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THE "NON EXISTENT" CHEMTRAILS ARE SURE GETTING A LOT OF GOVERNMENT ATTENTION!!! http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=130479 Posted By: CrystalRiver <Send E-Mail>Saturday, 30 August 2008, 9:01 p.m.







Logic makes you ask the question--if chemtrails don't exist--than why all the visits from the government agencies at Carnicoms site? Besides the fact it really challenges my brain when I see the checkerboards in the sky. Don't miss the list below; it gets really interesting! ---- http://www.carnicom.com/visitors.htm VISITORS TO WWW.CARNICOM.COM Let it be noted that some of the recent visitors to this web site include: (Let it also be noted that United States government computer systems are to be used for official purposes only.) 1. Desert Research Institute in Nevada (weather modification research institution) (repeat visits) 2. Fort Lewis Army Military Base in the state of Washington (home of special forces air squadron) 3. Lockheed Martin (aviation and space defense contractor) (repeat visits)(repeat repeat visits) 4. Los Alamos National Laboratory (repeat visit) 5. Allergan Pharmaceutical Corporation (Allergy Pharmaceutical Research Company) 6. Alliant Techsystems (Space and Strategic Defense Systems contractor) 7. Raytheon Defense Systems (Defense Contractor) (repeat visit)(repeat repeat visit)(repeat repeat repeat visit) 8. BOEING AIRCRAFT COMPANY (100 visits minimum) 9. United States Defense Logistics Agency (supplies and support to combat troops) 10. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tuscon AZ (home of 355th Wing)(repeat visits)(repeat repeat visits)(repeat repeat repeat visit) 11. Dept of Defense Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station 12. U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command 13. Western Pacific Region of the Federal Aviation Administration, Lawndale CA. (repeat visit)(repeat visit) (repeat visit) 14. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Langley Research Center (10 visits minimum) 15. United States Environmental Protection Agency (20 visits minimum) 16. St. Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe New Mexico 17. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE PENTAGON 18. United States Department of the Treasury (repeat visit)(repeat visit) 19. United States Department of Defense Educational Activity 20. ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, PROUD HOME OF AIR FORCE ONE 21. United States Federal Aviation Administration 22. United States Naval Research Center, Washington D.C. 23. Rockwell-Collins (U.S. defense contractor) 24. Honeywell (U.S. Defense Contractor)(repeat visit) 25. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton OH (repeat visit)(repeat repeat visit) 26. Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa, Japan 27. Camp Pendleton, United States Marine Corps (mandatory US Defense anthrax vaccination program described at www.cpp.usmc.mil)(repeat visit)(repeat visit) 28. Ames Research Center, NASA (one of primary missions is to research ASTROBIOLOGY, i.e., the study of life in outer space) (repeat visit) 29. Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University, North Logan, Utah 30. Merck (Pharmaceutical Products and Health Research)(repeat visit) 31. McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, CA. (The Sacramento Air Logistics Center at McClellan Air Force Base, California performs depot maintenance on the KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft and is heavily involved in space and communications-electronics.)(repeat visit) 32. TRW (U.S. Defense Contractor) (repeat visit) 33. Teledyne Brown Engineering (U.S. Defense Contractor) 34. United States Navy Medical Department 35. Air National Guard, Salt Lake City, Utah 36. Monsanto Company(Chemical, Pesticide, and Pharmaceutical products) (repeat visit)(repeat repeat visits) 37. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 38. Arco Chemical Corporation 39. Sundstrand Aerospace (U.S. Defense Contractor) 40. National Oceanic and Atmospherics Administration Aeronomy Laboratory (conducts fundamental research on the chemical and physical processes of the Earth's atmosphere) 41. Allied Signal Corporation(chemical, aerospace, energy ) (repeat visit)(repeat repeat visit)(repeat repeat repeat visit)(repeat repeat repeat repeat visit) 42. Aviation Weather Center, National Oceanic and Atmospherics Administration 43. United States Army Medical Department(repeat visit) 44. Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center 45. Applied Physics Laboratory, a research division of John Hopkins University, which supports the U.S. Defense Department 46. United States Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA 47. HEADQUARTERS, UNITED STATES ARMY, THE PENTAGON 48. United States General Accounting Office(The General Accounting Office is the investigative arm of Congress. GAO performs audits and evaluations of Government programs and activities.) 49. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company(Pharmaceutical Research and Development) 50. United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service(A worldwide organization responsible for conducting criminal investigations and counterintelligence for the Department of the Navy and for managing naval security programs. ) 51. National Computer Security Center (NCSE) (Involved in advanced warfare simulation) 52. The Mayo Clinic(repeat visit) (repeat repeat visit) (repeat repeat repeat visit) 53. The Federal Judiciary(home of the United States Supreme Court) 54. United States Federal Emergency Management Agency(Controls a comprehensive, risk-based, emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.)