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Bihar Flood-Online Petition Request to sign

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Pl. sign the Petition. My signature is at 110

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2008/9/1Aid-awareness Digest, Vol 198, Issue 1aid-awarenessSend Aid-awareness mailing list submissions to

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Today's Topics: 1. Sign petition to PM: Bihar relief operations need to be multiplied ten-fold (Ravi Kuchimanchi)---------- अगà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤·à¤¿à¤¤ संदेश ---------- " Ravi Kuchimanchi " <khiyali

aid-awareness, chapter-coordinationDate: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 14:40:53 -0400

[Aid-awareness] Sign petition to PM: Bihar relief operations need to be multiplied ten-fold








Read and sign petition to Prime Minister to increase army response.Dear friends,

The Bihar floods are surpassing the scale of the worst of national calamities and the level of the disaster is comparable to the 2004 Tsunami and in some ways worse. Of the 3 million affected, more than 1.5 million people are still stranded, as an embankment breach has changed the course of Kosi river by 120 kms. Death toll is rapidly rising. The government's response has been woefully inadequate so far and while the centre has deployed the army it needs to increase their numbers much more. Please take a few minutes to sign the urgent petition to ensure that state and central governments' response is rapidly increased to match the scale of this disaster. Please circulate the petition widely.


Please also make a tax deductible donation to AID for responding with relief efforts by volunteers of AID-India and the Non-Governmental Organization that it is partnering with. -- AID Volunteers.Association for India's Development

Sign petition.

Donate to AID's All India Relief Fund for supporting relief following natural and man made disasters in Bihar and other regions of India.



Appeal from AID to support relief work.

Petition on Bihar Floods disaster Relief operations need to be multiplied tenfold in Bihar


Date September 01 2008 Donate to AID's All India Relief FundAID's Appeal for relief

To, Dr. Manmohan Singh. Hon'ble Prime Minister of India - NewDelhi CC : Shri Nitish Kumar Honbl Chief Minister of Bihar Dear Prime Minister Singh ,

We as concerned citizens located in India, US and elsewhere are very alarmed at the grave flood situation in Bihar. We are working closely with organizations and individuals mobilizing relief efforts in the affected areas. The unanimous opinion received by us is that the central and state government relief efforts are only a small fraction of what this unprecedented situation demands.

Even after the Union government declared this as a national calamity, the administration's response to the tragedy has been woefully inadequate. We submit that the government should immediately resolve to increase the relief efforts ten-fold to save the lives of the citizens.

The stark facts are that more than 15 lakh people are still stranded waiting for rescue, and the floodwaters are still rising and inundating new areas. The following data released by the government on August 30th lays bare the gross inadequacy of the relief efforts.







No ofMotorboats

Total No ofBoats

No of Villagesaffected

No of Peoplesaffected
























146000 Just 24 motorized boats to cover 378 affected villages with more than 10 lakh people are stranded - is this the best India, the rising superpower, can spare for the lives of its citizens?

We make the following demands and intend to press them through the media also. (1) Having declared the national calamity, the Centre should act on the provisions of the National Disaster Management Act and take charge of the operations.The state administration should strengthen the delivery efforts to ensure the rescue and relief efforts reach the people.

(2) Rescue operations need to be stepped up tenfold, particularly in the blocks of Murliganj, Kumarakhand and Bharganwa. (3) Helicopters and the army need to be mobilized in a much bigger way. (4) Authentic data should be provided about death toll of humans and animals.

(5) No hasty steps should be taken for river management, and comprehensive plans should be made after studying the failure of current approach. We urge our government to recognize that the scale of the disaster is similar to the Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina but the scale of relief efforts outrageously lagging behind.We hope that your administration's response to the Bihar floods does not become a historical failure like the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina.




News articles on the flood situation in Bihar


Bihar Flood Situation Worsens

Kosi's water sweep away even common humanity

Madhepur Goes 6ft Under Water

_____________Aid-awareness mailing listAid-awarenesshttp://lists.aidindia.org/mailman/listinfo/aid-awareness

http://lists.aidindia.org/mailman/listinfo/aid-awareness-- Dr.V.N.Sharmahttp://canvas.nowpos.com/vnsharma

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