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Series of studies; Measles Vaccine & the Immune System.

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[sorry I could'nt provide a link. This is from personal correspondence - Jagannath]


Teresa binstock <binstock.....com> Note the interplay between IFNg and Hg (1), as well as IFNg being induced by the MMR (2). Note the strong impulses towards Th1 and Th2 if Hg is injected along with the MMR or if environmental Hg is present from other sources. Wanna skew immunity? Give thimerosal-containing vacc and MMR on the same day. "There was mild suppression of BT at 14 and 22 days post-immunization Interferon-gamma was the principal cytokine produced after primary measles immunization, suggesting primary measles immunization induces predominantly a TH1 type response." (2). Formula fed kids may have a response different from that of breast fed kids (3).MMR induces a range of responses and ought not be presumed to be 100% (4). TeresaDrDavid...com wrote:

I found this interesting article today while doing research for my presentation David 1: J Immunol. 1998 Jul 1;161(1):234-40. Links

The prototypic Th2 autoimmunity induced by mercury is dependent on IFN-gamma and not Th1/Th2 imbalance.Kono DH, Balomenos D, Pearson DL, Park MS, Hildebrandt B, Hultman P, Pollard KM.Department of Immunology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. dkonoImbalances of Th1- and Th2-type responses have been postulated to be a predisposing factor for both humoral and cellular mediated autoimmune diseases. To further define their roles in systemic autoimmunity, IL-4 and IFN-gamma gene knockout mice were studied for susceptibility to the prototypic Th2-mediated mercury-induced autoimmunity. A predominant Th2-type response following HgCl2

treatment of wild-type B10.S mice was confirmed by the findings of a significant increase in splenic IL-4 and hypergammaglobulinemia primarily of the IgG1 isotype, without an increase in IFN-gamma levels. Paradoxically, IL-4-deficient mice developed the characteristic anti-nucleolar autoantibodies and tissue deposition of immune complexes, while IFN-gamma-deficient mice had very low autoantibody levels and essentially normal immunohistology. Studies to define defects in Ab responses of IFN-gamma-deficient mice, using the T-dependent Ag (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl, revealed an attenuated IgG response to low and to a lesser extent high doses of (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl-hemocyanin, but maintenance of affinity maturation. These results indicate that Th1/Th2 imbalance does not directly play a role in susceptibility to mercury-induced autoimmunity, and suggest that the dependence on Th1-type responses in certain autoimmune diseases is due to the

requirement for IFN-gamma for Ab production to weakly antigenic self molecules.PMID: 9647229 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]2: Vaccine. 1997 Jan;15(1):10-4. Kinetics of immunologic responses after primary MMR vaccination.Pabst HF, Spady DW, Carson MM, Stelfox HT, Beeler JA, Krezolek MP.Department of Pediatrics, 2C3.00 Walter Mackenzie Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.To study the kinetics of humoral as well as cellular immunity to measles and to test for associated immunosuppression 124 12 month old children were studied twice, before routine MMR and either 14, 22, 30, or 38 days after vaccination. Plaque reduction neutralization (PRN) titres were determined at these time points

and lymphocytes were evaluated to identify changes in proportions of phenotype, their capacity to generate cytokines and to respond to blast transformation (BT) to measles hemagglutinin (HA), tetanus toxoid and Candida antigen. The PRN titre and BT to HA plateaued at 30 days and CD8+ and NK cells increased after immunization. Interleukin 2, 4, and 10 showed no significant changes. There was mild suppression of BT at 14 and 22 days post-immunization Interferon-gamma was the principal cytokine produced after primary measles immunization, suggesting primary measles immunization induces predominantly a TH1 type response.Publication Types:

Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. PMID: 90416603: Acta Paediatr. 1997 Dec;86(12):1291-7. Related Articles, Links Differential modulation of the immune response by breast- or formula-feeding of infants.Pabst HF, Spady DW, Pilarski LM, Carson MM, Beeler JA, Krezolek MP.Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.Spontaneous integrin expression on CD4+, CD8+ and CD19+ lymphocytes at 6 months was

significantly lower in breastfed than formula-fed infants (p < 0.05). In another study of 59 formula-fed and 64 breastfed 12-month-old children blast transformation and cytokine production by lymphocytes, and T cell changes were measured before and after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination (MMR). Before vaccination, lymphocytes of breastfed children had lower levels of blast transformation without antigen (p < 0.001), with tetanus toxoid (p < 0.02) or Candida (p < 0.04), and lower interferon-gamma production (p < 0.03). Fourteen days after the live viral vaccination, only the breastfed children had increased production of interferon-gamma (p < 0.02) and increased percentages of CD56+ (p < 0.022) and CD8+ cells (p < 0.004). These findings are consistent with a Th1 type response by breastfed children, not evident in formula-fed children. Feeding mode has an important long-term immunomodulating effect on infants beyond

weaning.Publication Types:

Clinical Trial Comparative Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. PMID: 94753034: Vaccine. 1999 Apr 9;17(15-16):1910-8.Cell-mediated and antibody immune responses to AIK-C and Connaught monovalent measles vaccine given to 6 month old infants.Pabst HF, Spady DW, Carson MM, Krezolek MP, Barreto L, Wittes RC.Department of Pediatrics, Walter Mackenzie Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. hpabstMeasles vaccination of infants younger than 1 year of age should be successful in populations with a high proportion of measles vaccinated mothers. Infants whose mothers were vaccinated are born with less maternal antibody which can interfere with vaccination compared with infants whose mothers had measles. AIK-C or Connaught (CLL) measles vaccine was given to 300 6 month infants born to mothers who had

measles (group 1) or who were vaccinated against measles (group 2). Pre- and post-vaccination measles antibody was measured by EIA and PRN and cell mediated immunity (CMI) by blast transformation and production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10. After vaccination, mean antibody level, seroconversion and blastogenesis were significantly lower for group 1 than group 2 (p < 0.05). Post-vaccination measles IgG was significantly higher for group 2 CLL vaccinees compared with group 2 AIK-C (p < 0.05); seroconversion rates were 73 and 63%, respectively. More than 93% of group 2 infants had elevated measles IgG after vaccination. About 89% of all children had some evidence of a blastogenic response. Lymphoproliferation correlated strongly with cytokine production and weakly with IgG. Not all seroresponders had a CMI response and vice versa. AIK-C and CLL vaccines induce strong measles specific T and B immunity in most 6 month infants of vaccinated

mothers.Publication Types:

Clinical Trial Comparative Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. PMID: 10217589

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