(repeat visit) 55. United States Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane IN(repeat visit)(repeat repeat visit) 56. United States National Guard Public Affairs Web Access(no public access to this site) 57. UNITED STATES SENATE (repeat visit) (repeat repeat visit)(repeat repeat repeat visit)(repeat repeat repeat repeat visit) 58. Headquarters, United States Air Force Reserve Command 59. Kaiser Permanente health organization 60. United States Naval Warfare Assessment Station 61. Air University, United States Air Force 62. United States Naval Research Laboratory(repeat visit) 63. Enterprise Products Partners L.P.(MTBE production) 64. United States Navy Naval Air Weapons Stations, China Lake CA 65. California Pacific Medical Center 66. United States Defense Information Systems Agency (mission: "To plan, engineer, develop, test, manage programs, acquire, implement, operate, and maintain information systems for C4I and mission support under all conditions of peace and war." ) 67. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, New England 68. San Francisco Department of Public Health 69. BJC Health System, St. Louis, Missouri 70. United States Open Source Information Systems(OSIS)(an unclassified confederation of systems serving the intelligence community with open source intelligence) OSIS sites include: (AIA) Air Intelligence Agency, Kelly AFB, San Antonio, TX IC-ROSE (CIA) Central Intelligence Agency, Reston, VA (DIA) Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. (NSA) National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, Laurel, MD (NIMA) National Imagery & Mapping AgencyFairfax, VA (NAIC) National Air Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH (NGIC) National Ground Intelligence Center, Charlottesville, VA (MCIC) Marine Corps Intelligence Center, Quantico, VA (NMIC) National Maritime Intelligence Center, Office of Naval Intelligence, Suitland, MD (ISMC) Intelink Service Management Center, Ft. Meade, Laurel, MD (repeat visit) 71. New Mexico Department of Health 72. United States Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) 73. United States McMurdo Research Station, Antartica 74. Orlando Regional Healthcare System, Florida 75. United States Andersen Air Force Base, Guam 76. United States Misawa Air Base, Japan 77. United States Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii 78. United States Osan Air Force Base, Korea 79. Royal Air Force, Lakenheath, Suffolk 80. United States Scott Air Force Base 81. United States F.E. Warren Air Force Base 82. United States Air Force News Agency 83. United States Langley Air Force Base (repeat visit) 84. United States Tinker Air Force Base 85. United States McConnell Air Force Base 86. United States Charleston Air Force Base 87. United States Randolph Air Force Base 88. United States Air Force Reserve Command 89. United States Seymour Johnson Air Force Base 90. United States Bolling Air Force Base, Washington DC 91. Keesler Air Force Base, MS 91. United States Hill Air Force Base 92. United States Vandenberg Air Force Base, California 93. United States Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota 94. United States Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska 95. ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, PROUD HOME OF AIR FORCE ONE(repeat visit) 96. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE PENTAGON(repeat visit) (Visitors 75-96 arrived within a 24 hour period 092399) 97. United StatesCannon Air Force Base, New Mexico 98. United States McQuire Air Force Base 99. United States Beale Air Force Base (home of the U-2 fleet of reconnaisance aircraft) 100. United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Prisons 101. Metnet - United States Navy (associated with weather reporting system and SPAWAR) 102. TRADOC - United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, VA 103. Newsweek Magazine 104. United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 105. Massachusetts Medical Society, Owner - Publisher : New England Journal of Medicine 106. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE : THE OFFICE OF WILLIAM S. COHEN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (repeat visit) 107. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE PENTAGON(repeat repeat visit) 108. UNITED STATES JOINT FORCES COMMAND (reports to US Secretary of Defense)(repeat visit) 109. Naval Warfare Assessment Station, Corona CA 110. Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Center 111. Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet, United States Navy 112. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE PENTAGON 113. Defense Logistics Agency, Administrative Support Center in Europe 114. United Stated Department of Defense Network Information Center, Vienna, VA(repeat visits) 115. Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army 116. Headquarters, United States Air Force, The Pentagon (repeat visit) 117. U.S. News and World Report 118. Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division (repeat visits) 119. New Zealand Parliament 120. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE PENTAGON(multiple repeat visits) 121. NIPR - Department of Defense Network Operations (NIPRNet); The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has established a number of NIPRNet gateways to the Internet, which will be protected and controlled by firewalls and other technologies.)(repeat visits) 122. Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO (home of NORAD and SPACECOM) 123. Raytheon (visits immediately after introduction of HAARP implications) 124. United States Army War College 125. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 126. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Back to Contrail\Chemtrail Main Page This was posted at lymebusters in its entirety and removed by virtue of the admin there---they did leave the link but I suppose the topic was to hot for them to handle. Especially since they are promoting that chemtrails aren't real; this is being done by a poster that is focused on "his" belief that Morgellons is a fungus and that is all.

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