they absconded with on a more lifelike exterior. Unknowncountry provided little coverage of the latest bigfootstory, largely because we’ve been around this end of reality toolong, and the way it came to light made it virtually certain thatit was a hoax. Luckily, we love practical jokes, too. Read more...:,2933,407263,00.html --------------------------- Scientists Successfully Render 3-D Objects Invisible This week in the journal Nature, researchers published an articlereporting a new material that produces a negative refraction oflight, rendering three dimensional objects virtually invisible. This marks a huge advance in what are referred to asmetamaterials, which are man-made substances engineered withspecific properties in mind, such as negative refraction.Previously, it was only possible to use the material to cloakobjects in two dimensions. That the material can cloak in threedimensions opens up a whole new world of practical, commercialapplications. However, it will be a long time before we see “invisibilitycloaks” on the market. The current material is 10 times thinnerthan a sheet of paper, made of metal, and still impossible toproduce on a mass scale. Harry Potter fans can still remainhopeful though – scientists have never been closer to catching upwith that flight of literary imagination. Read more...: --------------------------- New For Subscribers... Our resident expert on the shadowy backrooms of the politicalworld Jim Marrs talks for rs about the Saudi connectionand how it relates to what happened on 911. On September 13,Saudi Prince Bandar, whose wife’s bank accounts have beendocumented as being involved in terrorist financing, sat withPresident Bush and smoked a cigar. What was said in that meeting?What is the truth about the Saudi connection and 911, and whereour world has gone since then, with the America on the financialropes, and our national debt being used to pour money into thecoffers of the oil giants. Our nightmare is the Saudi oilbillionaire’s dream come true. Why? Don’t miss this and so muchmore GREAT information in our huge r area. Subscribe Now!: --------------------------- Anne Strieber: Who I Think the Visitors Are In our Insight section, Anne Strieber shares some of the mostcompelling Communion Letters she's every read, that indicate toher that these mysterious creatures are either time travelers,visitors from a parallel universe, the dead—or all 3. Read more...: --------------------------- Coastal Dead Zones Increasing A new study in the journal Science confirms that deoxygenatedareas of the world’s oceans, known as “dead zones”, haveincreased thirty-three per cent since 1995. Warmer water and anincrease in fertilizer run-off due to increased corn demand arethought to be the culprits. “When you add extra nutrients to the sea, you get fertilizereffects that are identical to fertilizer effects on land,” saysRobert Diaz of the College of William & Mary’s Virginia Instituteof Marine Science, and co-author of the study. “You make the landgreener, you also make the sea greener.” This “fertilization” of the sea causes an increase inphytoplankton that eventually die off and cause a bloom ofbacteria which thrives on the abundance of available food. Thesebacteria, however, use so much oxygen there is not enough tosustain other life in the affected waters. This local sea lifemust then migrate to more oxygen rich waters, decrease theirmetabolism, or ultimately risk suffocation. The United States biggest “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico isthe second largest is has been since 1985 – roughly the size ofthe state of Massachusetts Read more...: --------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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