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Will you trade a few minutes to write a letter in exchange for our vets emotional freedom? Write Dr. Phil about EFT as he is currently incensed about the pathetic psychological help that our PTSD ridden war vets receive. You can also email President-elect Obama with the same message. A third, and vitally important, email can be sent to info. This group can compile our many letters and present them to the new President. So, help rid the world of this PTSD scourge and give our vets the opportunity to live their lives in mental peace instead of enduring their endless nightmares, intrusive thoughts, anger, anxiety and the like.

You can create one letter and send it to all three places. Be sure to include a link to our impressive new vets video. http://www.emofree.com/splash/video_vets.asp and a link to the many validating studies in our scientific research section. http://www.emofree.com/res.htm

For New Subscribers: Useful info regarding this newsletter.

Helpful Items

Thought for the Day: "Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again." Arthur C. Clarke

Today's EFT Quote: "EFT is a priceless gift, that is certain to move history forward. It is already closing the gaps from where science leaves off." Sasha S. Stein, Ph.D.

Today's Humor: Circulatory Exam


Our EFT DVDs make ideal holiday gifts: What more meaningful gift could you give someone and still be easy on your bank account? Order our DVD Libraries and make up to 100 copies as gifts. Up to 50% discount available. How to order


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Featured Articles

Featured Article #1: EFT is instrumental in bringing a couple back together: Properly done, EFT can revolutionize relationship counseling. Carey Mann from the UK shows us one way to do this. Email Carey

Featured Article #2: Julie Howard uses EFT for being hard on herself: Listen in as Julie Howard from England takes a unique "second person" approach for a common problem. She says, "I have written the following in a second person sense, because Little Julie is my inner child and all these emotions are stored within me at her age and perspective. Adult me can understand and accept my Mum's behaviour, whereas Little Julie can't. So I tapped...." Email Julie

Featured Article #3: SURROGATE EFT calms a boy bitten by a dog and PERSISTENT EFT restores his calm sleep: Imagine how frightened you would be if, as a toddler, you were bitten in the face by a dog. How long would you retain the fear and how long would you have restless sleep? A month? A year? A lifetime? Fortunately, we can use EFT to collapse such traumas right away and avoid such long term limitations. Nancy Privett shows us how. Email Nancy

Past Articles from the EFT Website


A client gives a detailed account of what agoraphobia relief is like: Here is a marvelous example of what it is like to be agoraphobic and to have the problem lift with tapping. This detailed account comes from Jill Phillips, who was blockbound with agoraphobia for 22 years. She graphically portrays the severity of her former panic reaction and takes us inside the mental and emotional experience of having the problem vanish. Emotions, physical ailments and hidden issues: As we gain experience with EFT some of the more obvious "aha's" include, (1) clear evidence that our emotional issues and our physical ailments are linked and (2) how quickly new (hidden) issues come to the surface for treatment. Both of these are displayed in the following personal post which John Burik was kind enough to share with us. Agoraphobia and the "little anxiety guy": Stephani Fried gives us a first class example of digging up core issues in a difficult agoraphobia case. In my experience, the persistent detective often comes up with the healing trophy. S/he is the one who develops mastery after others have given up. Sleepy clients and compulsions: In this collection of questions and answers you will find helpful hints for 'taking the edge off' of deeply ingrained behaviors and compulsions, helping your clients acknowledge results, and a possible explanation or why clients might fall asleep in your office. First day at school apprehension, separation anxiety and an asthma attack: Dr. Mankinen offers these encouraging examples of applying EFT for children. In two of the three cases, he uses a creative surrogate technique that could be used in many cases. It seems that children are more open to accepting surrogate work, and maybe that's because their imaginations are still so powerful. However, surrogate EFT continues to surprise us with the consistency of its results. Two EFT success stories: pain & the opinions of others: Although many cases will require several EFT sessions, or more, for significant relief, and it's important to approach the process with that possibility in mind, there are still one minute wonders happening every day. With so many factors at work, it is impossible to identify why one issue vanishes immediately while others take more time. However, it is always encouraging to know that relief can truly be easy.

Other Items

To order the EFT DVDs go to: https://www.emofree.com/EFTStore

If you are having problems with our links or if you wish to view past newsletters (including this one) in our archives go to: http://www.emofree.com/archives.htm. If this link doesn't work with your system, then copy and paste it into your internet browser.











EFT Highlight Videos(Requires high speed connection)


EFT Introduction Video


Cigarette Cravings







Lessons From Our DVDs


There are many full length sessions in The EFT Course designed to make you proficient in the process. In this session, Marlys uses EFT to get over "love pain" ...an obsession over the loss of romantic relationships. The lessons learned here will enhance your success rate not only for yourself but also for those that you help.More details



The EFT Specialty Series 2 includes presentations by 8 EFT experts on such topics as Chronic Health Issues, Vision Issues, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Substance Sensitivities, Allergy Antidotes, Peak Performance, Trauma/PTSD and The Choices Method. In the photo at the left, author and ADD/ADHD expert Don Blackerby PhD walks you through what it is really like to have ADD. This experience lays the foundation for his creative methods (EFT and otherwise) for handling this problem. More Details

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