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Mass vaccination, mass indoctrination ...........

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http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=the%20wave & ie=UTF-8 & oe=utf-8 & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a & um=1 & sa=N & tab=wv #How brain washing is achieved - anyone else watched this before? In a more subtle way this is how the population is hoodwinked with so many things - and then they obediently give away their health and even their lives - don't you find that it is so subtle how vaccinations are essential for most of the population and anyone daring to object is so denegrated by the rest of the community - isn't it the same sort of thing that is demonstrated in this little movie?


The Wave - interesting study in human behaviour.


What does it really tell us?


It warns us above all else that what may appear best for the community may not in fact be the best thing at all.



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Check archives--previous messages--files etc....----there is a TON of stuff.....--- On Sun, 9/7/08, avachatnoname <avachatnoname wrote:

avachatnoname <avachatnoname Re: Mass vaccination, mass indoctrination ........... Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 3:16 AM



I am interested in other members' views on enforced vaccination and would appreciate responses. Avachat

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, " avachatnoname "

<avachatnoname wrote:



> I am interested in other members' views on enforced vaccination and

> would appreciate responses.


> Avachat


I am horrified at the thought of it. To me it's very simple, it's a

mass genoside born from rich and powerful people or the power elite

who happen to think that there are too many of us humans running

around. Think about the power they have. Like, did you ever think

that the front cover of time has always been for sale? The front

cover of everything is for sale and the elite are the buyers.

Newspaper ads? hell no, they buy the ability to control the content

of the news and therefore the content of YOUR mind.


I would hate to be facing this as a young parent. Well, if you are a

young parent, you can't let them innocolate your kids. Everyone

would know about vaccines, it's as easy to see as your face. Nobody

could get away with this. It would be the equivalent of someone

coming to school to play Russian Roulette with the kids.


We do what we can to save ourselves and to avoid that law. So, it's

getting to be Vaccine time again and from the school they tell you

about the mandatory and compulsatory law that you have to have your

kid done or social services could pay you a visit. So, you find out

what you have to do and do it.


Hell, some people become non profit religious organizations or had to

join one. Do what you can and find out about the law.

the reverend george9t7

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