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Rabies Vaccine Adverse Reactions

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Rabies Vaccine Adverse Reactionshttp://www.dogs4dogs.com/blog/2008/06/18/20/The rabies vaccine is arguably the most dangerous shot our dogs get. Because it’s required by law, it’s a difficult shot to avoid. Because the vaccine is made from a “killed” virus, rather than “modified live” virus as are most other vaccines, manufacturers add dangerous “adjuvants” to boost effectiveness. These adjuvants too often cause adverse reactions, some of which occur quickly, but many of which occur days, weeks or even months after vaccination. My year-old Maltese Jiggy developed autoimmune liver disease after a rabies shot. Countless other dogs have developed seizures, blood diseases, behavior problems like aggressiveness and separation anxiety, and countless other disorders.But the vaccine is required by law, you say, so what difference does it make if you know the shot causes problems?First, if you can trace your dog’s illness to the shot, you may have a better chance of treating it. Second, if your dog has a documented history of problems with this or any other vaccination, you may be able to get a special exemption from your local Animal Control. Third, because of an amazing study by the Rabies Challenge Fund Charitable Trust, we now have the opportunity to help extend the period between shots to up to seven years, maybe even longer. Currently, the shot is required every one to three years depending on where you live.For more information on vaccine’s reactions, protective measures and the work of the Rabies Challenge Fund, please watch our entertaining and informative video then go to our website http://www.Truth4Dogs.org to learn more.Tags: Add new tag, adverse reactions, autoimmune disease, rabies, seizures, side effects, Vaccination, vaccinePosted under Vaccination, Videos | Email This Post 4 Comments to “The Rabies Vaccine and Your Dog”rachael plane Says: June 21st, 2008 at 5:22 pm These United States, how ununited we are. The state laws concerning rabies are so OUTDATED, they do not take into consideration that vaccinating an animal is the most dangerouse medical procedure doen on a daily basis, is done without FULL DISCLOSURE and certainly done WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT. The damage done to our aniamls is uncontientable. There have been NO titer tracking of the masses vaccinated to even record what is happening with these overvaccinations.SO many animals are receiveing annual immune assualts of the mumbo jumbo polyvalent vaccines and many time FOUR vaccines at a time, full of toxins, heavy metals, adjuvants,poisons that are rapidly destroying the health of the vaccinated animal.WE KNOW that rabies vaccines results in behavior problems (rabies miasms),increased aggression,seizures,auto immune diseases, thyroid dsease, diabetes, Cushings, Addison’s disease and CANCER, many many cancers, mast cell tumors to the whole gamut, the adjuvants are CARCINOGENS. So why the overvaccination? Laws were made like so much in the United States, before the process was investigated. Now, we have vaccinated animals still testing POSITIVE for rabies??????Why is This? COuld it be that we have never teseted the long term effects of multiple polyvalent vaccine adminstration on the lot of sicly animals that are now living with VIDS (vaccine induced disease) is it becasue we are vaccinating sick animals in direct violation to the FDA regulations but even in referral hospitals (BECAUSE THE ANIMAL IS DUE FOR HIS RABIES??????) This is insanity, not to be confused with the fear mongering associated with the need to overvaccinate in the first place.CORPORATE GREED, POLITICAL COMPROMISE, LAWMAKERS WHO ARE IDIOTS ABOUT THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS.rabies vaccines, every vaccine results in genetic mutation, what are we doing to the animals? What are we doing to the people?Traci & Lulu Says: July 19th, 2008 at 1:49 pm Hello!I saw your ad in The OC Dog just by chance and it caught my attention when I read “Rabies vaccine is one of the most dangerous shots for dogs & cats.” Personally, I knew that, but no one ever talks about it!I’m in Huntington Beach. I have a Maltese, 8 years old. She has horrific skin problems. I have literally spent thousands on her care, spared no expense, we see a Board Certified Veternary Dermatologist regularly and we still can’t really make it “go away.” We can barely even make her comfortable. Her feet and armpits are extremely raw and irritated, and she constantly has internal bacterial infections. I moved here from Oregon when she was 1yr. She never had skin problems or allergies, then all of a sudden she gets them here, after about a year. After we were FORCED to give her a rabies shot at the vet. I never gave rabies to my dogs previously - my Mom was a breeder of champion Maltese and Yorkshire Terriers when I was a kid and I knew the problems they caused (she knew people who had very expensive dogs literally die on the spot) plus I knew my dog would never be out in the wild or even in the back yard by herself, so her chances of ever needing a rabies shot was a million to one.She obviously lived through her rabies vaccines, but it never occured to me that her skin problems could be from the rabies vaccine? We’ve only been here 6 years and she has had two shots. Her allergies/skin problems get worse and worse and at this point she is generally considered to have an extremely serious skin problem. Right now it looks like we may be forced to just go on steroids so that she can be comfortable, but it will definitely end her life early. It really angers me. Thanks,Traci & LuluDebra Anderson Says: July 21st, 2008 at 9:18 am Hi, I adopted a young chihuahua, she was 8 weeks when I got her, she had her first shots DHLP Parvo, then I brought her for her 2nd series, which was DHLP Parvo , corona and Bordetella (intro-nasal) and she was 11 weeks when this 2nd series was given, later when I got her home she was very sore and crying when I touched the injection site, which was on the side of her stomach! I thought it was customary to inject between the shoulder blades, so anyway now she has a large knot on her tummy the size of a grape, she is a small dog weighing only 1 pound and 14 ounces. then a day after this she starts hacking and coughing on occasion, then sneezing, and today she has fluid coming out of her nose when sneezing and she has spit up a bit of bile once or twice today. She is eating OK, drinking and playing, but sleeps more often. I am bringing her back to the vet today but I am reluctant to ever vaccinate her again. What should I do from here? Should I have her get her last series? or should I use an alternative method? If so I would not know where to go.Dr. Kim Bloomer Says: August 1st, 2008 at 4:02 pm Hi Jan,Thank you for posting our show with The Rabies Challenge Fund. Dr. Dodds, Dr. Schultz and Kris Christine are doing such a great, selfless thing for all of us and our dogs!My own VERY special Golden Retriever, Fridge, was a perfectly healthy, happy boy BEFORE his first rabies vaccine. I was working as a vet assistant in a busy clinic at the time, doing what I thought was the right thing to do. My boy suffered seizures his entire life within a day or two of receiving his first rabies vaccine. He died at the age of 12 1/2 of cancer of which I attribute the vaccine and the kibble-fed diet I had him on…if only I knew then what I know now his life would’ve been so much better, healthier and longer. Of that I’m certain.

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